The monks in the audience were shocked to see Tuoba Diamond wandering naked in the Zongmen.

This matter was soon reported to the Sixth Elder, Tuoba Yunteng.

Tuoba Yunteng immediately found Tuoba Diamond after learning about this incident.

"Still awake?" He could tell at a glance that Tuoba Diamond had been tricked.

Tuoba Diamond gave a jolt, then woke up, and then he found himself naked.

"Uncle, what happened?" Tuoba Diamond asked hastily, covering important parts.

"I should ask you about this." Tuoba Yunteng said angrily.

"I went to find Zhao Yang's trouble just now." Speaking of this, Tuoba Diamond seemed to realize something, "That kid is cheating on me."

"You still have some brains." Tuoba Yunteng said and took Tuoba Diamond to Zhao Yang's courtyard.

At the gate of the courtyard, Tuoba Yunteng scolded, "Zhao Yang, get out."

"Tuoba Yunteng, as the sixth elder of the Liushui Sect, you let a true disciple get out in public. I really want to know who gave you the right?" Zhao Yang said with a face full of sarcasm, "Or Said that you think your father is the old suzerain, so you can do whatever you want in the sect?"

There is nothing wrong with what Zhao Yang said.

The problem is that you can't say it publicly.

"Zhao Yang, don't spout blood." Tuoba Yunteng pointed at Zhao Yang angrily.

"Hehe, may I ask why you came to Aolai Peak?"

"Shall I seek justice for Tuoba Diamond?"

"Tuoba Diamond scolded the street in front of my courtyard gate, I just took the initiative to teach him a lesson, is there a problem?" Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, "How can this incident alarm you?"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yang looked at Tuoba Diamond sarcastically, "You are really promising, this is a fight and you lost, so ask your parents to help you out?"

"Who is the parent?" Tuoba Diamond blushed.

Zhao Yang pointed at Tuoba Yunteng, "Then can you explain to me?"

Tuoba Diamond opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Sixth elder, who asked you to come forward when the children were fighting?" At this time, the first elder of Liushui Sect rushed over, and she mercilessly reprimanded the sixth elder.

Tuoba Yunteng's expression changed a few times, but he finally turned around and left.

"Great Elder, it just so happens that you are here, I don't accept it." At this moment a man stood up.

"What are you dissatisfied with?" the Great Elder said calmly.

"There are so many true disciples in the sect, why let him go?" the man said angrily.


"I'm not convinced either."

"Unless he can beat me." Soon one after another true disciples stood up.

The Great Elder looked at Zhao Yang involuntarily, "Zhao Yang, how do you solve it?"

"You want to challenge me, yes, I will give you a chance, but you challenge me for nothing." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"What do you mean?" asked the first man to stand up.

"One hundred thousand sacred stones." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Let's bet on one hundred thousand sacred stones. If you win me, I will give you one hundred thousand. If you lose, you will give me one hundred thousand."

Hearing this number, everyone clicked their tongues.

For a cultivator in the sixth heaven of the Yuanshen Realm, this is not a small sum.

"You set the difficulty on purpose." A girl said dissatisfied.

"Can't you borrow it?" Zhao Yang looked at the girl as if he was looking at a silly beep, "Going to the secret realm is the decision of the sect, I don't have to talk to you, now I give you a chance, and you guys don't care about it. Say I set the difficulty on purpose?"

"If you lose, that quota will be mine." The man stared at Zhao Yang and said.


"I bet you." The man said after thinking about it.

"You take out the [-] divine stone first, and put it in my yard." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"I don't have that much right now, so if I lose, I'll borrow it." The man said immediately.

Zhao Yang shook his head, "There are still three months before the opening of the secret realm, you can take advantage of these three months to borrow, when will you borrow it, and when will you start." As soon as Zhao Yang waved his hand, a hundred thousand god stones appeared in the yard .

"Mine have already been taken out."

Seeing this scene, some of the monks retreated. After all, Zhao Yang was too confident.

"You wait here."

"I'm going to raise money."


Soon several monks from the sixth heaven left.

These guys are confident.

They are confident that Zhao Yang is not their opponent.

Soon two men and one girl took out one hundred thousand god stones one after another.

"Is it alright?"

"Okay." Zhao Yang glanced at the three of them and said, "Whoever comes first."

"I'll come first."

"I'll come first."

"I raised the money first," the girl said.

Hearing this, the two men were embarrassed to fight again.

It seemed that the girl had won in their hearts.

What the girl used was a sword art.

Her body skills are very light, but her sword skills are very sharp.

Zhao Yang was in danger under the opponent's offensive, and was almost not stabbed several times.

But in the end, the girl gave up because of insufficient energy in her body.

"Just a little bit." The girl said regretfully.

"Haha, Junior Sister Luoying, it looks like the hundred thousand is mine." Luo Xiang said excitedly.

"Why is it yours?" Zhang Jie stared at Luo Xiang and said, "The next competition is up to me."

"You come one by one." Zhao Yang said and sat down cross-legged, "I have to recover."

Neither of them had an opinion.

Just now, Zhao Yang fought a big battle, which consumed too much.

An hour later, Zhao Yang stood up, "Have you two discussed it?"

"I'll come first." Luo Xiang stood up.

Luo Xiang used the knife technique.

His sword technique emphasizes a fierce and domineering one.

Zhao Yang retreated steadily under Luo Xiang's sword technique, but he was right with Xiaoqiang, and he was undefeated.

And a very important disadvantage of domineering is that it can't last long.

Within thirty strokes, the energy in Luo Xiang's body was exhausted.

"I lost." Luo Xiang's face was full of unwillingness.

Zhao Yang patted his chest with lingering fear, "It's so dangerous."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jie laughed loudly and said, "Zhao Yang, let me tell you that you are finished."

"How to say?"

"You'll find out later."

An hour later, when Zhao Yang and Zhang Jie collided, did he understand why he said that?

Zhang Jie is fast, like a ghost, and this guy is practicing the way of assassination.

He never duels with you head-on, but strikes at you secretly.

But what Zhang Jie didn't expect was that Zhao Yang directly used a fierce style of attack. Although he didn't lock Zhang Jie's figure with more than a dozen moves, he locked in the No.14 move.

Next came the attack of the storm.

In the end, Zhang Jie lost.

Looking at the miserable Zhang Jie, Luo Xiang laughed loudly and said, "Zhang Jie, I didn't expect you to lose too."

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