Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1415 The Heaven-Defying Lin Caihan

Zhao Yang wants to testify for Lin Caihan.

Therefore, it is necessary to convince the public in a way.

"Is this appropriate?" Gu Damao hesitated.

"Call the members of your Qi Dao Association to come and observe. Anyone who has doubts can raise it." Zhao Yang said lightly, "This is fair and just."

Gu Damao couldn't help looking at Tie Huangniu.

"Just do as Mr. Zhao said."

Soon the members of the Qi Dao Association were called into a huge hall.

All they have to do is monitor Lin Caihan for cheating.

After discussing with the nine elders, Gu Damao formulated a test paper for Lin Caihan.

When Lin Caihan was doing the questions there, she was cut off from the outside world. At the same time, Lin Caihan's test paper also appeared on the big screen behind.

"This topic...?"

"This topic is very difficult."

"Yeah, it's at least double the difficulty of my assessment."

"If I had done this kind of subject at the beginning, I might not have passed the exam."

"I don't know if this woman can pass the exam."

The assessment time is one hour.

But only half an hour later, Lin Caihan indicated that she would hand in the paper.

This speed shocked the weapon masters present.

Then Gu Damao and the nine elders scored, and the result shocked everyone even more.

Full marks.

"It's against the sky." Gu Damao said sincerely, "It has been so many years since the Qi Dao Association has not had a perfect score."

Huang Tieniu was moved.

Only then did he realize that Lin Caihan was even more stunning than he had imagined.

"The next step is the assessment of the refining tool." Gu Damao looked at Lin Caihan and said in a deep voice, "You need to refine a third-rank warrior-level battle sword within an hour, and the level of the battle sword must be at least second-rank. "

"Yes." Lin Caihan nodded.

Immediately, someone sent the materials for making the sword.

After checking it, Lin Caihan said, "Can we start?"

"Do you need a break?"

"No need." Lin Caihan shook her head.

"Then let's start." As Gu Damao's voice fell, Lin Caihan began refining.

Smelting, quenching, grinding.

Lin Caihan's refining method made the equipment masters present change their expressions.


They don't understand.

This is because Lin Caihan's refining is too mysterious.

Gradually, a golden war sword took shape in Lin Caihan's hands. After the war sword was put into the sword washing pool, a dazzling radiance permeated the air. When Lin Caihan took out the war sword, the terrifying fluctuation made everyone look shocked. color.

Because the fluctuation of that war sword blooming is not at the level of third-rank god-samurai at all.

"Fourth grade servant god level."

"There are two golden patterns on it, and the level of the battle sword has reached the first grade."

"Doesn't this show that Lin Caihan can be certified as a fourth-rank weapon master?"

"You can get full marks in the assessment of the third grade, and there is absolutely no problem with the fourth grade."

Seeing this, Huang Tieniu hurriedly asked, "Lin Caihan, do you want to be certified as a fourth-rank weapon master?"

"This is what happened to a third-rank certification, and forget it for a fourth-rank certification." Lin Caihan said lightly.

Huang Tieniu was quite embarrassed by Lin Caihan's words.

"I promise this won't happen again."

"Could it be that President, aren't you going to thoroughly investigate what happened before?" Lin Caihan sneered.

After being silent for a while, Huang Tieniu looked at Wang Dechun, "Wang Dechun, you need to give an explanation."

"Lin Jiahao asked me to do it. He wanted to use this method to make Lin Caihan submit and obediently become his woman." Wang Dechun pointed at Lin Jiahao and said.

Lin Jiahao couldn't help but change his face and said, "Wang Dechun, don't spout blood."

"Then why would I frame a girl I don't know?" Wang Dechun asked.

"How do I know?" Lin Jiahao said hastily.

"Arrest both Wang Dechun and Lin Jiahao." Huang Tieniu said in a deep voice, "No matter what means are used."

The law enforcement team stepped forward and arrested the two.

"I want to report." Wang Dechun said suddenly.

"What do you want to report?" Gu Damao said in a panic.

"Lin Jiahao has used despicable means to play with many women over the years, and many times it was the Eighth Elder who helped wipe his ass." Wang Dechun said seriously.

"There's still a big mouse." Huang Tieniu said, "Catch the Eighth Elder too."

"Wang Dechun, what does this matter have to do with my father?" Lin Jiahao changed his expression.

"I have a lot of evidence in my hand." The Ninth Elder sneered, "And your father has done a lot of corruption and lawlessness over the years."

After the Ninth Elder and Lin Jiahao were taken away, Zhao Yang said calmly, "I'll just wait here for the final result."

"It should be like this." Huang Tieniu said with a smile, and then he looked at Lin Caihan, "Miss Lin, are you interested in joining the General Pavilion of the Qi Dao Association? I will do my best to train you."

Hearing this, everyone's faces showed envy.

The president of the Qi Dao Association personally cultivated it?

What an honor is this?

"Sorry, I'm not interested." Lin Caihan refused.

Lin Caihan doesn't think Huang Tieniu has much ability?

In addition, Lin Caihan will also ask the nine heavy swords about Qi Dao that Lin Caihan doesn't understand.

Huang Tieniu's face showed a look of disappointment, how could he not see that Lin Caihan was a genius of heaven, if such a genius could become his disciple, then he would also get a lot of benefits in the future.

It didn't take long for Lin Caihan's brand new clothes and tokens to arrive.

Lin Caihan put it in the Qiankun bag.

And after waiting for half a day, both Lin Jiahao and his father were recruited. It would be impossible not to recruit, the Ninth Elder held a lot of evidence in his hands.

"Lin Jiahao will be beheaded in public, the Eighth Elder will be abandoned and mine for 300 years, and the Ninth Elder will be deprived of his position as an elder because of his meritorious service in reporting.

"In this case, let's take our leave." Zhao Yang said after hearing this.

Zhao Yang believes that Huang Tieniu will not obey others.

After leaving the Qi Dao Association, Gu Huizhang looked at Zhao Yang and said, "The Secret Realm of the Dao of Alchemy is about to open, do you want to go back to the headquarters with me?"

"Alright." Zhao Yang nodded after thinking about it.

Dan Dao Association Headquarters!

Zhao Yang caused a sensation when he came to the headquarters.

Everyone wants to see who knocked down a killer organization like Sanchonglou?

And among the many alchemists, an unsmiling young man caught Zhao Yang's attention.

"Who is that?" Zhao Yang asked a man.

"That is Gu Yuming, the son of the chairman." The man replied, "I have been withdrawn since I was a child, but his alchemy cultivation is very high. Regardless of his young age, he is already a second-rank god."

When Zhao Yang was about to say something, a cold look fell on him.

"Who is that woman in black?"

"Ye Mei, the adoptive daughter of the Great Elder." Speaking of this, the man said through voice transmission, "I heard that she has an affair with the Great Elder."

Zhao Yang's face changed slightly, "Do you dare to say that?"

"This matter is almost an open secret, and many people know about it." The man whispered.

"You must be Zhao Yang." At this moment, the girl in black came towards Zhao Yang.

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