Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1437 Returning to the Sea of ​​Creation

Zhao Yang told them clearly.

I don't attach importance to you, but as long as you don't disagree, you can stay here safely.

Liu Songxian and the others were very smart and immediately understood what Zhao Yang meant.

After returning, they began to rectify some guys who spread rumors.

In fact, as long as they can live in Yanhuangzong with peace of mind, it is better than anything else.

"You first cultivate to the fourth level of the door god realm, and then I will take you to the sea of ​​good fortune. In the sea of ​​good fortune, you may get a heaven-defying good fortune." Zhao Yang looked at the third princess and the others and said.

"Sea of ​​Good Fortune?" It was the first time the third princess had heard of the Sea of ​​Good Fortune.

"For example, Mingyue got a sickle in the sea of ​​good fortune, and that sickle is the unique sickle of the death powerhouse, which can harvest life." Zhao Yang explained, "At the same time, Mingyue has absorbed the terrifying good fortune, and will be able to set foot in the future without any accidents. Death Realm."

"Where's Yi Ren?"

"Yi Ren is like Ming Yue."

"Where's Caihan?"

"Caihan got a golden lotus, and in the future, she will be able to step into the realm of life."

Everyone was excited to hear this.

They are eager to know what good fortune they have got?

It is still very easy to reach the gate god realm from the first level to the fourth level, especially because they all practice the original true solution of one of the nine basic exercises.

Two years later, the three princesses and others had all practiced to the fourth level of the Gate God Realm, and then they went to Liu Damo's training camp under the leadership of Zhao Yang.

"Since Yanhuangzong has established a sect, it can actually lead to the sea of ​​good fortune." Liu Damo replied.

"Acceptance now?" Zhao Yang asked in confusion.

"If you're not in a hurry, I'll guide you."


What surprised Zhao Yang was that Liu Damo took out a jade bottle that contained a lot of seawater from the Sea of ​​Creation.

"Is there any free space in Yanhuangzong?"


Zhao Yang brought Liu Damo to a cave. Liu Damo poured out the seawater from the Sea of ​​Creation, and soon the seawater continued to infiltrate and gradually turned into an ocean.

"Is that the way to lead?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"That's right, the Sea of ​​Creation is connected to Yanhuangzong. From now on, Yanhuangzong's disciples can come here directly."

"Where does the Sea of ​​Creation connect to?" Lin Caihan asked curiously.

"I don't know either. It is said that each sea eye is connected to each other." Liu Damo shook his head, "Of course this involves the mystery of space."

After Liu Damo left, the third princess walked in first.

She stayed in the Sea of ​​Creation for seven hours before coming out.

Staying in the Sea of ​​Creation for two hours means that you will be able to step into the god-serving realm in the future, staying for three hours means you will be able to step into the realm of gods in the future, staying for four hours means you will be able to step into the realm of primordial gods in the future, and staying for five hours means you will be able to step into the realm of gods in the future. To step into the God Realm, waiting for six hours means that you will be able to step into the God Realm in the future, and waiting for seven hours means you will be able to step into the Death God Realm in the future.

"I also got a sickle." The third princess said excitedly.

This means that the three princesses will be able to set foot in the God of Death Realm in the future.

This realm is no longer low.

After the three princesses were Xu Hui'er and Yuan Jin'er, they both entered at the same time.

The two of them stayed in the Sea of ​​Creation for six hours.

"Go to God Realm."

Everyone stepped forward to congratulate the two.

Blue crucian carp, Leng Qingqiu, Ruoxi, and Ao Qing only stayed in the Sea of ​​Creation for five hours.

"Imperial God Realm." Blue crucian carp and the others looked a little unhappy.

One of them is weaker than the other.

Next is Zhao Qingqing.

What shocked everyone was that Zhao Qingqing stayed inside for six hours.

"Father, I can become a god in the future." Zhao Qingqing said happily.

Zhao Yang stroked Zhao Qingqing's beautiful hair, "My daughter is awesome."

Next came Tie Han, Ruoqing, Wuchang, Long Tianxing, Xu Donglai, Lin Hanmei, Gao Bowen, Zhang Huangliang and other eight people.

Of the eight, Tie Han stayed there for five hours, while Ruoqing and the others stayed there for four hours.

"The Heavenly God Realm can still dominate the Lower Realm." Zhao Yang comforted, "In addition, the Lower God Realm will need someone to guard it. We can't all go to the Central God Realm, right?"

In fact, this result has exceeded Zhao Yang's expectation.

We must know that normally speaking, Tiehan and the others should not have such a tyrannical fortune.

"Next, I will provide you with corresponding exercises according to your potential." Zhao Yang said softly.

Zhao Yang naturally didn't have so many exercises in his hands.

But the nine heavy swords do exist.

Zhao Yang contacted Nine Heavy Swords here.

The Nine Heavy Swords directly gave Zhao Yang hundreds of volumes of exercises of various levels.

"You can study it yourself." Nine Swords said lightly.

Zhao Yang briefly studied these exercises after putting them away.

Then according to everyone's aptitude, Zhao Yang gave different supernatural powers.

Fortunately, there are not many monks in Yanhuangzong, otherwise I don't know how long it will take?

"Yanhuangzong is on the right track." Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan said softly when they were walking in Yanhuangzong this day.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Caihan knew that Zhao Yang had spent a lot of time and energy for Yanhuangzong.

"This stall will be handed over to you after I leave."

Lin Caihan suddenly became nervous, "Are you leaving?"

"It will be at least ten years before I leave?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "How can I trust you if I leave now?"

Lin Caihan has now stepped into the realm of the gods.

But it is only in the first heaven of the gods.

After more than ten years before leaving, Lin Caihan's cultivation can be further improved.

"Are you still picking wool from those sixteen ethnic groups?"

"The time period is slightly longer, but the wool still needs to be gathered."

In order to satisfy Zhao Yang, the sixteen ethnic groups had to attack other fierce beast groups over the years.

Therefore, the strength between them has dropped sharply.

And this is what Zhao Yang is happy to see.

In fact, it's not that the various clans of ferocious beasts don't know the consequences in the long run.

The question is who is Zhao Yang's opponent.

The strong men of sixteen tribes joined forces, but they were killed by Zhao Yang Yiren.

What kind of lineup would they have to use to kill Zhao Yang?

It's okay if you kill him, but if you don't succeed, who can afford his revenge?

In this way, several years passed, Zhao Yang went to Yanhuangzong several times, and received more than 200 Yanhuangzong disciples.

From this, we can see how tyrannical Yanhuangzong is?

"The Yanhuang Sect is either not planning to come, or it hasn't grown enough to survive the catastrophe." Zhao Yang looked around the audience when he held the meeting that day.

"Sect Master, Yanhuang Sect has too few disciples, should we consider expanding?" Xu Huier asked softly.

"Yanhuangzong does need to expand, but definitely not now." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Your cultivation is generally low. If you expand blindly now, problems will easily arise."

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