Modifying the formation is not a simple matter.

But the mountain guard formation of the Xian clan is only the fourth level of the upper god realm, which is not too difficult for the sword body.

It took two hours for the sword body to finally crack the center, and then it took another two hours to refine the mountain protection formation.

He came to the cloud boat panting.

"Now this mountain guard array is ours." Jian Ti said softly.

Bai Lan's pupils shrank.

Before, she thought that Jian Body was joking, but only now did she realize that what he said was true.

"Now this mountain guard formation has become a prison for the Xian clan." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I'll hurry up and take a rest." Jian Ti closed his eyes as he said that.

It was not until noon that the sword body recovered to its peak.

"It's time to make a move." The sword body opened his eyes and said lightly.

"I can't hold back anymore." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

When the figures of the two appeared in the Xian clan, the monks of the Xian clan were stunned.

what's the situation?

Why come again?

Immediately they burst into tears.

Because these two kill anyone they see.

The officers and soldiers of the Xian tribe found that they could not stop after struggling to resist, so they fled towards the outside one after another.

In the end, they were shocked to find that the mountain guard array stopped them.

"What's going on with the mountain guard formation?"

"Yeah, why did the mountain guard array intercept us?


Shouldn't Shanda array target the outside world? "

The monks of the Xian clan didn't understand, and they didn't understand, but they knew that they would probably perish here today.

"Since you can't run away, let's fight with him."

"Yes, we can consume energy to kill them."

It has to be said that the monks of the Xian clan were very naive, they thought they could kill Zhao Yang and Jian Ti just by their numbers.

Too bad they think too much.

Three hours later, there were no living monks in the entire Xian clan.

Zhao Yang and Jian Ti wandered around, taking all the resources they could take away, and then they left in a cloud boat.

"I don't know how the patriarch of the Xian clan will feel when he sees this scene?" Bai Lan said with emotion.

"Since you want to deal with me, you must be prepared to be killed." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Where are we going now?"

"Ruan Clan." Zhao Yang looked in the direction of the Ruan Clan and said leisurely.

"After the news of the destruction of the Xian clan spread, the Suzerain and the old suzerain of the Ruan clan probably couldn't sit still. I think they might go to the Ruan clan as soon as possible."

"Do you think the Cang Clan will let the Ruan Clan take away the strong man they finally invited?"

"You mean to let the two races grow dirty."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you have a dirty heart or not. With the help of my friend, I will not let these three clans go."

Cang clan!

As a disciple of the Xian family returned to the clan, when

After he saw the clan with corpses strewn across the field, he was shocked.

Immediately, he went to the Cang Clan immediately.

The Cang Clan is inviting all the powerful people at this time.

The disciple scrambled up to the head of the Xian clan, "Patriarch, the Xian clan is finished, millions of people have been killed."

"What?" The patriarch of the Xian clan paused for half a beat.

"What did you say?" the old chief of the Xian clan grabbed his collar and asked loudly.

"When I returned to the Cang Clan four hours ago, I found that all the Cang Clan had been killed." The disciple said bitterly.

The eyes of the old chief of the Xian clan turned red, "Who has the ability to kill all the Xian clan."

Immediately, the crowd followed the leader of the Xian clan to the Xian clan.

When they saw the scene in front of them, their hands and feet became cold.

They can defeat the Xian clan, but it is impossible to wipe out the Xian clan.

"There must be multiple masters who shot at the same time."

"I suspect there are even forces involved."

"But we didn't feel more breath here."

"Not good." At this moment, the patriarch of the Ruan clan suddenly thought of something.

"The opponent's next target will be our Ruan clan, right?" The old patriarch of the Ruan clan also said at this time.

"I would like to invite you to move to the Ruan clan." The head of the Ruan clan said hastily.

people can't help watching

To the patriarch of the Cang clan.

The patriarch of the Cang clan pondered for a while before nodding his head and said, "So, let's go to the Ruan clan first."

Everyone hurried towards the Ruan tribe, but after arriving at the Ruan tribe, they found that the Ruan tribe was calm.

"Can you rest assured now?" the Cang Clan patriarch looked at the Ruan Clan patriarch and said.

"No, maybe the other party is not ready to launch an attack yet." The head of the Ruan clan said in a deep voice, "I suggest that the strong ones present stay here."

"Where's the Cang Clan?" the head of the Cang Clan said with a grim expression.

"To be honest, what else does the Cang Clan have at present? What else is worth thinking about that kid?"

"I don't like to hear you say that. We agreed before that we will fight against that kid in the Cang Clan together."

"The problem is that the kid doesn't play his cards according to the routine now."

The patriarch of the Ruan clan said in a deep voice after hearing the quarrel between the two sides, "In this way, the people on our side will be divided into two halves for the time being. Whoever meets Zhao Yang will send a message as soon as possible, and then the experts from the other side will rush over quickly and start fighting." Gain as much time as possible before."

"If the words of the twelve masters are divided into two halves, with all due respect, we may not be able to stop Zhao Yang." The patriarch of the Cang clan said worriedly.

"Please again." The patriarch of the Ruan clan said harshly, "I am willing to spend all my wealth to invite two more masters. You two should also express it."

"We also invite two masters here." The patriarch of the Cang clan gritted his teeth and said


"We also invite two masters here." The chief of the Xian clan said after a moment of pondering.

After the two parties reached an agreement, they went to invite experts.

It didn't take long for six masters who were at the peak of the God Realm to come.

In this way, the three clans invited eighteen masters, nine of whom went to the Cang clan and nine to the Ruan clan.

"The Ruan clan invited so many masters this time?" Jian Ti said in surprise.

"How many?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"The nine gods are at the peak of the god realm."

"If you say that, there should be nine gods at the peak of the God Realm on the side of the Cang Clan." Zhao Yang said with a heartbeat.

"Then what do we do next?"

"Follow the previous plan."

Then Zhao Yang and Jian Ti rested silently, and in the middle of the night, Jian Ti went to the Ruan Clan's mountain protection formation, where he was modifying the Ruan Clan's mountain protection formation.

A few hours later, the sword turned back, "The Ruan Clan's mountain guard formation is stronger than that of the Xian Clan, so it took a little longer."

"Recover quickly." Zhao Yang urged.

Zhao Yang has almost recovered to his peak at this time.

At noon of the next day, the sword body completely recovered, and then the two easily passed through the mountain guard formation and came to the outside of the main meeting hall of the Ruan people.

"I'll sneak attack this, you sneak attack that." Zhao Yang and Jian Ti quickly found the target.

After the two looked at each other, they rushed towards the two outermost figures at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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