Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1443 The Power of Living God

"how to use?"

"Just put your hands on the stele of fortune."

"Is there only one chance in a lifetime?"


Zhao Yang took a deep breath, and then put his hands on the Stele of Creation.

The next moment his body disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already in a void space.

"Is this the inside of the Creation Stele?" Zhao Yang asked, looking around the audience.

"Your origin seems to be severely damaged?" At this moment, a gentle voice rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

"Nine-tenths of my origin is lost." Zhao Yang said frankly after thinking about it.

"Here is an original fruit, which can make up for the original source you lost." The voice fell in front of Zhao Yang, and a red fruit appeared in front of him.

"Am I eating here?"

"Do you still want to go out to eat? Then reveal your background?"

Zhao Yang quickly swallowed the fruit when he heard this.

When this fruit entered Zhao Yang's body, the surging original power quickly filled Zhao Yang's body.

His background continued to skyrocket on the basis of the original.



three times!

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang's origin to return to its former peak state.

He felt that he was more than ten times stronger than before.

"This is the feeling of strength." Zhao Yang said excitedly.

"You practice what seems to be the art of body refining?"

"Nine Turns to Tongxuan Art."

"Jiuxuan Tongxuan Gong is a powerful body training technique, but this body training technique also locks your stepping." That voice rang in Zhao Yang's ears.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Have you heard of the plus sign magic?"

"I have heard of it, but I heard that the plus sign magic is a tasteless one."

"That's what an ignorant person would say. Plus sign magic has never been tasteless, but no one continues to deduce it." The voice said that there was a plus sign in Zhao Yang's mind.

"Have a good understanding of this plus magic, it can break the confinement of the nine-turn tongxuan kung fu, and allow you to cross more realms."

"Thank you." Zhao Yang quickly expressed his thanks to the other party.

He didn't expect that not only did he complete his original origin in the stele of good fortune, but he also got a real plus magic.

"I noticed that you got the power of death."

"Accidentally got the power of death."

"Then I'll give you the power of life." The voice said that Zhao Yang felt a scorching heat in his palm, and then he saw a brand on his palm.

"When you mobilize the brand mark, you can mobilize the power of life."

"Senior, what is the use of the power of life?"

"You can ask the guy inside you that question."

When Zhao Yang was about to ask something, he found that he had already appeared outside the Stele of Good Fortune.

"How long have I been in?" Zhao Yang looked at Ye Feiyan beside him and asked.

"Half a quarter of an hour." Ye Feiyan looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously when she said this, "What fortune have you got?"

"A heaven-defying good fortune."

Ye Feiyan rolled Zhao Yang's eyes and said, "If you had obtained a heaven-defying fortune, the stele of fortune would have responded."

"Where's Ye Yulian?"

"My cousin is still in retreat, I'll take you to the certification first."

"just forget it."

"This is the rule of the sect, and my cousin is not easy to violate."


After a while, Ye Feiyan brought Zhao Yang to the place where the sect tested its potential.

"Just put your hand on it."

Zhao Yang put his big hand on the stone, he felt the stone shake slightly, and then fine cracks appeared on the stone.

But Ye Feiyan and the testers didn't know.

They stared at the stone and looked at it.

As a result, there was no reaction.

"Feiyan, this friend of yours hasn't even reached the Heavenly God Realm." The person in charge of the test said helplessly.

"But his cultivation has already reached the peak of the Heavenly God Realm." Ye Feiyan emphasized.

"Then do you know how he achieved it?" The officer blinked at Ye Feiyan.

"You mean he was promoted to such a level by relying on pills?" Ye Feiyan suddenly realized.

The person laughed without saying a word.

Ye Feiyan looked at Zhao Yang with complicated eyes and said, "How can I arrange for you in this situation?"

"Anyway, he's already in the Heavenly God Realm. Why don't you let him be an outer disciple?" The staff member said after thinking about it.

"That's the only way." Ye Feiyan said after thinking about it.

"Wait." Just when Ye Feiyan wanted to verify his identity with Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang hurriedly said, "I came to Juque Sect mainly to meet Ye Yulian, I never thought of becoming a disciple of Juque Sect."

Outer disciple?

Zhao Yang is not interested at all.

"Forget it, in this case, you follow me first." Ye Feiyan said after thinking about it.

Ye Feiyan brought Zhao Yang to her courtyard.

As a true disciple of the Juque Sect, Ye Feiyan has many handymen.

The arrival of Zhao Yang caught the attention of those handymen.

"Miss, this is...?" A girl asked curiously.

"How should I put it, he will live here for the next period of time." Ye Feiyan didn't know how to locate Zhao Yang's identity.


If Zhao Yang can set foot in Yuanshen Realm in the future, then Zhao Yang still has certain qualifications.

But at present, it seems that it is absolutely impossible for Zhao Yang to set foot in Yuanshen Realm.

Zhao Yang found a room after looking around, "I will live here from now on."

"This is my room." A girl in purple said hurriedly.

"If you want to sleep with me, I don't care." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Forget it, I'd better clean up." The girl in purple was startled.

After arriving at the room of the girl in purple, Zhao Yang set up restrictions around her.

Then he awakened the Nine Swords.

"Old guy, what's the use of the power of life?"

"The power of the god of life contains a steady stream of power of life, and the power of life is the greatest power in the world." Ninefold Sword said lightly, "Let's put it this way, you have the power of the god of life, you can resurrect the dead, Bring back all things."

"Resurrect the dead?" Zhao Yang was shocked.

"That's right." Nine Heavy Swords responded, "Of course, the premise is that the opponent cannot be killed by a strong person in the Life God Realm or a higher level, otherwise you will not be able to revive."

Zhao Yang's heart set off a stormy sea.

Only then did he realize how terrifying a strong person in the God Realm is?

"How to use it?"

"What do you ask for this?"

Zhao Yang spread out his palm, and then a mass of life force gathered in his palm.

Nine Swords was stunned immediately, "How did you do it?"

"Given by the stele of good fortune."

"What did the fortune stone tablet give you back?"

"Plus magic, it says that it can break the restriction of the nine-turn Tong Xuan Gong, allowing me to cross more realms."

"Plus magic still has this ability?"

"Is there anything the seniors don't know?"

"The sea of ​​good fortune and the stele of good fortune are said to be created by a taboo existence."

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