Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1378 Passing the Exam

"Shut up." Lu Qianqian looked at Ziyuan fiercely and said.

"This one looks very unfamiliar." At this moment, the tall man looked at Zhao Yang and said.

Zhao Yang didn't even look at him.

"I am a second-grade alchemist certified by the Alchemy Association." The man introduced himself at this time.

"People from the Alchemy Association?" Zhao Yang's eyes lit up.

That man thought Zhao Yang was envious.


"What kind of treatment do you get for alchemists who serve the gods at the second rank?"

"The alchemists of the second grade of serving the gods can already become the mainstay of the Alchemy Association. The senior management of the Alchemy Association will focus on training you. In addition, any force that wants to move you must consider the Alchemy Association behind you." The man talked eloquently. , "If you ask about the treatment. First, you can get a [-]% discount on the purchase of medicinal materials in the Alchemy Association."

"Wait, why is it [-]% off?"

"Door God Realm can get [-]% off [-]% to [-]% off, and Servant God Realm can get [-]% off to [-]% off." The man explained, "Secondly, after you have accumulated some points, you can exchange them for high-level Cultivation method..."

Following the man's eloquence, Zhao Yang learned about the benefits of the Alchemy Association.

It seems to be similar to Xianyu.

"Let's go."

"Where are you going?" the man asked in confusion.

"I'm going to certify the alchemist." Zhao Yang grinned.

"Certified alchemist?" Ling Han was stunned.

"Yes, I am also an alchemist." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Alchemy masters are also superior and inferior, and you are not as good as my brother Han." Lu Qianqian said with some taste.

"I don't know what level of alchemist you want to certify?" Ling Han asked cautiously.

"I haven't been certified before, can I do it in one step?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"Yes, but you need to pass the system assessment."

"That's fine."

"I'll take you to the Alchemy Association." Ziyuan said softly.

"It just so happens that I have nothing to do, let's go together." Ling Han also said hurriedly.

He also wanted to know what level of alchemist Zhao Yang was?

Ling Han came from outside.

As soon as he came to Yongcheng, he became a highly anticipated existence of the Alchemy Association.

He didn't want others to steal his limelight.

Alchemy Association.

Ziyuan still had a lot of face, she directly met the elder who was in charge of the assessment of the Alchemy Association.

"What level of alchemist do you want to assess?" the examiner elder looked at Zhao Yang with a smile and said.

"Third grade servant god." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

The smile on the face of the examiner elder suddenly subsided, "Are you sure?"

At Zhao Yang's age, an alchemy master of this level can already be described in four words: amazing talent and stunning beauty.

"I'm sure." Zhao Yang nodded.

"This level of assessment requires three elders to come." The assessment elder said and got up and left.

It didn't take long for two other masters to arrive at the scene.

The elder examiner introduced to Zhao Yang, "This is the vice president of the Alchemy Association, and he will be the chief examiner today."

The vice president is Jude Kao, who is also a strong person in the God Realm.

He looked at Zhao Yang with a smile, "Should I start with the second-rank servant god?"

"Need not."

"That's fine, let's draw up the questions first." Jude Kao said with a smile.

Jude Kao and the two elders quickly determined a test paper.

"You need to finish this test paper within an hour. Of course, as long as your score reaches [-], you will pass." Jude Kao said and handed Zhao Yang a test paper.

Zhao Yang nodded.

Immediately, a protective shield rose around him.

This protective cover can isolate Zhao Yang from communicating with his surroundings.

After Zhao Yang glanced at it, he started to write.

As a result, only a quarter of an hour later, Zhao Yang got up and was about to hand in the paper, which surprised Jude Kao and the two elders.

After checking Zhao Yang's test paper, Jude Kao and the two elders were shocked to find that Zhao Yang got a perfect score in the test.

"All right."

"A good one."

"His alchemy theory is too rich, right? Even I'm not sure that it's all right."

After Jude calmed down his excitement, he said, "Zhao Yang, the next step is the actual assessment. You need to refine a pill that can step into the third heaven of the god-serving realm within two hours. As long as a furnace appears A second-grade pill can pass."

"Do you provide medicinal materials?"

"Offered, but not for free."

"I see."

Soon an elder sent a medicine.

After Zhao Yang sorted out the steps of alchemy carefully, he started alchemy.

Jude Kao and the two elders found that Zhao Yang's alchemy process was smooth and smooth, and many of the seals he refined were something they had never seen before.

"His inheritance is terrible."

"Indeed, Zhao Yang may come from an alchemy family."

"I don't think there is any problem with Cheng Dan."

An hour has passed.

Two hours passed.

At this moment, Zhao Yang tapped the alchemy furnace, and nine divine pills shot up into the sky, but they were blocked by Zhao Yang's divine sense.

"Nine divine pills."

"Three first-grade pills, six second-grade pills."

"This far exceeds the assessment standard."

Jude Kao and the two elders were very excited, which meant that the Alchemy Association was about to produce a peerless genius, and a genius far ahead of Ling Han.

"Congratulations, you passed the assessment perfectly." Jude Kao said excitedly when he came to Zhao Yang.

"I don't know how many boundary stones are the medicinal materials refined?" Zhao Yang said softly.

"I'll see you off." Jude Kao said in a good mood.

Zhao Yang was not polite either.

"Elder Sun, go and make Zhao Yang's red robe and identity plate."

"Obey." Elder Sun said and left in a hurry.

Elder Sun turned back half an hour later.

"This is your pill robe."

"This is your nameplate."

"Here's your badge."

Zhao Yang took them one by one.

"If you hang the badge on your chest, others will know that you are from my Alchemy Association. In this way, even people from Yongcheng will not dare to disrespect us." Vice President Jude Kao said softly, "As for the nameplate, you You can communicate with the entire alchemy association through the nameplate."

"The entire alchemy association you are talking about...?"

"The alchemist of the first heaven in the entire God's Domain." Jude Kao explained, "Many of our alchemists like to communicate in it, but remember to hide your identity."


"No matter where there are disputes, before your strength is not strong enough, you still need to hide." Jude Kao said solemnly, "In the token, you can not only communicate, but also shop, or Listen to lectures inside."

Zhao Yang's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Isn't this a virtual space?"

"It's okay if you explain it that way." Jude Kao said with a smile.

Zhao Yang finally understood how the nameplate was used after some research.

"By the way, Zhao Yang, are you interested in joining my Alchemy Association?" Jude Kao asked with hopeful eyes.

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