Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1386 Mission Hall

"Your identity is only known to the senior management of the headquarters, not everyone is qualified to know your identity."

Only after hearing this did Zhao Yang fill in his own information.

Yongcheng Alchemy Association, sixth-rank God Attendant, Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang filled in the relevant information, the system asked, "In the void space of the nameplate, are you showing your true colors?"

"Is everyone showing their true colors?"

"More than 80.00% yes."

"Then let's show people our true colors." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something when he said this, "By the way, are the alchemists of the entire God Realm in this space?"

"To be precise, only the monks of the Lower God Realm stay in this empty space."

"Why isn't the one from Central God Realm here?"

"If the ones in the Central God Realm are talking, aren't they bullying the Lower God Realm?"

"Does the Array Dao Association and the Qi Dao Association have similar secret realms?"


Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

He thought of a way to find Lin Caihan and other women.

"Can you issue a mission in the secret realm of nothingness?"


It has been almost seven years since Zhao Yang came to God's Domain.

Calculating that there are still three years left, Lin Caihan is about to ascend to the ascension.

At that time, you can tell them how to find themselves by posting tasks?

After realizing this, Zhao Yang asked the system, "Take me to the mission release center."


As Zhao Yang's voice fell, he felt the change of space, and soon he appeared in a huge hall.

There are many alchemists coming and going in this hall.

These alchemists were chatting in groups of three or four, and of course they were paying more attention to the tasks.

There are many tasks flashing on the public screen.

"The tasks on the public screen all have relatively high rewards, you might as well take a look."

Some tasks are detoxification, some tasks are to solve confusion, and some tasks are to find scarce medicinal materials.

"After I complete the task, how will the bounty be given to me?"

"You have an account on your nameplate, and the bounty will be sent to you at that time."

"Virtual currency?"

"You can go to the Array Dao Association, Alchemy Association, Qi Dao Association, any association to extract it at any time. In addition, many cities and even many forces are also recognized."

"It's quite convenient to say that." Zhao Yang nodded.

At this time, a sound of exclamation broke out in the field.

"A million boundary stones are looking for the detoxification method of the nine-winged golden snake."

"The nine-winged golden snake is very poisonous, even the gods can't please it."

"I heard that I was poisoned by the nine-winged golden snake, so I have no choice but to resist."

"I haven't heard of anyone researching the antidote for the nine-winged golden snake in these years?"

Seeing the news that suddenly hit the headlines, Zhao Yang pondered and asked the system, "What if I want to accept this task?"

"You can go to the guild hall and tell the waiter that you want to take this task."

"It's that simple."

"But if you can't complete this task, you need to pay 5.00% liquidated damages."

"Is there a punishment mechanism?"

"Once you accept this task, others will have no chance to take it again." The system replied, "Otherwise, if everyone randomly accepts the task, it will cause chaos. For example, for this task, the person who issued the task was very anxious, but in the end you just wanted to try it." Try, aren't you entertaining people?"

"It makes sense." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "But after I told the other party the method, what should I do if the other party doesn't implement it?"

"In this case, you can appeal to the mission center, and the mission center will personally verify it. If it proves that the other party did not perform, then the mission center will first give you a deposit of 100 million yuan, and at the same time severely punish the other party."

Zhao Yang immediately came to the front desk and told the waiter that he would accept the task of the Nine-Winged Golden Snake.

After repeated confirmation by the waiter, the task was handed over to Zhao Yang.

Immediately, special personnel led Zhao Yang to a room, and there was a young girl with picturesque features in the room.

The girl was taken aback when she saw Zhao Yang.

She didn't expect the alchemist who took her task to be so young?

"Can you eliminate the poison of the nine-winged golden snake?"


"What's the solution?"

Zhao Yang wrote a prescription and handed it to the girl.

"There are detailed refining steps above." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The girl glanced at it and said in a deep voice, "I need to verify first."

The girl doesn't know if this pill is useful?

"Should be."

The girl hurried away.


This is a very large city in the Lower God Realm.

The girl was none other than Jiang Sichun, the daughter of the city lord of Ming City, and it was her father who was poisoned by the nine-winged golden snake.

At this time, Jiang Yuanyuan was already very angry, his face was full of gloomy breath, and he seemed to be dying.

"Father, I'm here." Jiang Sichun came to the sick bed and wept.

Jiang Yuanyuan reached out to touch Jiang Sichun's face, but at this time he couldn't even do the simplest movement.

"Father, I am offering a huge reward in the Alchemy Association. Someone just gave a prescription for detoxification. Just stick to it, and I will make it right away." Jiang Sichun held his father's big hand and said in a deep voice, "Father, you must persist until I come back. .”

"Okay." Jiang Yuanyuan said very weakly.

Jiang Yuanyuan is also an alchemist, and her level of alchemy is also very high, reaching the fifth-rank servant god state.

The refining plan is not complicated, it is just boiling the medicinal liquid.

Jiang Yuanyuan followed the steps step by step.

She had just finished cooking when a maid came over with red eyes, "Miss, City Lord..."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuanyuan panicked for no reason.

"Could it be that……."

Jiang Sichun hurried to the room, only to find that his father had died.

"Father, I've prepared the liquid medicine, you... how can you...?" Jiang Sichun burst into tears while talking.

Many high-level officials of the City Lord's Mansion were also weeping.

The city lord Jiang Yuanyuan suffered misfortune in order to protect the people in the city.

At this moment, Jiang Sichun's nameplate vibrated.

Jiang Sichun didn't care.

But then the nameplate vibrated again.

"Miss, your nameplate has been vibrating."

Jiang Sichun wiped away his tears, and a ray of divine sense entered the nameplate.

There is a message from Zhao Yang on the nameplate.

"Cultivators who are bitten by the nine-winged golden snake will enter a state of suspended animation. Of course, this state of suspended animation will only last for an hour."

"Fake death?" Jiang Sichun's eyes showed hope.

Everyone also heard Jiang Sichun's words.

"suspended animation?"

"What do you mean by feigning death?"

"Could it be that the Lord City Lord is not dead?"

Jiang Sichun quickly helped his father up, and poured the refined medicinal liquid into Jiang Yuanyuan.

But can't get in.

But can this be difficult for Jiang Sichun?

She forcibly poured it with divine power.

One bite.

Two bites.

Three mouthfuls.

Jiang Sichun didn't put down Jiang Yuanyuan until all the bowls were poured, and then Jiang Sichun sent a message to Zhao Yang, "I've already poured the medicine, when will my father wake up?"

"One quarter of an hour."

"If my father can wake up in a quarter of an hour, I will marry you."

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