Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1372 I'm Going

Luo Xue suddenly thought of something.

Zhao Yang seemed to be coming here from Zhengzheng.

After thinking about it, she sent Zhao Yang a message, but Zhao Yang didn't reply.

She suddenly realized that it was broken.

Just then Zhao Yang came in from the outside.

"Falling snow."

When Zhu Wei saw Zhao Yang, there was a look of displeasure on his face.

He followed Luoxue to Zhao Yang.

"Luoxue, who is this?"

Zhu Wei's posture was as if he was Luoxue or something.

Luoxue Bingxue is smart, how can she not see what Zhu Wei is thinking?

Luo Xue stood beside Zhao Yang and introduced softly, "Zhao Yang, let me introduce you. This is Zhu Wei. Today he invited all of us to have dinner together."

"I came here in a hurry and didn't bring any gifts. I'm really sorry." Zhao Yang said politely.

"The visitor is a guest, come and take a seat." Zhu Wei greeted against his will.

"Come, sit beside me." Luo Xue said softly.

Zhao Yang naturally sat beside Luoxue, which made everyone present not very happy?

After all, everyone present knew Zhu Wei's thoughts on Luoxue.

In their view, Zhao Yang is the dove occupying the magpie's nest.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Zhu Wei's friend asked with a serious face at this moment.

"That's right, I sat down carelessly, do you think this is your home?" Zhang Lan snorted coldly.

"Zhang Lan, is this how you treat my friend?" What Zhang Lan didn't expect was that Luo Xue turned against her directly.

"That's not what I meant." Zhang Lan hurriedly said.

"Since we are not welcome here, let's go." Luo Xue said and stood up.

Zhang Lan couldn't understand what Zhao Yang meant to Luoxue?

That was the dawn of her life.

"Luoxue, don't, you've said the wrong thing as a sister, can't you?" Zhang Lan stepped forward and pulled Luoxue to apologize repeatedly.

It's not good for Luoxue to say anything more.

At this time, Zhao Yang's token flickered.

Zhao Yang checked the message and found that it was from Hua University.


"Where am I with Luoxue?"


"You said what's the matter with you?"

"I want to borrow some boundary stones from you."

"You come to me."

After finishing the call, Luoxue asked curiously, "Is someone looking for you?"

"Hua Yu." Zhao Yang said softly.

And Zhao Yang's words caught the attention of Zhang Lan and others present.

"Hua Da? Are you talking about Hua Dao of the Door God Realm Ninth Heaven?" Zhang Lan asked hastily.

The Ninth Heaven of Door God Realm can already be called a prospective graduate in the training camp.

For them, it is a big boss level existence.

Zhu Wei was also a little apprehensive.

Could it be that Zhao Yang has a good relationship with Huada?

Zhao Yang nodded, "What's wrong?"

"How could you know Hua Da?" Zhang Lan said with a puzzled look on his face, "He is a top existence in the sect."

Zhao Yang smiled, but he was too lazy to explain anything.

Soon Hua University broke in.

After looking around, he walked towards Zhao Yang, "Brother, do you have to do me a favor this time?" Before, Hua Dao dared to call himself brother in front of Zhao Yang, but now he dared not.

Because he realized that Zhao Yang's future achievements are definitely not something he can provoke.

"Come on, what are you borrowing money for?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Lan Yaqin wants to raise her cultivation level to God-serving state within a year, but she can't do it with her current progress." Hua Dao said softly, "We have a genius formation master in our training camp. A formation disk that can improve the progress of practice has been produced."

"And you want to buy it?"

"The one who doesn't sell it." Hua Da shook his head and said, "He only rents it."

"How much is the rent?"

"Ten dollars a day."

"How many times can the progress of practice be increased?


"It's only double."

"It's less than double?" Hua Da's eyes widened and he said, "I went to ask, but it turned out that the rent is only monthly, and I can rent it for a month or two. The problem is that according to Lan Yaqin's progress, I think There’s not a year that’s impossible.”

"How much do you need?"

"Three thousand." Hua Da said shyly.

The audience was in an uproar.

Three thousand?

What's wrong with Huada?

You know, even the door god Ninth Chongtian can't afford this price, okay?

"Here you are." But what those guys didn't expect was that Zhao Yang directly threw a universe bag to Hua Da.

There is no restriction on this universe bag, so anyone's divine sense can see through it.

They clearly saw that there were 3000 yuan boundary stones in the universe bag.

"Thanks, brother." Hua said excitedly.

"Actually, I also know formations that can increase the speed of cultivation." Zhao Yang said with a smile at this moment.

Hua Da's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Aside from alchemy, you also know formation?" Hua Dao had an unbelievable look on his face.

"I can create an array that doubles the speed of practice."

"How long do you need?"

"one day."

"Then you can just build one for me, and why are you lending me the boundary stone?"

"I'm leaving the training camp soon. If something happens to Luoxue then, remember to help." Zhao Yang pointed at Luoxue beside him and said, "Don't let her be wronged."

"Brother, what are you going to do?" Hua Da asked nervously.

"Some grudges should be reported." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Hua University suddenly thought of something, "You want to challenge Long Zaixing?"

"Long Zaixing spoke publicly a year ago, and I have endured it for a year." Zhao Yang looked at Hua Da and said.

"You can defeat Long Zaixing now?" Hua Da was shocked, "Do you know that Long Zaixing is about to break through?"

"I won't do things that I'm not sure about." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "I'm going to challenge Long Zaixing, do you want to go with me?"

"Naturally." Hua Da said without thinking, "I have to cheer for my brother."

Luoxue also stood up at this time.

"I'll go as well."

Zhao Yang nodded.

After watching the three of Zhao Yang leave, Zhang Lan and others set off a stormy sea.

"I know who he is?" a man said.

"The legend of Han Qinhu and many of Han Qinhu's brothers was severely damaged a year ago. I heard that this man has reached the seventh level of the door god realm within two years after entering the training camp." Another man said.

"Just now he said that he was able to defeat Long Zaixing. Doesn't that mean that his cultivation has reached the ninth level?" Zhang Lan's face was full of shock.

"This is destined to be a battle between dragons and tigers."

"Got to see it."

Soon the monks present all headed towards the challenge room.

Challenge indoors.

When Zhao Yang told the deacon that he wanted to challenge Long Zaixing, the deacon was stunned.

"Are you sure you want to challenge Long Zaixing?"

Who is Long Zaixing?

An existence that can step into the realm of serving the gods at any time.

It is almost invincible in the training camp.

What did Zhao Yang think?

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