Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1397 Despicable Ginger Remote

Soon Zhao Yang received hundreds of orders.

"Sichun, you set the price according to the market price, and I'm only in charge of alchemy." Zhao Yang looked at Jiang Sichun and said.

"Okay." Jiang Sichun said with a smile.

She felt that Zhao Yang regarded her as his own.

But then she saw Zi Yuan walking towards her.

Her face suddenly sank.

"Zhao Yang, do you still need help here?" Zi Yuan came to Zhao Yang and said with a smile.

"You should be your Miss Commander." Zhao Yang refused.

"I don't want money."

"Then I dare not ask for it."

" don't want anything delivered to your door?" Zi Yuan looked at Zhao Yang angrily.

"It's enough to have me here, where do you come from and go back?" Jiang Sichun said with a smile.

Ziyuan looked at Jiang Sichun a little resentfully, "You are the daughter of the Lord of Yuncheng, do you think it is appropriate to stay here all day?"

"I don't care if I think it's appropriate." Jiang Sichun said indifferently.

"You..." Ziyuan was extremely angry.

At this moment, Liu Damo came over with a girl.

"Brother, congratulations." Liu Damo shouted with a smile.

Zhao Yang quickly invited Liu Damo to come in.

"Look who I brought here?"

Nightingale looked a little shy in a long black dress.

Zi Yuan was better, she knew about the existence of Nightingale, and she also knew that Nightingale was interested in Zhao Yang.

Jiang Sichun looked at Nightingale warily, but she didn't say anything.

"Congratulations, Nightingale." Zhao Yang said softly.

He saw through Nightingale's cultivation at a glance.

Serving the gods.

"At the beginning, you said that you could come to join you. I don't know if you still count on it now?"

"Of course it counts." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "My alchemy shop has just opened, and I just need help."

A look of surprise appeared on Nightingale's face.

Before, she was apprehensive.

She was worried that Zhao Yang would not want her, after all, the identities of the two parties were too different.

"Sichun, greet the guests here, I will go with them first." Zhao Yang looked at Jiang Sichun and said.

"I'm here to help too." Nightingale said wisely.

Nightingale saw Jiang Sichun's extraordinary status, and she wanted to build a good relationship with Jiang Sichun.

"Alright." Zhao Yang didn't stop him.

"I want to help here too." Ziyuan said with a flash of light in her eyes.

Zhao Yang did not chase Ziyuan this time, but walked into the backyard with Liu Damo.

Zhao Yang poured Liu Damo a cup of tea in the backyard.

"Where's Hua Da?"

"Hua University has entered the Yongcheng system."

Zhao Yang was taken aback.

Because Hua Da said before that he would also go to Zhao Yang.

"He still can't let go of Lan Yaqin."

"Everyone has his own aspirations." Zhao Yang chatted with Liu Damo for a while and talked about Lin Caihan and others.

"It's simple, I will greet each training camp, and if I find Lin Caihan and others, I will tell you as soon as possible." Liu Damo said immediately, "But this hope is a bit slim, the territory occupied by Yongcheng is really Too little."

The two chatted for a while and Liu Damo left.

Zhao Yang began refining according to the order.

Normally speaking, it would be good for an alchemist to refine one furnace of alchemy a day, but Zhao Yang seemed tireless.

He refined three or five furnaces in a day, and seven or eight furnaces if he was in a good mood.

This shocked the guys who were waiting. They thought they would have to wait for a long time, but they received the magic pill within a few days.

And during the long-term relationship, Jiang Sichun also slowly accepted Nightingale.

Nightingale didn't like to talk, she just worked silently, and she didn't show any signs of competing for favor.

This made Jiang Sichun very satisfied.

She hated Ziyuan very much, and ran to Danpu all day long.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

In the past three years, Zhao Yang's earning ground has been full and broken, and his small world has become more and more like a paradise.

"My lord, the boundary stones of the small world have exceeded [-] million." Nightingale told Zhao Yang that day.

Zhao Yang snorted.

He knew that if he hadn't purchased a large amount of rare medicinal materials and seeds, the boundary stones in the small world would have exceeded one billion, okay?

"Young master, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking the time is coming soon." Zhao Yang murmured.

Three years!

What Lin Caihan practiced was the basic skills of the original true solution, which was against the heavens.

It stands to reason that three years ago, he should have broken through to the fourth level of the Door God Realm.

In other words, Lin Caihan should enter the training camp now.

But why hasn't Lin Caihan contacted him yet?

In a small village.

Lin Caihan felt the fluctuations in her body, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Finally set foot on the fourth heaven of door god realm."

In fact, Lin Caihan should have stepped into this realm long ago.

But one Jiang Yuanyuan harassed him at every turn, and the other small village was invaded by ferocious beasts from time to time, Lin Caihan had to go out to fight every time.

So she wasted a lot of time.

Fortunately, Lin Caihan has finally set foot in the fourth heaven of door god realm.

After the breakthrough, Lin Caihan did not leave the room, but continued to consolidate her cultivation in the room.

"There are still three days left before the ferry for the training camp is due to arrive." Lin Caihan was a little excited.

When you arrive at the training camp, you will have the opportunity to get in touch with the industry of instrumentation.

As a result, someone knocked on the door of her room at night.

"Who is it?" Lin Caihan put away the formation scroll.

"Jiang Yuanyuan."

"What's up?"

"A fierce beast invaded Xiaoyang Village, and the people of Xiaoyang Village asked us for help."

Hearing this, Lin Caihan hurried out of the room.

"Let's go quickly." Jiang Yuanyuan said anxiously.

Lin Caihan nodded.

As a result, Lin Caihan became alert in the middle of the walk.

"It doesn't look like there is a scene of fierce beasts invading ahead." Lin Caihan stopped.

"Can I still lie to you?" Jiang Yuanyuan said hurriedly.

"You go, I won't go." Lin Caihan pondered for a moment, turned around and was about to leave.

"Lin Caihan, where are you going?" At this moment, a man walked out from behind Lin Caihan.

The man looked at Lin Caihan with greedy eyes.

"Feng Dapao, what do you mean?" Lin Caihan's face darkened.

"I've heard for a long time that your country is beautiful, but I didn't expect it to be so." Feng Dapao licked his lips, his eyes were full of evil.

"Jiang Yuanyuan, you are despicable." How could Lin Caihan not know that she had fallen into Jiang Yuanyuan's scheme at this time?

"Who made you refuse to agree to my pursuit?" Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Lin Caihan viciously and said, "Then don't blame me for using special methods." Having said that, Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Feng Dapao, "The first time I first come."

"It's okay, such a beautiful girl, let's play slowly, there is plenty of time." Feng Dapao said indifferently.

Lin Caihan's eyes burst into a ray of cold light.

"If that's the case, then there's nothing to say." Lin Caihan revealed the coercion of the fourth heaven of door god realm.

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