Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1521 Are you qualified?

"Is it suitable?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Very suitable, big brother." The little girl shouted sweetly.

"Big brother?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"Did I call you uncle?" the little girl asked with her head tilted.

"Hahaha, up to you." Zhao Yang led the little girl to line up again.

As a result, I saw two familiar figures in the process of queuing.

Ye Yulian and Ye Feiyan.

Zhao Yang noticed that Ye Yulian's cultivation has now reached the seventh level of God Control Realm. From this, it can be seen that Ye Yulian is really amazing, even though she is in a second-class sect, she has reached this level?

"This woman is not simple." The little girl looked at Ye Yulian, a light flashed in her eyes.

Relatively speaking, Ye Feiyan is very ordinary, and her cultivation can reach the second level of God Control Realm.

"The two beauties of the Juque Sect."

"Actually, Ye Feiyan cannot be compared with Ye Yulian."

"If Ye Yulian was born in one of the top ten sects, her current achievements would definitely be more than that."

"I wonder if Ye Yulian can come out on top this time?"

"It's not impossible."

"Do you think that the disciples carefully cultivated by the ten top sects are not good enough?"

Just when everyone was admiring, a chuckle sounded in the audience.

"Ye Yulian, long time no see."

then one

A young man in a brocade robe floated over amidst the gazes of the audience.

There was a faint smile on his face, and tenderness was written between his brows and eyes.

"Ling Yunhao, the young patriarch of the Four Seas Sect."

"I heard that Ling Yunhao has been pursuing Ye Yulian."

"Yes, but I heard that Ye Yulian has not agreed."

"If I were Ye Yulian, I wouldn't agree either. I must find a better one."

Ye Yulian followed Ling Yunhao's voice, and by coincidence, she saw Zhao Yang.

"Brother." Ye Yulian's face showed surprise.

She appeared in front of Zhao Yang with a flash.

Zhao Yang was stunned.

He had tried his best to hide his aura, but Ye Yulian never thought that he would still find out.

"You clearly know that I'm in the Juque Sect, so why haven't you looked for me?" Ye Yulian thought of something, and stared at Zhao Yang.

"You still have the nerve to talk about me." Zhao Yang said angrily, "I stayed in the Juque Sect for so long, but I didn't see you. Later, I went to the Flowing Water Sect and stayed in the Flowing Water Sect for a few years. I didn't see you looking for me either."

"Well... when you went to the Flowing Water Sect, I went into seclusion again. I just left the closed door a while ago. When I went to the Flowing Water Sect, the Flowing Water Sect said that you violated the rules and were expelled from the sect." Ye Yulian looked apologetic. said.

Ye Yulian is very grateful to Zhao Yang.

Had it not been for Zhao Yang

Help, God knows when she will recover?

"Since you have been kicked out by the Flowing Water Sect, you will follow my sister and me from now on." Ye Yulian said softly.

At this moment, Ling Yunhao's eyes were gloomy when he heard this, but he still walked over with a smile on his face, "Yulian, who is this?"

"My brother." Ye Yulian replied.

"Brother Ling." Hearing this, Ling Yunhao greeted Zhao Yang enthusiastically, "Little brother, I am Ling Yunhao, the young master of the Universal Sect. If you encounter trouble in the future, just report my name."

"We are not related by blood." What Ling Yunhao didn't expect was that Zhao Yang said this sentence.

Ling Yunhao's expression at this time was as if he had eaten a dead child.

"Brother, do you want to watch the competition of the younger generation?" Ye Yulian didn't care about Ling Yunhao at all, so she didn't care about Ling Yunhao's mood at the moment.

"Yes, I want to see it." Zhao Yang nodded.

He did not reveal his cultivation in front of Ye Yulian.

"Then follow me, I'll take you in." Ye Yulian said softly.

It was at this moment that Ye Yulian saw the little girl Zhao Yang was leading, "Who is this?"

"The younger sister I just adopted." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Then let's go in together." Ye Yulian said softly.

Ye Yulian is now the existence of the seventh heaven of God Control Realm, so she easily

So I took Zhao Yang and the little girl in.

At this time, the Heavenly Wolf Sect is full of disciples from all major forces.

They were chatting in groups of three or four.

"In addition to the ten top sects and nearly a hundred mid-level sects, the disciples who came here this time also have many forces that can be compared with the sects. The genius of the pavilion." Ye Yulian introduced to Zhao Yang.

" many people named Zhao Yang are there in the Flowing Water Sect?" Ye Feiyan asked cautiously at this time.

"What do you mean?" Ye Yulian looked at Ye Feiyan puzzled.

"A few years ago in Liushuizong, there appeared a heavenly genius named Zhao Yang. It is said that later on, this man has a fierce sword in his hand. Even a strong man in the upper god realm can be killed at will." Ye Feiyan said The eyes looking at Zhao Yang here are full of fear.

"Do you think it might be my younger brother?" Ye Yulian said speechlessly.

"No brain at all." Zhao Yang glanced at Ye Feiyan.

"That's right, if my brother has a fierce sword, do you think Liu Shuizong might drive him out of the mountain gate?" Ye Feiyan's words made Ye Feiyan realize that she might have made an oolong, but then she thought of something, she looked at Zhao Yang viciously He said, "Who are you saying has no brains?"

"Don't you think you have a brain? Do you know how long it will take for the monk's belly to grow? Your maid framed you, but if you have a little

It's impossible to believe it. " Zhao Yang said angrily.

Ye Feiyan opened her mouth, she really didn't know how to refute?

"I have already reprimanded her and put her in confinement." Ye Yulian said softly, "Brother, do me a favor and let this matter go."

"For my sister's sake, I'll let you off this time." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"You..." Ye Feiyan stomped her feet angrily.

Ye Yulian has many friends.

Soon she was invited by the young master of a medium sect to chat in a courtyard.

There are also some monks from middle sects here.

When they heard that Zhao Yang was a casual cultivator, they immediately lost interest in chatting with Zhao Yang.

Before chatting for a long time, Ling Yunhao walked in with two young people.

The monks present stood up and saluted Ling Yunhao. After all, Ling Yunhao's identity was there, and no one present could compare to him.

After Ling Yunhao took his seat, he deliberately brought the topic to Ye Yulian. Those present could also see what Ling Yunhao meant for Ye Yulian, so everyone cooperated one by one.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Zhao Yang ate here on his own.

And the little girl is willing to come to replenish the energy in her body.

"Whose child is this? Does he have quality?" At this moment, a young man who followed Ling Yunhao frowned and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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