Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1509 Wine Sword God

"Wang Yuyan means to let me protect the Wang family for three months?"

"After the Asura Order appears, the other party will be given a month's preparation time, and the harvest will be carried out as soon as the time is up. I think Wang Yuyan only said it for three months just in case."

"How many drops of jade pulp does Wang Yuyan have?"

"Three drops."

"I'm ready to go."

"Aren't you interested in the competition of the younger generation?"

"Just now you said that the Promise Sect is coming? Is the Promise Sect the sect of the Upper God Realm?"

"Yeah, I heard that those who won the top ten this time will have generous rewards."

"Not interested." Zhao Yang refused.

He didn't think about becoming famous.

"Do you want me to secretly send a few masters to follow you?" Su Wenhao asked.

"No need." Zhao Yang refused, "The Alchemy Association still maintains a neutral stance."

"You are Dange's law enforcement history, we can change our posture."

"Don't worry, I won't die so easily." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Now that Zhao Yang's cultivation is already at the sixth level of God Control Realm, he is confident that the so-called Shura organization can't do anything to him.

Furthermore, Zhao Yang is not without cards.

After more than a year of practice, he has already shown his sharpness.

It is still possible to span several days.

Misty Rain Building!

This is the place Wang Yuyan agreed with Zhao Yang.

In a box.

Wang Yuyan drank the tea and waited quietly.

"Miss, do you think the Alchemy Association accepted your list as a master?"

"The other party clearly knows that it is the Asura Order, but the other party still dares to take my order. I think it is a bit of real talent." Wang Yuyan put down the teacup and said lightly.

During this period of time, the Wang family spent a lot of money to find many experts.

Wang Yuyan also wants to contribute to the family.

She knew very well that once the Shura order came out, the entire Wang family would not be able to escape, including her.

And at this moment the door of the box knocked.

Wang Yuyan got up, and the maid went to open the door.

Both of them were stunned when they saw such a young boy.

"Who are you looking for?" the maid asked suspiciously.

"I'm looking for Wang Yuyan."

"Is there anything you can do with my lady?" The maid was startled.

"Your lady asked me to meet here." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Are you the one who took my lady to issue the mission?" The maid stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

No matter how you look at it, Zhao Yang doesn't look like a master.

The main reason is that Zhao Yang is too young.

"It's not like it?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"Please." Wang Yuyan came over at this moment, and she invited Zhao Yang to take a seat.

After the two parties were seated, the maid poured a cup of tea for Zhao Yang.

"Master Zhao, do you know the difficulty of this task?"


The Asura Order has been issued a total of nine times, and no force has escaped so far. "Zhao Yang said softly, "I read some content of the Asura Order on the way here, and the strongest force killed by the Asura Order is the Qingluomen, and the strongest existence of the Qingluomen is the Seventh Heaven of the Yushen Realm. "

"That's right, all those in the seventh heaven of the Yushen Realm have been killed, so Mr. Zhao, are you sure you are sure?" Wang Yuyan looked at Zhao Yang and said seriously, "I made it very clear when I released the mission, you must guarantee I will be safe for three months, and then I will give you the jade pulp."

"I won't joke about my life." Zhao Yang said lightly, "How long is it until one month?"

"There is still half a month."

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Young Master Zhao, follow me to the family." Wang Yuyan looked at Zhao Yang's calmness, and a sliver of hope could not help but surge in his heart. Maybe Zhao Yang has real talents and real learning.

"it is good."

The Wang family is an aristocratic family of formations. Over the years, they have helped some forces build mountain protection formations or repair formations. I don’t know how much money they have made in these years.

Among them, the strongest member of the Wang family is Wang Taizhong, the old man of the Wang family, but Wang Taizhong's cultivation is only the fifth level of the God Control Realm, and Wang Taizhong's three sons are only the third level and the fourth level of the God Control Realm.

Wang Yuyan and the other three generations have just set foot in the realm of Yushen Realm.

In fact, this lineup is already very strong, and Luo Yuezong is only this lineup.

After Wang Yuyan brought Zhao Yang to Wang's house, he found that there were many monks entering and leaving Wang's house.

"Yuyan, where have you been?" Wang Yaolei asked softly.

Wang Yaolei is the third son of Wang Taizhong and the father of Wang Yuyan.

"Father, I have invited a master, Mr. Zhao." Wang Yuyan introduced to Wang Yaolei.

After looking at Zhao Yang, Wang Yaolei frowned and said, "Yuyan, aren't you messing around? Don't you know what the Wang family is facing? You can just invite the middle-aged generation, why are you inviting the younger generation? "

"Father, can you see through his cultivation?" Wang Yuyan said in a low voice, "I found that his breath is mellow, and I'm afraid he is a master."

"There are too many artifacts that can cover up one's own cultivation these days, which is not surprising." Wang Yaolei walked up to Zhao Yang when he said this, "Little brother, you should stop participating in this matter. To be honest, this paragraph Time Wang's family has invited many experts, but I still don't know what to do, don't lose your life in vain."

"This time I'm here for jade pulp." Zhao Yang said softly, "I won't leave if I don't get jade pulp."

"Jade pulp?" Wang Yaolei pondered for a moment, looked at Wang Yuyan and said, "Yuyan, give him a drop."

Zhao Yang was moved.

He knows how precious jade pulp is?

But now Wang Yaolei said he would give him a drop?

"Thank you for your kindness, but I want three drops." Zhao

Yang smiled and refused.

"You kid, why don't you listen to persuasion? The Wang family has to rely on the other two drops to invite the masters of the older generation, and the Wang family can't give you all." Wang Yaolei said angrily.

"For you to give me a drop of jade syrup, I will protect the Wang family." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"I really want to know what qualifications you have to protect the Wang family?" Zhao Yang's voice was followed by a cold voice that resounded in the audience, and then a young man stepped on a gourd and jumped down in the air.

"The disciple of the Wine Sword God, Lu Qingming."

"Lu Qingming can be ranked among the top fifty among the younger generation."

"The fifth level of the God Realm."

"Lu Qingming is indeed qualified to ignore this kid."

"Look, the Wine Sword God is here too."

"The Wine Sword God is the existence of the seventh heaven of God Control Realm, this time the Wang family is saved."

"The Sword God of Wine has a high level of cultivation, so he may be able to stop Shura."

When the senior members of the Wang family heard that the Wine Sword God was coming, they all stepped out of the gate to welcome the Wine Sword God.

Lu Qingming came to Zhao Yang with a smile, "I really want to know why you are?"

"Lu Qingming, Mr. Zhao was invited by me." Wang Yuyan stood in front of Zhao Yang, "You must not disrespect him."

"Wang Yuyan, do you know that my master wouldn't have come if it wasn't for me." Lu Qingming's face darkened when he heard this, "Do you believe that my master can leave with just one word?"

(End of this chapter)

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