Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1488 I recognize Su Wenhao

Yu Mei was shocked when she heard this, "No, no, no."

And at this moment a figure rushed in, who else could it be if it wasn't Murong Huansha?

"Huansha." Murong Longcheng's eyes lit up when he saw Murong Huansha.

"Father, how are you?" Murong Huansha said and tears fell.

"Huansha, I have something to tell you." Murong Longcheng was interrupted by Murong Huansha just as he said this, "Father, this time I brought a genius doctor." Murong Huansha said as Zhao Yang walked away come over.

Just as Zhao Yang was about to speak, two figures walked in from the outside.

"Huansha, you're here too." One of the figures said.

The one who spoke was a handsome young man, his eyes lit up when he saw Murong Huansha.

"Liu Nan, what's the matter?" Murong Huansha said indifferently.

Liu Nan has been pursuing Murong Huansha all these years, but Murong Huansha doesn't like him.

"Huansha, this time I invited Zhou Hai, the master of the alchemy hall of Wu Chaozong."

Hearing this, Yu Mei's face showed excitement, and she hurriedly came to Zhou Zhouhai, "Master Zhou, please save my husband quickly."

"Your Murong family seems to have invited a genius doctor." Zhou Hai said indifferently.

"What kind of genius doctor is this kid?" Yu Mei said without thinking.

"Aunt, be careful with your words." Murong Huansha changed color and said.

Zhao Yang can take out the Shangshen flower at will. If he has no certain background, how can Murong Huansha believe it?

"Huansha, do you think this guy is a genius doctor? You won't be fooled by this guy, right?" Yu Mei said softly.

"That's right, Huansha, this guy is acting like a fool, he doesn't look like a good person." Liu Nan echoed.

"Who are you talking about?" Nightingale took a step forward, her phoenix eyes filled with anger, and she angrily scolded.

"How dare a little maid shout loudly in front of me?" Liu Nan said here, the overwhelming spiritual thoughts spread towards Nightingale, and Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts came in a flash at the moment when he was about to fall on Nightingale.


The two divine senses collided in mid-air.

Without the imaginary needle point confronting Maimang, Zhao Yang's divine sense easily defeated the opponent, and then drove straight in, blasting directly into his sea of ​​consciousness.

With a wow, Liu Nan spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you getting impatient for doing something to my maid?" Zhao Yang shouted loudly.

" you know who I am?" Liu Nan asked Zhao Yang with a gloomy expression.

"Does it matter who you are?" Zhao Yang said lazily.

"Do you know that Liu Nan is a distinguished guest of my Murong family?" Yu Mei stepped forward at this time.

In her heart, Liu Nan is much more important than Zhao Yang.

"Auntie, Mr. Zhao is my

honored guest. "Nightingale said in a deep voice.

"You...You girl, why don't you know what's good or bad?" Yu Mei stared at Nightingale angrily, "Don't you know Mr. Liu has invited Master Zhou Haizhou?"

"Young Master Zhao can invite the senior management of the Alchemy Association." Nightingale looked at Yu Mei and said.

"Invite the high-level alchemy association? Haha." Zhou Hai laughed when he heard this, "There is no such person as you in the alchemy association, right? Could it be that you are the illegitimate son of some high-level alchemist? Let me guess, the eighth elder Or the Seventh Elder?"

Zhou Hai's words made Liu Nan laugh out loud, and Yu Mei also pursed her lips and laughed.

"Do you think you are very humorous?" Zhao Yang looked at Zhou Haidao coldly.

"Is there?" Zhou Zhouhai looked at Zhao Yang playfully.

"Thursday Hai, I can put my words here, you will die, and you will die very badly." Zhao Yang said every word.

Zhou Hai's face suddenly darkened.

"Do you want to die?"

Seeing that Zhou Zhouhai was about to get angry, Murong Huansha hurriedly stood in the way, "Master Zhou, please show me some face."

"Miss Murong, I'm afraid I can't give you face." Zhou Hai said indifferently, "Today there is him without me."

Murong Huansha suddenly became embarrassed.

"It seems that Miss Murong is difficult to choose, so don't choose." Zhou Zhouhai raised his feet and walked outside.

"Huansha, do you know how much energy I spent to invite Sectional Master Zhou?" Liu Nan said with a wry smile.

"Master Zhou, please stay still." Yu Mei hurriedly called Zhou Zhouhai.

"I still say the same thing, here is me but not him." Zhou Zhouhai pointed at Zhao Yang and said indifferently.

"You can go." No one expected that Murong Huansha would say such words.

"Huansha, are you crazy?" Yu Mei stared at Murong Huansha dumbfounded and asked, "Do you know what it means to drive Sectional Master Zhou away?"

"It's not your turn to be the master of this family." Murong Huansha scolded Yu Mei.

Yu Mei was stunned.

She didn't expect the always gentle Murong Huansha to say such a thing?

"Miss Murong, I admire your courage." Zhou Hai pulled a bench and sat down. "I want to see how this kid cured your father?"

Murong Huansha walked up to Zhao Yang and said softly, "Please trouble Mr. Zhao."

"You trust me so much, how can I let you down?" Zhao Yang came to Murong Longcheng, "I want to check."

Murong Longcheng looked at Zhao Yang with interest.

He really wanted to know what magical ability Zhao Yang, who was so valued by his daughter, had?

"Please." Murong Longcheng said with a smile.

After Zhao Yang inspected it, he said with a sullen face, "You hit

It is the poison of exile. "

"The poison of exile?" Hearing these four words, Zhou Hai's expression changed involuntarily.

"Master Zhou, is the poison of exile terrible?" Yu Mei asked involuntarily.

"The poison of exile is known as one of the top ten strange poisons in Central God's Domain. I don't think anyone is capable of detoxifying it except for the nine elders of the Alchemy General Pavilion." Zhou Hai said in a deep voice.

The implication is that I have no choice.

"However, the poison of exile is very rare. I'm not sure if it is the poison of exile in Murong Longcheng?" Zhou Hai changed his voice.

"You are the first alchemist who diagnosed me as being poisoned by exile." At this moment, Murong Longcheng said these words slowly.

Yu Mei looked at Murong Longcheng Road in astonishment, "Husband, are you really poisoned by exile?"

Murong Longcheng nodded lightly, "I knew it when I was poisoned that day."

Yu Mei's complexion suddenly collapsed.

Zhou Zhouhai made it very clear, except for the nine elders of the Alchemy General Pavilion, no one has that qualification.

"Master Zhao, can you invite the nine elders of the Alchemy General Pavilion to come?" Murong Huansha hesitated and asked softly.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Just now I have notified the Sixth Elder Su Wenhao to come."

"Are you kidding me?" Liu Nan sneered at this time, "Elder Su has a high position and authority, how can you invite him with just one word?"

(End of this chapter)

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