Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1424 The Power of Death

Zhao Yang's idea was good, he wanted to make the formation stronger, but on the fourth day, he found a large number of amethyst devouring beasts gathering, and wanted to fight far away.

After realizing this, Zhao Yang and Jian Ti decided to attack immediately.

Can't wait any longer.


The power of Zhao Yang's soul turned into a destructive thunder light, crushing towards the assembled army of ferocious beasts.

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of ferocious beasts fell without even screaming.

Just when those fierce beasts were in a state of confusion, the sword body appeared, and he turned into a sword-like dragon and rushed towards them.

Zhao Yang was not idle either.

His body instantly rose hundreds of feet, and the power of thunder flashed in a flash.

Hundreds of ferocious beasts were killed every time they shot.

The senior management of the Amethyst Swallowing Beast was quickly alarmed, and they rushed over as soon as they appeared on the sword body.

But there are too many masters of Amethyst Swallowing Heaven Beast, and the sword body can't deal with them all at the same time.

Seeing this scene, a whip appeared in Zhao Yang's hand, and when the whip swung around, everything touched by the whip along the way would wither instantly.

It doesn't matter whether it is a fierce beast in the door god realm or a master in the sky god realm.

All without exception.

"what's the situation?"

"What the hell is the whip in his hand?"

"Those who belong to the sixth level of the Heavenly God Realm cannot be contaminated."

As Zhao Yang kept flicking his whip, more and more Amethyst Devouring Beasts fell, and they realized that there was something wrong with Zhao Yang's whip.

There is indeed a problem.

Attached to the whip is the power of death.

This is the power of death that only the strong in the Death God Realm have.


"This guy is too weird."

"Yes, we have to leave this habitat."

Soon the senior management of Zijing Tiantian Beast realized this, and they immediately issued an order for the Zijing Tiantian Beast family to flee.

Seeing this, Zhao Yang put his hands on the ground, and the terrifying power of death spread around him centered on him.

Anyone touched by the power of death fell to the ground on the spot.

Looking at the large number of fallen clansmen, the top executives of Zijing Tiantian Beast were bleeding.

But what can they do?

They could only watch this scene helplessly.


Following an old man's voice, the top executives of Amethyst Swallowing Sky Beast also ran away.

It's just that they were blocked by the formation soon.


"Those two human races actually arranged a formation!"

"Hurry up, everyone join hands to break the formation."

It's just that when these guys were about to join hands to break the formation, a terrifying divine soul power enveloped the sky and covered the sky.

This power of soul is equivalent to giving them a blow to the head, making them dizzy.

And when they regained consciousness, they were shocked to find that the power of death had spread behind them.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang and Jian Ti to arrive at the place where the formation was arranged.

The sword body looked at the purple crystal swallowing beast and said with emotion, "The power of the god of death is so terrifying."

"If it wasn't for the power of the soul, even if I had the power of the god of death, I wouldn't be able to kill them." Zhao Yang put his big hand on the ground, and he wanted to take away all the power of death.

After taking away all the power of death in this place, Zhao Yang summoned thousands of Liu family, Xuanniao family and Yutu family.

"Clean the battlefield." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Everyone immediately cleaned up the battlefield.

While cleaning the battlefield, the patriarchs of the three major ethnic groups all confessed that no one should enrich their own pockets, and those who violated it will be killed without mercy.

They knew very well that this was Zhao Yang's test for them.

If you dare to hide the loot at this time, it is very likely that the entire ethnic group will be affected.

Fortunately, these guys are also grateful, so there is no such thing as hiding the loot.

After half a day, everyone looted all the resources in this area.

"Put these resources into the treasury." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Then Zhao Yang got up and went to Yongcheng.

He received a greeting message from Xu Yanran on the way, asking what happened to the Amethyst Swallowing Heaven Beast?

"30 Amethyst Swallowing Beasts were killed, and all the affiliated groups were also killed."

Xu Yanran was shocked when she received the news.

Then a team from Misty Cloud Sect came to the territory of Amethyst Swallowing Heaven Beast.

"How did Zhao Yang do it?"

"Not one of the 30 Purple Crystal Swallowing Beasts escaped?"

"Amethyst Sky Swallowing Beast has three affiliated clans, and none of them escaped!"

"There are traces of formations here."

"Even if there is a formation, it is impossible to stop the joint attack of so many masters?"

"Is Zhao Yang standing behind a legion?"

Do you know that even if the Misty Cloud Sect comes out in full force, it won't be able to do it?

Do not!

The Cloud Misty Sect can't beat the Amethyst Swallowing Heaven Beast at all.

"This guy's background is deeper than we imagined, no wonder the killer organization like Sanchonglou is convinced." Bai Yujiao, the lord of the Yunlan Sect, murmured.

At this time, Zhao Yang had already returned to Yongcheng.

After he returned to his Danpu, he summoned Nightingale and Luoxue.

"Let's go back to the old business in the future." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang's return made many monks who wanted to buy high-level alchemy ecstatic. In just one day, Zhao Yang's alchemy shop received more than 300 orders.

On Zhao Yang's side, no one would refuse anyone.

Zhao Yang thought of something again the next day, and he announced to everyone that he could also refine high-level formation scrolls.

"Young master Zhao, do you still know how to fight?"

"Young Master Zhao, I wonder what level of formation scrolls you can refine?"

"Master Zhao, is your array way as good as your alchemy way?"

Faced with everyone's endless inquiries, Zhao Yang smiled and said, "Yes, my formation method is as good as alchemy." As he spoke, Zhao Yang took out a third-rank god-level badge and hung it on his chest, " This is what I went to verify a few days ago."

Everyone believed it after seeing the badge.

So Zhao Yang soon received an order for more than 200 single formation scrolls.

After Zhao Yang returned to the courtyard, he took out two sword puppets who were at the peak of the god realm and asked them to guard the courtyard, and then detained two sword puppets and gave them to Lin Caihan.

"How to deal with the remaining six sword puppets?"

"I'm going to bring it back to the Five Elements Continent." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "An accident happened on your side, so it's inevitable that Mingyue and the others won't have any accidents in the future."

"I think at that time, you will bring a map back. Once you arrive at God's Domain, let the sword puppet take you to a nearby city to authenticate alchemist, array master, or weapon master. Of course, you can also contact you directly through the token. " Lin Caihan suggested.

"You're right." Zhao Yang nodded.

In the following time, Zhao Yang practiced alchemy while practicing alchemy.

In this way, about a year passed before Zhao Yang started to break through his current cultivation.

He has been in the first stage of the second round for a long time, and now it is time to break through.

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