Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1408 Mu Guangnian's Revenge

Hearing this, Zhao Yang burst out laughing.

"Mu Guangnian, let me tell you, can you still show some face? When you challenged me, didn't you know that I was at the seventh-rank god-servant level. As a result, you publicly revealed that I was at the first-rank god level, and what you secretly hid was at the second-rank god level." Pin Tianshen level, what did you say when I questioned you, you said that whether it is my younger generation or the older generation, you will not hesitate to make a move for Jiang Sichun? The words are still in my ears, but now I am licking my face Say I'm bullying?"

Zhao Yang's conversation made Mu Guangnian speechless.

He cast a gloomy look at Zhao Yang, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait." Zhao Yang called Mu Guangnian.

"You have already won, what else do you want?" Mu Guangnian said with an ugly face.

"We made a written statement before the game. If you lose, you will give me a billion world stones." Zhao Yang said lightly.

It was only then that Mu Guangnian thought of this.

"I don't have that much on me."

"I don't care how much you have, if you lose one child, it won't work." Zhao Yang said calmly.

After thinking for a while, Mu Guangnian threw a Qiankun bag to Zhao Yang, "There is [-] million in the Qiankun bag, and the rest will be given in the future."

"In the future? If you don't give it now, I have no choice but to go to the main alchemy pavilion and ask your father for it." Zhao Yang said lazily.

Mu Guangnian's face showed panic, "What do you know?"

"For example, I know your details." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Does it have to be like this?" Mu Guangnian said through gritted teeth.

"If I lose, will you easily spare me?"

Let you go?

I must not kill you!

Of course, such words will definitely not be said.

"Sichun, can you lend me [-] million?" Mu Guangnian could only ask Jiang Sichun for help.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Sichun was about to leave when he said this, and Jiang Yuanyuan threw Jiang Sichun a Qiankun bag.

Jiang Sichun quickly handed it to Mu Guangnian.

Mu Guangnian scanned with his divine sense and found that there were [-] million boundary stones inside.

After throwing it to Zhao Yang, he left without saying a word.

Jiang Sichun hurriedly followed behind.

"Mr. Zhao, I haven't thanked you for saving my life last time." Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Zhao Yang and said seriously.

"Last time your daughter also gave me 100 million boundary stones, so this thank you is unnecessary." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Jiang Yuanyuan was about to say something, Zhao Yang cupped his hands towards the other party, "Farewell."

It is rare to come to Yuncheng once.

Zhao Yang didn't intend to leave immediately, but went shopping with Lin Caihan.

The scale of Yuncheng is very large, much larger than that of Yongcheng.

And just when they were hanging out, Li Huiji suddenly came to Zhao Yang's side.

"problem occurs."

"What happened?"

"Remember the girl who spoke up for you in the morning?"

"what happened?"

"That girl is Liu Yunyi from the Liu family in Yuncheng." Li Huiji said in a deep voice, "After the game, Mu Guangnian went to the Liu family, and the Liu family hung Liu Yunyi at the door."

Zhao Yang's face suddenly sank.

"Mu Guangnian seems to have ignored my words." Zhao Yang said coldly, "Lead the way."

"Is it better for you to conflict with Mu Guangnian?" Li Huiji asked hurriedly.

"Let's put it this way, I have the ability to kill even the Great Elder." Zhao Yang glanced at Li Huiji and said.

Zhao Yang's sword body is not yet capable of this, but don't forget that Zhao Yang still has the gift of God.

Once this is used, there is still no problem in killing the Great Elder.

Hearing this, Li Huiji's eyes flashed, and he realized that Zhao Yang was telling him that he had a background on his side, so he didn't need to worry.

At the door of Liu's house.

A middle-aged man was holding a long whip and viciously whipping the girl who had stood up for Zhao Yang before.

Liu Yunyi's body was soon soaked in blood.

"Yun Yi, don't blame Dad." The middle-aged man's face was full of pain.

Does he want to smoke his own daughter?

In no mood.

But no.

If Mu Guangnian is not satisfied, her daughter will probably die, okay?

And just as the middle-aged man swung the long whip again, a pair of powerful hands grabbed the whip.

"Enough." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

When the middle-aged man saw Zhao Yang's arrival, surprise appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect Zhao Yang to come.

"I have no choice." The middle-aged man said bitterly.

Zhao Yang waved his hand, and the rope broke instantly, and the girl fell down.

"Master Zhao, I knew you wouldn't leave me alone." Liu Yunyi's tears rolled in her eyes.

"Why are you so sure?" Zhao Yang helped Liu Yunyi heal while talking.

"Because Zhao Yang in my mind is a great hero who stands up to heaven and earth." When Liu Yunyi said this, stars appeared in his eyes, "You don't know that I admire you."

"Thank you very much for trusting me." Zhao Yang said and handed Liu Yunyi to Lin Caihan, "Today I will help you seek justice."

"Mr. Zhao, why don't you just forget about it?" The middle-aged man showed a look of embarrassment.


"Our family is small, so we can't beat Mu Guangnian." The middle-aged man expressed his concerns, "Besides, Mu Guangnian is not alone."

Zhao Yang immediately understood what the middle-aged man was worried about.

"Since I have taken care of this matter, I will take care of it to the end." Zhao Yang said here and strode towards the room.

In the room, Liu Yunyi's grandfather was kneeling on the ground, stretching his legs for Mu Guangnian.

From this, we can see how arrogant Mu Guangnian is.

Mu Guangnian couldn't help but change his face when he saw Zhao Yang, "Zhao Yang, what are you doing?"

"As a middle-level member of the Alchemy Association, you actually treat the head of the family like this?" Zhao Yang said coldly, "Mu Guangnian, in the name of law enforcement envoy, I will break your limbs and hang them on the city wall of Yuncheng. To serve as an example to others."

"You dare? Wait, what did you say? Law enforcement history?" Mu Guangnian stared at Zhao Yang dumbfounded.

Zhao Yang showed the token of law enforcement history, "Mu Guangnian, do you recognize this token?"

"Zhao Yang, you should know who my father is?"

"Then do you know who is standing behind me?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "And why did that person give this token?"

Mu Guangnian is very smart, he immediately thought of the problem.

"Zhao Yang, there is no deep hatred between us, right?"

"I have never felt that there is a deep hatred between us, but you have involved Liu Yunyi, so I can't ignore it."

"I can apologize to Liu Yunyi, and I can apologize to the Liu family."


Mu Guangnian looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

"Why do Liu Yunyi and Pingshen Liu's family have to accept your apology?" Zhao Yang said coldly, "Why can you humiliate them unscrupulously?"

"Zhao Yang, the Liu family may not be happy if you treat me like this." Mu Guangnian said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang looked at Liu Yunyi's grandfather, "I'll give you a few choices, which one do you choose?"

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