Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1507 There may be future troubles

"Little aunt, maybe you don't know that my master died at my hands?" Liang Chengjiang laughed loudly.

Luo Qianyu had an unbelievable look on his face, "It's you?"

"That's right, it's me. Originally, I thought that I would poison you after killing Master, but I never expected that the cultivation base of both of you is higher than I imagined. At that time, I had to give up that idea. At this point, there was a greedy look in his eyes, "Today I will finally get my wish, Luo Qianyu, I will guard the face of your sect disciples and play with you well."

Luo Qianyu looked at Liang Chengjiang in a daze.

Didn't she expect her nephew to be so dirty?

"There are so many masters in my Luoyue Sect, do you think you can handle us?" Luo Qianyu said after calming down for a while.

"Luo Qianyu, do you think you are safe and sound?" Liang Chengjiang looked at Luo Qianyu jokingly and said, "I poisoned the tea of ​​those disciples who went crazy just now, but you have bathed in the clear spring, and now it is deep water. suffer from it."

Luo Qianyu couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

If it weren't for Zhao Yang, Luoyuezong would have fallen into Liang Chengjiang's hands.

"Why did the second elder commit suicide?"

"Second Elder happened to catch me poisoning her by chance, but she was easily manipulated by me. I threatened her to expose my existence, and I would turn Luoyuezong into a Shura field." Liang Chengjiang said

Let everyone understand why the Second Elder would rather die than let Zhao Yang check her memory.

The Second Elder knew very well that once Zhao Yang found out, Liang Chengjiang would probably ruthlessly destroy Luo Yuezong.

At that time, she had no hope for Zhao Yang.

"Since this is the case, then you can go to die?" Luo Qianyu rushed towards Liang Chengjiang.

With Liang Chengjiang's handprint, he stimulated the leech in Luo Qianyu's body.

But what shocked him was that Luo Qianyu didn't respond at all.

"When did you get rid of the leech?" Liang Chengjiang stared at Luo Qianyu dumbfounded.

"Go to hell." Luo Qianyu wanted to smash Liang Chengjiang's corpse into thousands of pieces.

The two sides were at each other's throats.

Luo Qianyu's moves all carried an astonishing murderous intent, but he still couldn't take down Liang Chengjiang.

"Luo Qianyu, so what if you detoxify? You are still not my opponent?" Liang Chengjiang sneered after forcing Luo Qianyu back with a palm, "If you don't follow me, I will send your Luoyuezong Kill up and down clean."

Just as Luo Qianyu was about to step forward, another figure passed her and rushed towards Liang Chengjiang.

"Bastard, even I dare to plot." It was Luo Qianying who had a bad temper.

However, Luo Qianying was still not Liang Chengjiang's opponent. After seeing this scene, Luo Qianyu also joined the battle group.

The second girl shot fiercely and didn't even defend herself.

But Liang Cheng

Jiang was very scrupulous, he didn't dare to attack with all his strength, after all the elders of Luoyue Sect and Sunset Sect were watching all around, and as long as his side showed any signs of weakness, they would rush forward.

So he found an opportunity, and fled towards the distance with all his might.

Many elders teamed up and failed to stop his way. When he was about to escape, a force of mountains and rivers turned into an indestructible barrier to stop his way.

"The power of mountains and rivers, the power of formations." Liang Chengjiang, who was stopped, showed a look of surprise in his eyes, "Who is it?"

Surprised expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

Who has such a high attainment in formation, who can stop Liang Chengjiang from the sixth heaven of the God Realm?


The power of the mountains and rivers turned into a thunderbolt and slammed down towards Liang Chengjiang.

Even though Liang Chengjiang dodged the first time, he was still smashed to the ground.

"It's you?" Liang Chengjiang saw Zhao Yang who was pinching the seal.

Zhao Yang looked at Liang Chengjiang indifferently, and the moment the talisman was formed, a second thunderbolt fell towards him.

After the second blow, Liang Chengjiang was severely injured and sat paralyzed on the ground.

After three blows, Liang Chengjiang foamed at his mouth, and it seemed that he was dying.

"I leave it to you." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Liang Chengjiang, how do you want to die?" Luo Qianyu came to Liang Chengjiang and said coldly.

"If it wasn't for that guy who ruined my good deeds,

At this point I have tasted your taste. "Liang Chengjiang said struggling to stand up, but unfortunately he couldn't even do this most basic movement at this time, "I hate it. "

"Kill it." Luo Qianying said viciously.

It's all this guy, otherwise how could the two sects start a war?How could so many disciples be killed or injured?

Luo Qianyu's sword ended his life.

"Bury it." Luo Qianyu said lightly.

"Buried?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "Have you forgotten what I told you before?"

"What?" Luo Qianyu looked at Zhao Yang in confusion.

"There are female leeches in this guy's body, and this guy is full of poison. If you bury him, are you going to turn the Luoyuezong into a Jedi?"

Only then did Luo Qianyu realize that he almost caused a catastrophe.

"Do you care that he is your nephew, does he care that you are his aunt?" Zhao Yang said as he waved his hand, and the raging flames ignited Liang Chengjiang's body.

Soon the flames burned Liang Chengjiang to the ground.

But what surprised everyone was that one worm was still struggling in the ashes.

"I want to see how good you are?" Zhao Yang said, increasing his firepower.

And this flame Luo Qianyu and others couldn't bear it and retreated one after another.

But the female leech was still struggling.

"Damn it." Zhao Yang used the magic spell of plus sign.

After using the plus magic, Zhao

Yang's cultivation base increased, and at the same time, the power of the flames also increased several times.

After several minutes passed like this, the bug was burned to ashes.

"Fortunately, there is Mr. Zhao." Luo Qianying said with lingering fear.

"The Gu technique is indeed terrifying." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Zhao, there won't be a master behind Liang Chengjiang, right?" Luo Qianyu asked suddenly.

"How do I know that?" Zhao Yang shook his head.

Luo Qianying's face was a little uneasy, "Luo Qianyu, don't scare me."

"I'm just guessing." Luo Qianyu said softly.

"Why do I feel that this matter may not be over yet." Luo Qianying looked at Zhao Yang pitifully and said, "Young Master Zhao, you can't sit idly by then."

"I'm not the nanny of your sect." Zhao Yang said angrily, "Why, I still have to be in charge of your future?"

Luo Qianying smiled wryly.

"By the way, where is the good fortune stele of your sect?" Zhao Yang looked at Luo Qianyu and asked.

"Why are you asking this?" Luo Qianyu asked puzzled.

"I have established a sect, and I want to make a rubbing copy."

"What sect? Then we have to give a congratulatory gift?" Luo Qianyu said hastily.

"That's right, Mr. Zhao, you have to call us when you open the sect ceremony." Luo Qianying said with a smile, "I will bring the masters of the sect to cheer you on then."

(End of this chapter)

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