Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1388 Breaking News

Ling Han was very irritable during this time.

He originally thought that he was a genius of the Yongcheng Alchemy Association, but after Zhao Yang was born, he suddenly became dim.

Seventh-Rank Goddess Attendant Level!

Ling Han's heart was full of despair.

It is a monument.

At this time, Ling Han entered into the secret realm of nothingness, and when he arrived at the mission center, he heard everyone discussing Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang?

Why do you hate this guy?

Soon he knew what was going on from everyone's mouths?

He hurried to the front desk, expressing that he knew the news about Zhao Yang.

Not long after Ling Han accepted the task, Jiang Sichun rushed over.

"Are you sure you know Zhao Yang?" Jiang Sichun said suspiciously.

"A few days ago, Zhao Yang just certified the seventh-rank God of Samurai, and I was there at the time." Ling Han was shocked by the girl in front of him.

Jiang Sichun's heroic spirit brought him a great shock, far beyond what Lu Qianqian could compare.

"Do you have his portrait?" Jiang Sichun asked a little excitedly.

Ling Han condensed Zhao Yang's portrait.

Looking at the portrait, Jiang Sichun was stunned, "Are you kidding me?"

"What's wrong?" Ling Han asked puzzled.

"Seventh grade servant, is it possible to be so young?" Jiang Sichun stared at Ling Han and said.

"He is so young." Ling Han said with a wry smile, "Everyone says he is the number one alchemist of the younger generation?"

"He actually sees people with their true colors?" Jiang Sichun was a little excited.

Originally, she thought Zhao Yang was an uncle?

"Where is he now?"

"Yong City Alchemy Association."

"Yongcheng Alchemy Association?" Jiang Sichun said after writing down the address, "In this way, I will give you the commission after I see it."

"Yes." Ling Han nodded.

After Jiang Sichun's consciousness returned to his true self, he ran to Jiang Yuanyuan's room.

"Father, I found out Zhao Yang's identity."

"Tell me quickly." Jiang Yuanyuan also wanted to thank Zhao Yang in person.

"Zhao Yang is in the Alchemy Association of Yongcheng, and this guy is still very young."

"Seventh Rank God Attendant?"


"It's probably not easy for this guy to have reached such a level at such a young age." Jiang Yuanyuan pondered for a while before saying.

"No matter what he is, I will marry him."

Jiang Yuanyuan felt a headache when he heard it, "What should you do next?"

"Of course I went to Yongcheng to find him."

"Well, let your third uncle go with you."


The fact that Zhao Yang was promoted to the seventh-rank God-Servant rank quickly detonated in Yongcheng.

Everyone knows what this means?

Whether it is the City Lord's Mansion or some families have thrown olive branches to Zhao Yang.

In the end, no matter who it was, Zhao Yang disappeared.

"Ziyuan, help me make an appointment with Zhao Yang." Ziheng came to her room when Ziyuan was practicing.

"Didn't you think he was too proud before? And you said you wouldn't let me associate with him?" Ziyuan asked puzzled.

"It's not what it used to be, you don't know that this kid is already at the seventh-rank god-servant level?" Zi Heng said helplessly.

"Seventh Rank God Attendant?" Zi Yuan was taken aback.

"Nowadays all major forces want to win over Zhao Yang. He is of great value." Zi Heng said in a deep voice, "If we can bring Zhao Yang into our camp, maybe I can replace the city lord."

"Zhao Yang said before that Yongcheng is too small, and he won't stay in Yongcheng for too long." Ziyuan said after a while.

"Of course I know that a genius like Zhao Yang cannot stay in Yongcheng for a long time, but even a little help from him to our Zi family is enough." Zi Heng said with a smile, "For example, he has refined a The first-grade pill of the third heavenly realm of the gods."

Zi Yuan fell silent.

"Ziyuan, you also know that the lineage of the city lord is watching us covetously. If we can't strengthen our strength, we may be swallowed by the lineage of the city lord." Zi Heng said bitterly.

"I'll ask."

"As long as Zhao Yang can attend the banquet I arranged, that's enough."


"Zhao Yang has not accepted anyone's invitation so far."

"I see." Ziyuan understood that her father wanted to create momentum.

Ziyuan came to the Alchemy Association, and she proposed to meet Zhao Yang.

The waiter told Zhao Yang about Ziyuan's identity, and Zhao Yang directly asked the waiter to bring Ziyuan.

"I didn't expect you to reach this level after only a year of seeing each other?" Ziyuan said with emotion.

"You are still the same as before." Zhao Yang invited Ziyuan to sit down.

After sitting down, Liang Lili brought two cups of tea.

"Is this your disciple?" Ziyuan glanced at Jiang Lili.

Jiang Lili is very handsome, and her appearance is also the best choice.

"Student." Zhao Yang said softly.

There is still a big difference between disciples and students.

"It's rare to serve a god at the second rank." Zi Yuan said in surprise.

"Thanks to the teacher's training, I can achieve what I am today." Jiang Lili said modestly.

Ziyuan could see that Jiang Lili's eyes were filled with admiration when she said this.

After Jiang Lili bowed and retreated, Ziyuan said carefully, "My father wants to invite you to a banquet, congratulations on becoming a seventh-rank alchemist to serve God."

"No time." Zhao Yang refused.

"No time to?"

"I don't intend to meet anyone, and I don't want to participate in the game of the high-level officials in Yongcheng. Do you understand?" How could Zhao Yang not understand Zi Heng's thoughts?

If he had participated in the banquet hosted by the major forces before, that would be fine.

Now he only participates in Zi Heng's banquet, so how can the outside world interpret it?

"The current situation of the Zi family is very bad." Zi Yuan said bitterly after a while.

"If you are in danger, I will take care of it."

And the waiter who left before this time came back again.

"Master Zhao, Lu Qianqian is coming to see you."

"Lu Qianqian?"

"Lu Qianqian, the daughter of the deputy commander of Yongcheng."

"Let her go back." Zhao Yang was not interested in seeing this woman.

But after a while the waiter came again.

"Lu Qianqian said that he has something very important to tell you."

"Then let her come in." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

After Lu Qianqian came in, when she saw Zi Yuan, she froze for a moment, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" Zi Yuan snorted coldly.

"If you were here, I wouldn't talk about that." Lu Qianqian wanted to command Ziyuan's army.

"Say what you want to say, or leave if you don't." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"This matter concerns you, are you sure you don't want to know?" Lu Qianqian stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"Let's go." Zhao Yang pointed in the direction of the door.

Lu Qianqian said angrily, "You bastard, you're so boring. Someone asked for your information in the empty space of the Alchemy Association, but Ling Han took over the task."

"Jiang Sichun released it?"

"how do you know?"

"I can't think of anyone else besides her?" Zhao Yang said lazily.

What did he think was the big news?

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