Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1439 Humiliation of the Special Envoy

The rest of the ferocious beasts ran away in a hurry.

Zhao Yang didn't make a move to chase him down.

Not that necessary.

"It seems that this formation is pretty good at the moment." Zhao Yang called Tie Han over as he spoke, "Come on, I'll teach you to replenish the broken runes."

Tie Han followed behind Zhao Yang.

It was already a week after Zhao Yang made up all the lost runes.

"Husband, why didn't you take advantage of the victory and pursue it?" Lin Caihan asked puzzled.

"Before I thought that the beasts were very powerful, but now it seems that I overestimated their strength." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "These three mountain guard formations, unless the beasts from the entire Lower God Realm are dispatched, they will not be used at all. May break."

Furthermore, in addition to the three mountain guard formations, Yanhuangzong also had three sword talismans. These three sword talismans were left by the sword body, and their power can be imagined.

In addition, Zhao Yang left hundreds of formation scrolls of the middle and high ranks of the gods. Who can stop these formation scrolls being thrown out in a swarm?

"And now it's time for me to collect the money." Zhao Yang said and went to the first family of fierce beasts.

Blue-eyed copper beast.

After arriving at this ethnic group, Zhao Yang came up and killed the patriarch and several elders, and then Zhao Yang talked to them about compensation.

The blue-eyed bronze beast was terrified of being killed by Zhao Yang, and obediently compensated it.

Then came the second, third, and fourth.

It was already half a month after Zhao Yang finished his 52 visits.

After returning to Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang put these resources into the treasury. Lin Caihan, Mingyue, and Tang Yiren saw the dazzling array of resources, and their eyes lit up.

"These resources are enough for us to use for thousands of years."

"If you don't waste it, it will be fine for tens of thousands of years?"

"In the future, when the top management of Yanhuangzong grows up, how many resources will be wasted?"

"I think the resources of the gods are enough to be wasted."

"This will be the sect's hole card from now on."

Hearing the chatter of the three girls, Zhao Yang laughed, "Don't worry, didn't you just get a lot of cash? It's not like there will be opportunities in the future."

At this moment, Zhao Yang's nameplate vibrated.

He looked at the nameplate with some doubts.

Who sent him a message at this time?

"Something happened to Li Huiji."

After seeing this news, Zhao Yang's expression changed involuntarily.

"What happened?" It was an elder from the Yongcheng Alchemy Association who sent the message.

"The special envoy who came down from Central God Realm fell in love with President Li's disciple. The problem is that everyone knows that the special envoy who came down is a scumbag. It has only been a few days since he came down, and he has already harmed hundreds of girls. Why is Li Huiji willing? The special envoy ordered the law enforcement team Arrest President Li."

"This guy is a bit arrogant." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"It's not just arrogant, he doesn't even look down on the president, just like I'm number one in the world." The elder said angrily, "Now Song Chuchu, president Li's disciple, has gone to ask that one, Don't you think this is a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?"

"Where is the envoy now?"

"In Yong City."

"I'll go right away." After finishing the conversation with the elder, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said to the three women, "I'll go to Yongcheng."


Alchemy Association!

At this time, the Alchemy Association has become the back garden of the special envoy.

No one dares to control, no one dares to ask.

Didn't you see that Li Huiji was captured by the law enforcement team?

At the door of Li Huiji's room, a girl was kneeling there.

"Isn't this Miss Song Chuchu, President Li's disciple?" A pale boy came out of the room with a smile on his face.

Song Chuchu looked at the boy upon hearing the words, "Please, let my master go."

"Your master collided with the special envoy, this is a bit of a crime." The boy touched the girl's chin and said.

"I... I am willing to sleep with you." The girl burst into tears as she spoke.

"But I see why you are unwilling." The boy asked jokingly.

"I am willing, I am willing, I am willing." The girl said hurriedly.

But her eyes were still red.

"I have to see your performance."

The girl struggled with her eyes, and then began to take off her clothes.

The young man watched quietly from the side.

When the girl took off her coat and began to drag the obscene clothes, her whole body was trembling.

And at this moment, a figure walked towards this side.

"Who?" The boy was furious.

How could he be happy when his interest was disturbed?

Zhao Yang came to the girl's side. He picked up the girl's clothes and helped her put them on. "I will help Li Huiji out."

"He is a special envoy from above." The girl said with tears.

Apparently the girl didn't think Zhao Yang could help.

"Boy, I'm the special envoy of the Alchemy Association of the Central God Realm. I interrupted my good business. Do you believe that I will kill you?" The young man stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"Do you know Su Wenhao?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Su Wenhao? How do you know the name of the Sixth Elder?" The boy was shocked.

"I already contacted Su Wenhao when I came here, and members of the law enforcement team will arrive soon." Zhao Yang stared at the boy and said, "You will feel better then."

"Contact the Sixth Elder? Are you joking?" the boy laughed loudly.

Zhao Yang made a move towards the young man, and the young man was uncontrollably detained in front of Zhao Yang, and then he carried him outside like a dead dog.

As a result, Zhao Yang was stopped by members of the law enforcement team before taking two steps.

These law enforcement teams are members of the law enforcement teams of the Lower God Realm Alchemy Association.

"Don't worry about this matter, don't worry, no one will blame you when the time comes." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The members of the law enforcement team dispersed after hesitating for a while.

"You dare to disperse, and I will tear your corpses into pieces." The boy roared at them.

"After a while, members of the law enforcement team of the Alchemy Association of the Central God Realm will arrive, and this guy will die a miserable death." Zhao Yang looked at those guys and said, "Therefore, you don't need to worry about his threat."

They were relieved to hear this.

Zhao Yang carried the young man to the door of the Alchemy Association, and then with a thought, the raging fire burned his clothes clean.

The people around immediately started pointing.

"Everyone, do you know who this is? A special envoy from the Alchemy Association of the Central God Realm. After this guy came to the Lower God Realm, he was supposed to select talents, but he didn't do human affairs. I don't know how many girls he ruined. Today I will bring This guy parades the streets." Zhao Yang saw a man riding a green horse.

"How much is your green horse?"

"Three hundred boundary stones." The man said hastily.

Zhao Yang threw five hundred boundary stones to the man, "Give me the green horse."


Immediately, Zhao Yang tied the boy's hands, and he rode on the green horse while walking forward.

Don't mention how aggrieved that boy was.

At this time, the energy in his body was imprisoned, and he was a useless person.

"Mom, why isn't that guy wearing clothes?"

"It's disgusting."


"That guy's work is a little small."

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