Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1435 Assault on Zhao Yang

"What about after you squeeze it once?"

"Continue to pluck."

"You are not afraid of them jumping over the wall in a hurry."

"I was trying to force them." Zhao Yang said lightly, "After I go to the Central God Territory, those forces will definitely attack Yanhuangzong. If this is the case, it is better to get rid of them in advance."

Due to Zhao Yang's strength, the beast had to compromise.

But after Zhao Yang left, those ferocious beast groups would probably attack.

Originally, Zhao Yang only knew about thirteen families, but after being persecuted, he soon found out who the other three families were?

Therefore, Zhao Yang visited one family every three months, and after visiting all of them, what caused the power of the sixteen families to collapse was that Zhao Yang started the second wave.

"Is that guy finished?"

"Is this the rhythm of another wave?"

"The next time Zhao Yang comes again, let's go hunting?"

"Don't forget that last time Zhao Yang killed thirteen masters of the ninth heavenly realm?"

"This time our sixteen clans are at their peak, how many people can Zhao Yang kill?"

"You guys can participate, anyway, our Ningyun beast clan has been blackmailed, we don't want to go through this muddy water."

"Do you believe that this guy will come in the third wave?"

"Let's talk about it when he comes in the third wave."

"I don't think Zhao Yang will come to the third wave."

When everyone disagrees, those who want to make a move have to compromise.


They are worried that their strength is not enough.

So these sixteen ethnic groups were plundered again by Zhao Yang.

"I have to say that the fierce beast clan is rich." Lin Caihan said a little excitedly this day, "Nowadays, there are so many resources, I believe that any power in the Lower God Realm can't compare with our Yanhuangzong."

"Materials for arrays, materials for utensils, and materials for alchemy, there are many high-end materials, and the number of external stones has reached more than 280 billion."

"After I collect it again, there will be more resources in the treasury."

"I think they probably can't help but shoot."

"Actually, I couldn't bear it anymore." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

Zhao Yang is also waiting.

He was waiting for the sixteen ethnic groups who couldn't help but make a move.

When Zhao Yang started the third wave of plucking wool, the Ningyun beast clan was reluctant. As a result, most of the high-level members of the clan were killed by Zhao Yang on the spot, and the remaining high-level people had to hand over the resources in the treasury. To Zhao Yang.

After hearing this, the remaining fifteen ethnic groups couldn't stand it any longer.

"I have already said that Zhao Yang will keep pulling wool."

"What should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Fight."

"According to the time, Zhao Yang will go to the cat-faced clan in three months. At that time, we will set up a net in the cat-faced clan."

After careful discussion, the fifteen ethnic groups decided to jointly attack and kill Zhao Yang.

In fact, Zhao Yang could vaguely guess what these ethnic groups wanted to do?

But he had nothing to fear.

Furthermore, he also thought that he would be able to defeat the high-level leaders of the fifteen ethnic groups in one battle.

Three months later, Zhao Yang went to the cat-faced beast clan as usual.

As soon as he set foot in the cat-faced beast clan, Zhao Yang felt a sense of murder.

A sneer formed at the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

He didn't stop, and walked forward.

As a result, when it came to the ancestral home of the cat-faced beast, the patriarch of the cat-faced beast appeared.

"Zhao Yang, this is already the third wave, when will it be big?"

"This may be the last time." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Sorry, we don't want to give it this time." The patriarch of the cat-faced beast clan said indifferently.

After its voice fell, hundreds of figures appeared densely around Zhao Yang.

These are all high-level existences in the Heavenly God Realm.

They looked at Zhao Yang with murderous intent in their eyes.

On the outskirts, there are hundreds of middle-level god-level beings sitting in the town. From this point, it can be seen that they will never let Zhao Yang leave alive.

"I haven't had a good fight since my cultivation breakthrough, and today you finally gave me a chance." Zhao Yang squeezed his fists and smiled lightly.


Those strong men immediately used many means to attack Zhao Yang.

When Zhao Yang waved his fist, the sky and the earth rumbled, and he himself turned into a bolt of lightning, constantly shuttling through the crowd.




Neither the eighth heavenly god realm nor the ninth heavenly god realm can block Zhao Yang's punch.

The one from the eighth heaven was killed on the spot, and the one from the ninth heaven was seriously injured.

After a dozen or so breaths, less than a third of the hundreds of figures stood still, and the faces of the remaining guys were covered with horror.

No one could have imagined that Zhao Yang would be so terrifying before.

" can you be so powerful?" an old man pointed at Zhao Yang and said.

"Do you really think that I don't know what you guys want to do?" Zhao Yang sneered, "At first I thought it would be over after another wave of masturbation, but you are all ambitious, so there is nothing to say."

Zhao Yang said that his body was glowing, and he turned into a humanoid lightning.

One after another, the strong fell down.

When Zhao Yang stopped, none of the hundreds of figures was still standing.

At this time, hundreds of figures in the distance were trembling all over.

They were wondering if Zhao Yang was from the ninth level of the God Realm. How could the ninth level of the God Realm be so powerful?

There is absolutely no reason.

But at this moment Zhao Yang's eyes fell on them.


Zhao Yang rushed towards the hundreds of figures.

Those guys drove away.

That's right.

They ran away.

The older generation are not Zhao Yang's opponents, how can they be Zhao Yang's opponents?

Zhao Yang is chasing him.

He stopped after beheading hundreds of people, and then he returned to the ancestral courtyard of the cat-faced clan, "Do you cat-faced clan want to die or live?"

"I want to live, I want to live." An old man from the cat-face clan said hastily.

He is the existence of the eighth heaven of the cat face clan.

He is the strongest of the cat face clan at this time, and the rest of the strong were killed by Zhao Yang.

"Then use the resources to save your life." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"Let's take it." The old man said without thinking.

After taking out these resources, his heart was bleeding.

Almost all the resources in the treasury have been taken away.

"Remember, since your clan launched an attack on me, I will come to your clan to gather wool." Zhao Yang said calmly, "You can ask for resources from other beast clans, but you are not allowed to ask for resources from your clan." Human race and other races, otherwise let me know, and there is no need for your cat-faced race to exist."

The old man's pupils shrank when he heard this.

Murder is heartbreaking.

Zhao Yang is going to start a civil war among the cat-faced clan.


"This is to make our fierce beast clan fight among themselves."

"The question is, do we have any other options?"

"I believe he won't keep picking wool."

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