Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1410 The Power of Death

"The hall in the secret realm is very important, are you sure you don't need it?" Mu Lingtian said with a smile.

Zhao Yang shook his head.

In Zhao Yang's opinion, how many treasures can there be in the secret realm of the Lower God Realm Alchemy Association?

He has no shortage of exercises.

As for resources.

Zhao Yang didn't need it urgently either.

He didn't set up a sect.

The Xuanniao family has thousands of people, and the Liu family has only a few thousand.

How many resources can they consume?

"Sorry." Zhao Yang stood up at this point.

"Zhao Yang, there is no neutral faction in this world." Mu Lingtian said softly.

"Yes." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"is it?"

"You'll see."

After Zhao Yang left, Mu Lingtian's eyes flickered with a faint coldness, "Zhao Yang, since you don't know what to do, don't blame me for being rude."

After Zhao Yang's consciousness returned to his body, Lin Caihan hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"Mu Lingtian wants to recruit me."

"And you refused?"


"Now you are not Mu Lingtian's opponent, are you?"

"Mu Lingtian's level will not make a move easily, and many high-level leaders in the general association know the relationship between Twilight City and Mu Lingtian. If I am attacked at this time, then I will have nothing to do with Mu Lingtian .” Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said.

Having said that, Zhao Yang still has his own plan.

Two days later, more than 3000 monks from the Liu family were all assembled.

"Is everything packed?" Zhao Yang asked, looking around the audience.

"It's all packed." Liu Song replied leisurely.

"Then you all enter my small world." Zhao Yang said and opened up his own small world.

Everyone in the Liu family was stunned.

To your little world?

But when they entered the small world, they realized that Zhao Yang's small world was much better than the practice environment outside.

"A radius of [-] kilometers is a paradise, and a radius of [-] kilometers is comparable to the environment outside." Liu Song looked at it for a while and said in a deep voice.

"Practice here, I am willing to stay for ten or eight years."

"Didn't you see that there are many magical medicines planted in this world? As time goes by, this world will expand." Liu Yunyi's father said with a smile.

"Three hundred kilometers around are all caves, so you should find a habitat. In addition, there are a group of black birds here. Don't conflict with them." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan again and said, "Caihan, help me The two races get along better."

"Okay." Lin Caihan nodded.

Lin Caihan used to be in charge of the Yanhuang Sect and was in charge of hundreds of billions of monks, so it was too easy for her to coordinate the two clans.

Zhao Yang then went to Yongcheng with Li Huiji.

"Sword body, don't practice anymore, pay attention to your surroundings." Zhao Yang awakened the sword body who was practicing.

When Zhao Yang and Li Huiji passed a swamp, a sword light cut towards the flamingo.

This sword light is really too fast.

When Zhao Yang came to his senses, the sword light was about to pierce the flamingo.

"Not good." Li Huiji also reacted at this time.


At the very moment, a sword light shattered that sword light, and then the sword body turned into a light and rushed downward.

Without taking a breath, the blood-dripping long sword landed on the flamingo.

"The opponent is a killer in the fifth heaven of the god realm."

"Killed?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Killed." The sword body replied.

"You go back." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The sword body immediately returned to Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Why is this one like you?" Li Huiji asked in astonishment.

"He's me too."

Li Huiji's pupils shrank severely.

Where is the avatar more powerful than the deity?

Could it be that Zhao Yang from the outside world is a clone?

After realizing this, Lee Hye Gil was taken aback.

Only then did he know why Zhao Yang didn't care about the Great Elder anymore?

Zhao Yang didn't explain either.

How does Li Huiji understand casually?

After Zhao Yang returned to Yongcheng, he separated from Li Huiji.

"In the future, without my permission, you are not allowed to leave Danpu casually." Zhao Yang said to Nightingale and Luoxue.

"What happened?" Nightingale asked hastily.

"There was a conflict with the Great Elder of the Alchemy Association. I'm worried that they will attack secretly." Zhao Yang said softly.

Hearing this, the expressions of Nightingale and Luoxue changed.

The Great Elder of the Alchemy Association?

This is the existence of a giant.

"Actually, there is no need to worry. The Pill Shop is not something that they can just break in just by saying it." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

Immediately, Zhao Yang arranged formations in the entire courtyard.

Based on Zhao Yang's formation today, there is no problem in arranging the fourth heaven.

After Zhao Yang had arranged the double formation, he returned to his room.

"Your formation can't defend against top experts." Nine Heavy Swords said at this time.

"You won't help?"

"Unless you are in a life-or-death crisis, I will help. Remember, only you." Nine Swords emphasized.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang fell silent.

He was thinking about how to protect the safety of Luoxue and Nightingale?

and many more.

Guardian seal.

It suddenly occurred to Zhao Yang that he hadn't thought about that tear since his cultivation reached the peak of the Emperor Realm.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Zhao Yang didn't think about it, but that he couldn't continue to deduce it.

"I don't know if we can go further at this time?" Zhao Yang thought about him, and his divine sense fell on that tear.


When Zhao Yang's divine sense fell on that tear, a bright radiance instantly filled his whole body.

"What is that?" Nine Swords exclaimed.

Zhao Yang was also stunned at this moment.

He didn't expect that he just touched that tear, which caused such a big commotion?

Immediately, Zhao Yang was overwhelmed by a picture.

What did he see?

A peerless and graceful figure looked at everything that was empty in front of him.

She is crying.

When the teardrops fall, the whole world seems to lose all its colors.


Zhao Yang felt the power of death in the gap.

And the breath on his body changed in an instant.

He seems to have turned into a god of death who harvests life. In his eyes, the billions of creatures in the world are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"The power of the god of death." Jiu Chongjian's eyes almost popped out when he saw this scene.

How can it be?

Zhao Yang is only in the realm of the gods now, how could he possibly master the power of the god of death?

At the moment when Nine Heavy Swords were stunned, Zhao Yang's consciousness was pulled back to his body.

He looked around in a daze, "What happened?"

"I also want to ask you what happened?"

"Didn't you notice a tear in my body?"

"Tears?" Nine Swords scanned Zhao Yang's whole body while speaking, and then said in a daze, "No."

"Are you sure?" Zhao Yang was stunned, "That tear is at my dantian?"

Nine Heavy Swords focused on checking Zhao Yang's dantian this time.

Still nothing was found.

"One leaf blinds the eyes." Nine Heavy Swords suddenly realized something.


"How did you get that tear?"

Zhao Yang narrated what happened.

"The one who shed this tear is the existence of Taboo." Nine Heavy Sword said in a deep voice.

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