Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1539 Be Cannon Fodder

After the second wave of attacks ended, nearly 600 million monks of the Cang clan lost more than 100 million monks.


Just when they thought that the mountain protection formation was incapable of launching the third wave, they were shocked to find that the mountain protection formation collapsed directly.

But the sword body did not hesitate to destroy the mountain protection formation in order to force the third strike.

The third strike took away hundreds of thousands of fallen soldiers.

"There are top-level formation masters in Yanhuangzong."

"The other party easily took control of our Cang Clan's mountain protection formation."

"Fortunately, the mountain guard formation is now destroyed."

At this moment, a huge rune suddenly appeared above their heads, and the source of energy was the power of hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers from the ancestors of the Cang clan.

"You are mobilizing the power of the mountains and rivers of our Cang Clan's ancestral home. You are trying to destroy the foundation of our Cang Clan." Cang Lin said sadly.

Once the power of the mountains and rivers is drawn away, the luck of this place will also dissipate, and it will no longer be suitable to establish a sect here in the future.

"The Cang clan is about to end, and you still consider the foundation?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"You never thought of letting the Cang Clan go from the very beginning." Cang Lin pointed at Zhao Yang and said.

"No, at first I just wanted to kill Cang Zong, but later I learned that your Cang Clan is very hostile to my human race, so I wanted to uproot your Cang Clan." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Cang Lin pointed to the front and said, "The soldiers of the Cang clan will charge with me.


When millions of soldiers were about to charge, they were stopped by a natural barrier.

At this time, the array arranged by the sword body has taken shape.

"Eight Direction Imprisonment Formation." The sword body said in a deep voice, "Everyone, act quickly."

With the sound of the sword body falling, 30 soldiers rushed over like hungry wolves.




After two breaths, the Cang Clan's monks had resumed their actions, but at this time they had fallen to 200 million.

"Kill." Ten masters holding death scythes blasted out at the same time.

And after completing this blow, they invariably gave the death scythe in their hands to the master behind them.

After several consecutive blows like this, there are less than 100 million monks of the Cang clan who are still standing.

Cang Lin's heart is bleeding.

He realized that it was impossible to escape today anyway.


How to charge?

Yanhuangzong still maintains a strong combat power, and Zhao Yang and other masters haven't done anything yet?

"Master Zhao, give me a way to survive." Cang Lin said and knelt down on both knees.

He is begging.

Begging Zhao Yang to give him a way out.

He knew there was no point in continuing to fight.

"My lord, if you don't want to kill them, you might as well train them to be dead soldiers." Nightingale came to Zhao Yang and said softly.

"Dead man?"

"As long as you let them learn the basics of the imperial way, of course, the importance is definitely not as high as these 30 soldiers." Nightingale said in a low voice, "If you need cannon fodder in the future, just let them go."

Zhao Yang nodded after thinking about it, "Alright."

"Cang Lin, kill yourself." Zhao Yang said lightly, "After you kill yourself, I will keep these 80 soldiers."

"Really?" Cang Lin's eyes lit up.

"At this time, I don't need to lie to you." Zhao Yang looked at Cang Lin and said.

"I hope Mr. Zhao can abide by his oath." Cang Lin glanced at the 80 soldiers slowly after finishing his sentence, and then he bowed his neck and killed them.

After Cang Lin died, all 80 soldiers knelt down.

"Put down your weapons now, and follow me back to Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Most of the soldiers put weapons in their hands, but there were also some tough ones who wanted to continue fighting, and these thorns were killed immediately.

After the group returned to Yanhuangzong, Bai Lan hesitated and asked, "Master Zhao, where is Cang Zong?"

"You come with me."

Bai Lan followed Zhao Yang all the way to the prison cell, and she saw the Cangzong with the pipa bone pierced at a glance.

"Master Zhao, when did you catch it?" Bai Lan looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"The last time I went to Cang Zong's residence, although I said Cang Zong ran away,

But Cang Zong left behind his breath, I was good at tracking, and found him easily. " Zhao Yang said with a smile.

In fact, there is one more thing that Zhao Yang didn't say.

After he found Cang Zong, he didn't act immediately, but left a ray of divine sense on Cang Zong's body, and then secretly monitored him through the technique of stripping the cocoon.

When Cang Zong escaped from the sect, Zhao Yang asked the rabbit to catch him in the dungeon of Yanhuangzong.

"Cang Zong's cultivation has been abolished by me, so you can do whatever you want next?" Zhao Yang said and left here.

Bai Lan drew out a dagger, and she came to Cang Zong, "Do you still know me?"

"If you have the ability, you kill me." Cang Zong's eyes were full of fear, but his mouth was begging for death.

"I won't kill you so easily. I will take out your bones one by one, and then remove your soul lamp. I will make you endure this boundless pain day and night." Bai Lan said with deep hatred flowing in his eyes.

in the square.

80 unarmed soldiers of the Cang clan sat on the ground, surrounded by [-] well-armed soldiers of the Yanhuang sect.

"From today onwards, I will teach you higher-level exercises. Only those who have mastered a certain level can be given freedom. Otherwise, they can only stay here obediently." Nightingale looked at the 80 soldiers and said in a deep voice.

These soldiers were stunned.



Want to give us high-level cultivation techniques?

What do you think?

And after Nightingale taught the exercises to the Cang Clan monks below the fourth heaven of the God Control Realm, those monks were shocked to find that what Nightingale taught was really a high-level cultivation method.

"I don't know how much higher this skill is than the original skill of our Cang Clan?"

"I am sure that my combat power will increase several times after I succeed in training."

"Yanhuangzong wants to train us."

"At first, I was still hostile to Yanhuangzong, but now it seems that Yanhuangzong treats us well."

What they don't know is that as their practice deepens, they will no longer be hostile to Yanhuangzong, and they will also subtly change their beliefs.

As for why Nightingale is currently only targeting those below the fourth level of God Control Realm, it is mainly because Nightingale's current cultivation is only at the fourth level of God Control Realm.

"Suddenly found that the path you are taking is correct." Lin Caihan said softly when Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan were making inspections this day.

"What?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"The Yanhuangzong model in the Lower God Realm is not suitable for the Central God Realm." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Because there are not many who can come to the Central God Realm, and now the disciples of the Yanhuang Sect are all firm in their beliefs, so there is no need for us to spend our energy to train them." .”

"But it also has a downside."

"You mean Nightingale?"

(End of this chapter)

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