Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1427 Zhao Yang Arrives

This divine brilliance is so bright, even more brilliant than that of the ancestral court of the Jin clan.

"what's the situation?"

"Why is there a divine splendor descending from the ancestral court of the Yanhuang Sect?"

"Could it be that Zhao Yang is back?"

"Zhao Yang is back, and he may not be that opponent."

"Not necessarily, Zhao Yang is a genius."

"Go to Yanhuangzong first to inquire about the news."


The high-level leaders of the Xuanzong Alliance went there one after another, as did the high-level leaders of the major forces of the human race.

When they saw Zhao Yang suspended in mid-air, their faces showed excitement.

"Zhao Yang." Qin Zu said with some sobs.

Qin Zu thought he was going to flee again this time.

"Qin Zu, what happened?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"The ancestor of the Jin clan has returned, and he is a god-level existence." Qin Zu said in a deep voice.

"I didn't expect the ancestors of the Jin clan to be so strong?" Zhao Yang said here, his soul power diffused towards the ancestral court of the Jin clan, and the next moment his divine sense fell on a man in a golden robe. on the old man.

"The fifth level of the Heavenly God Realm." Zhao Yang's eyes revealed a touch of shock.

He didn't expect the Jin clan to have such an amazing senior.

But Zhao Yang didn't have anything to be afraid of. Normally speaking, his divine sense was stronger than the opponent's, not to mention that he also got the Void Primordial Spirit.

"Get out of here." Zhao Yang shouted loudly.

Following Zhao Yang's words, the powerful divine sense turned into a pair of illusory hands and forcibly detained their ancestors of the Jin clan above Yanhuangzong.

The face of the ancestor of the Jin clan was full of horror, "You... how could you be so strong?"

"Our Yanhuang Sect has long been able to drive your Five Elements Clan out of the Five Elements Continent, but we didn't do so. Why are you Jin Clan so overbearing?" Zhao Yang snorted coldly.

The face of the ancestor of the Jin family changed a few times, "This is a misunderstanding."

"Whether there is a misunderstanding or not is not important. You gave the major ethnic groups three hours before, so I will also give the Jin clan three hours." Zhao Yang said lightly, "The Jin clan leaves the Five Elements Continent within three hours. Dare to take a step and kill without mercy."

"You can't be so domineering?" The ancestors of the Jin clan were frightened.

If the Jin family left the Five Elements Continent, where would they go in the future?

"You were the one who was domineering first." Zhao Yang said coldly, "When I came to the Five Elements Continent ten years ago, I gave the disciples of the Yanhuang Sect several scrolls of the seventh-rank God-serving spirit realm. They could easily sweep away the Five Elements group, but they didn't do that. On the contrary, anyone who has ascended can come to Yanhuangzong to get the boundary stone. I thought I was doing a good job to you aborigines, but you still do such nasty things ?”

"It is true that I am not your opponent, but my master is the existence of the eighth heavenly realm of the gods." The ancestor of the Jin clan said in a deep voice.

When Zhao Yang heard this and waved his hand, a sword puppet appeared beside him, and the fluctuations emitted by this sword puppet made him look shocked.

"This fluctuation...?"

"The Ninth Level of Heavenly God Realm." Zhao Yang said lightly, "This sword puppet will be stationed in Yanhuangzong in the future. I wonder if your master can come here?"

The ancestors of the Jin clan fell silent.

After a while, he said slowly, "I did not behave properly this time, can you give us the Jin family another chance?"

"I've already given you Jin clan a chance, otherwise you think your Jin clan can still exist?" Zhao Yang sneered.

The ancestor of the Jin clan was silent for a while before saying, "Our Jin clan will evacuate within three hours."

After the ancestors of the Jin clan left, the strong men of all clans cheered.

They are all excited.

That means they don't have to leave their homes again.

"The Yanhuang Sect, the site of the Jin clan, will be distributed uniformly." Zhao Yang returned to the Yanhuang Sect after saying this.

After arriving at the ancestral court, the top officials of Yanhuangzong were very excited.

"Sect Master, what state are you in now?" Yuan Jin'er asked hastily.

"The sixth level of the Heavenly God Realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Everyone gasped involuntarily.

It's only been ten years.

Zhao Yang's promotion is too fast, right?

"Sovereign, according to your progress, won't it take you a short time to be promoted to the peak of the God Realm?" Xu Huier suddenly thought of something?

"I may not come next time." Zhao Yang said that there were six sword puppets around here, "any of these six sword puppets are at the peak of the gods, and every one who ascends will bring one in the future."

Hearing this, Tang Yiren said in surprise, "Sovereign, do you need to leave one to deal with emergencies?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded, "Lin Caihan will come at that time, and her cultivation should have reached the high-level of the God Realm by then, and she will send high-level sword puppets and so on."

Immediately, Zhao Yang took out ten formation scrolls, "These formation scrolls are at the sixth level of the Heavenly God Realm, and they are also reserved for you in case you need them in the future."

"These are the magic pills that I refined in my spare time."

"These one billion boundary stones are the cultivation resources I prepared for you."


After Zhao Yang took out a large amount of resources, the top officials of Yanhuangzong were shocked.

No matter how much Yanhuangzong wastes these resources, they can't exhaust them.

"Sovereign, what about the territory of the Jin clan?"

"The Yanhuang Sect has been hiding in this area for these years, so this area is regarded as the ancestral home of the Yanhuang Sect. The Yanhuang Sect occupies the most fertile piece of land of the Jin Clan, and the rest will be handed over to other groups of the human race. " Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Should we take advantage of the trend and drive out the other four clans?" Blue crucian carp said in a deep voice.

"It's not necessary." Zhao Yang shook his head. "We must know that our battlefield is not in the lower realm, but in the upper realm. If one day this continent is only our Yanhuangzong family, then there may be internal problems."

After Zhao Yang explained a lot of things, he took Mingyue and Tang Yiren to Mingyue's room.

"Mingyue, when you ascended, you brought a formation scroll and a sword puppet with you. After arriving in the God's Domain, you don't need to practice step by step. Let the sword puppet take you to a nearby city. You go to the Alchemy Association and let the alchemist directly, Just contact me." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Of course you can also assess yourself."

Zhao Yang knew that Mingyue also practiced alchemy.

"Husband, what about me?" Tang Yiren asked at this time.

"Ten years later when you ascend, I should still be in the God Realm." Zhao Yang said softly, "You and Mingyue are the same."

Zhao Yang then gave them the map of God's Domain.

"Husband, how long can you stay in the Five Elements Continent?" Mingyue asked after a while.

"You can stay for a while, but I want to go out for a walk." Zhao Yang said softly.

After saying goodbye to Mingyue and Tang Yiren, Zhao Yang came to the Qin Clan.

Qin Zu and other senior officials of the Qin clan warmly summoned Zhao Yang.

"Qin Zu, why don't you ascend?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"I'm not sure." Qin Zu replied after pondering for a while.

Qin Zu took a crucial step.

It doesn't mean that Qin Zu is sure to overcome the catastrophe.

Zhao Yang handed Qin Zu a jade bottle, "In the jade bottle is the Origin Pill. After taking it, your Origin will be upgraded to the second level of the Door God Realm."

Qin Zu was moved.

"There are a total of nine pieces, all of which are given to you." Zhao Yang said softly, "You must know the dangers of God's Domain. You decide whether to fly or not."

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