Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1405 Garbage Pill

"That's it, okay." Guo Gaode nodded, "Let's go, I'll take you to the examination room for the first-grade Heavenly God Realm."

"Wait." Zhao Yang shook his head.

"Any questions?"

"I want to certify the third-rank Heavenly God Realm."

"What?" Guo Gaode was shocked.

Li Huiji was also surprised.

"How did you certify the Third Grade Heavenly God Realm?"

"Now I can refine the third-grade god-level alchemy, so why do I need to certify the first-grade god-level alchemist?" Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"Didn't you just break through to the God Realm?"

"My alchemy cultivation base far exceeds my martial arts cultivation base."

Guo Gaode looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said, "It's okay for you to certify the third-rank god realm, but if you can't refine the corresponding elixir, you will not only have to compensate the funds for the medicinal materials, but also you will not be allowed to re-certify in the next three years."

"I have confidence." Zhao Yang said seriously.

Guo Gaode pondered for a while and said, "Before I thought you were going to certify the first-rank Celestial God Realm, but I didn't expect you to certify the third-rank Celestial God Realm. In this case, I have to apply to the higher authorities."

Then Guo Gaode took everyone to a room and left in a hurry.

Guo Gaode reported the matter to Gu Huizhang, the president of the Alchemy Association.

After checking some of Zhao Yang's information, Gu Huizhang smiled, "Interesting, interesting. In this way, let the Ninth Elder do the assessment."


Gu Huizhang is the president of the Alchemy Association. Even if he has some interest in Zhao Yang, he will not let go of his body for the assessment.

The Ninth Elder is the existence of the seventh level of the Heavenly God Realm, and her alchemy is also the existence of the seventh-rank Heavenly God Realm. She went to assess Zhao Yang, and she did not insult Zhao Yang.

After half a quarter of an hour, Guo Gaode brought Zhao Yang to the examination room.

What surprised Zhao Yang was that the person who assessed him turned out to be a middle-aged woman.

"Zhao Yang, this is the Ninth Elder of the Alchemy Association." Guo Gaode introduced.

"I have met the Ninth Elder." Zhao Yang said neither humble nor overbearing.

"The younger generation is here to certify the level of the third-rank Heavenly God Realm. Zhao Yang, if you pass, you will be the most amazing existence in the history of the Alchemy Association. Even Twilight City is far inferior to you."

"Actually, if Twilight City hadn't challenged me, I wouldn't even bother to authenticate." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"But if you don't go for certification, you can still meet his challenge."

"Twilight City wants to step on my blog name, then you must be prepared to be stepped on by me." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"You're so narrow-minded."


Ninth Elder restrained his expression and said, "The assessment of the third-rank Heavenly God Realm is actually not difficult. You need to pass the theory test and the alchemy test. Now we will take the theory test first." Then the Ninth Elder took out a paper, "This paper There are a total of [-] test questions, and you need to answer them within three hours, and the score must exceed [-], otherwise you will not pass."

After Zhao Yang took the paper, he began to write in a hurry.

Perhaps what the Ninth Elder didn't know was that the alchemy theory mastered by Zhao Yang was far beyond his imagination.

Therefore, there are many test questions that others need to deduce carefully, but for Zhao Yang, they can be seen at a glance.

Before an hour had passed, Zhao Yang stood up and said, "Hand in the paper."

The Ninth Elder showed shock on his face, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Didn't you check?"

"No need."

The Ninth Elder took Zhao Yang's test paper and checked it.

Gradually, a look of shock appeared on her face.

Because she found that what she scanned was correct.

After a while, she looked at Zhao Yang with a solemn expression, "The alchemy theory you have mastered is beyond my imagination."

"Elder Ninth, how many points did Zhao Yang get in the test?" Guo Gaode asked softly.

"Full marks." Ninth Elder said in a deep voice.

"How is it possible?" Guo Gaode stood up abruptly.

"Zhao Yang handed in the papers in advance in the previous assessments, and all of them were full marks." Li Huiji said at this time.

Guo Gaode took a deep look at Zhao Yang.

He realized that Zhao Yang was a hidden dragon, and his future achievements were beyond imagination.

"Do you want to rest for a while or proceed to the next stage of assessment now?" Ninth Elder looked at Zhao Yang and asked.

"Proceed to the next stage of assessment." Zhao Yang replied.

"First, you need to refine an advanced pill that can step into the third rank of the god-level realm within three hours. Second, you need to refine a body-hardening pill of the god-level within three hours. Remember , Body Tempering Pill must reach at least three ranks."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Soon the two materials were delivered.

What Zhao Yang refined first was the Advanced Pill.

During Zhao Yang's refining process, Lin Caihan asked inexplicably, "Why do you need to refine two kinds of magic pills?"

"The assessment of the Heavenly God Realm is more stringent." Li Huiji replied, "Advanced Pills are compulsory pills, which means that you must be able to refine them. As for the Tempering Pills, they are drawn at random, so it's not too difficult."

"Is it only those who have rank three and above can refine it?"


An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

After more than two hours, Zhao Yang slammed the alchemy furnace, and nine elixir rushed out, but they were blocked by Zhao Yang's divine sense.

Everyone stared at the nine pills and were stunned.


What puzzled everyone was that Zhao Yang actually said this sentence.

"What a pity?" Li Huiji asked subconsciously.

"This is the first time I have refined a third-grade advanced pill. Although I have been very careful, there are still a few mistakes in the process. Otherwise, the refined pills should be first-grade pills."

What Zhao Yang said made the Ninth Elder and others not know what to say.

You must know that Zhao Yang refined four first-grade pills and five second-grade pills.

And the assessment standard is to refine a second-grade pill and pass it.

Zhao Yang has already passed perfectly, but this guy is still not satisfied?

"Forget it, let's refine the Body Tempering Pill." Zhao Yang began to refine the medicinal materials as he said.

"Wait, don't you need to rest?" Ninth Elder asked quickly.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head.

The Ninth Elder and the others felt turbulent waves in their hearts.

How powerful is this guy's spirit power?

You must know that even a master like the Ninth Elder has to rest after refining a batch of divine pills.

This time Zhao Yang was more cautious in the alchemy process, he wanted to be perfect.

In the end, there was an accident when the furnace was turned on.

"It's a pity that this time I refined Body Tempering Pill. If I refined Advanced Pill, I wouldn't produce so much rubbish." Zhao Yang said with emotion.

"Zhao Yang, do you know that this time you refined six first-rank pills and three second-rank pills. The rubbish you are talking about is second-rank pills, right?" Li Huiji looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment and said.

"Isn't the second-grade pill rubbish? We all know that the second-grade pill has a small amount of erysipelas, and after taking it, it will affect the future entry." Zhao Yang looked at Li Huiji puzzled and said.

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