Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1318 Seven Kill Bridges

"You are challenging the Qisha Bridge." At this moment, the voice of the pagoda rang in Zhao Yang's ear, "Every time you pass a level, you will get a reward."

"Are you sure this is not an illusion?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"Who told you it was all an illusion?" Baota said with a smile.

"Then why do you insist that my state of mind reach the heart of the Great Dao?"

"If you haven't even reached the heart of the Dao, you don't even have the qualifications to challenge." Baota said lightly, "Didn't you notice that the first opponent you challenged is at the third level?"

"That is to say, the last level requires me to challenge the fourth level of the Door God Realm?"


Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face suddenly turned green.

He is still sure in the third heaven of door god realm, but how can he be sure in the fourth heaven?

"If you can't do it, don't even think about getting out of here." Baota said lightly.

"Then I'll fight after I raise my cultivation base." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"At that time, your opponent's cultivation base will also improve."

Zhao Yang fell silent.

"That is to say, at this time, I have to have the strength of the fourth level of door god realm?"

"Of course you have the strength to kill the fourth level of door god realm."

"I want to know if there is a reward?" Zhao Yang asked after a while.

He wants to fight for more rewards.

Zhao Yang's voice fell and ten emperor seals appeared in front of him.

"This is……?"

"Whoever gets this emperor seal can step into the third level of the emperor's peak in a very short period of time."

"Is this just an ordinary emperor's seal?"

"This emperor seal is condensed by me, and it also contains the original power of the Dao." Pagoda said with a smile, "For example, a quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian, after refining this emperor seal, can set foot on the emperor's footsteps within a hundred years." The third level of the peak realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

He rushed forward.

On the second bridge, Zhao Yang saw a fierce beast again.

The combat power of this fierce beast reached the fourth level, but it was still slapped into the river by Zhao Yang.

Ten emperor seals carrying the origin of the Dao appeared again in front of Zhao Yang.

"This is the fourth-level emperor seal." Zhao Yang asked just after the pagoda's voice fell, "is the reward for the next level ten fifth-level emperor seals that carry the original power of the Dao?"


"I think you should just give it to me."

"Procedures still have to go."

Zhao Yang had no choice but to shoot down the third beast.

The pagoda gave Zhao Yang ten emperor seals again.

"Senior, is the fourth level the seal of God?"


"God seal?" Zhao Yang showed excitement on his face.

The third princess has always wanted to step into the realm of the gods, but unfortunately, she never had the chance.

If Zhao Yang gets the seal of the gods, then the three princesses will also be able to step into the realm of the gods.

When Zhao Yang set foot on the fourth bridge, a fierce beast appeared on the other side again. At this time, Zhao Yang still didn't pay much attention to the beast.


Zhao Yang's potential is triple heaven.


When the beast rushed in front of Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang swung his fist and blasted towards the beast.

The beast wailed and fell into the river.

"Your progress is quite fast, kid." Baota said in surprise.

"Hurry up and give the reward." Zhao Yang said with burning eyes.

The pagoda waved his hand, and five imprints shining with divine brilliance appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"Why are there only five?"

"This is the seal of God."

"Will it shrink in the future?"

"You'll know then."

Zhao Yang went to the fifth bridge angrily.

The beast on the fifth bridge was knocked down into the river by Zhao Yang without accident.

At this time, five divine seals appeared in front of Zhao Yang.

"This is the divine seal of the second level of door god realm."

Zhao Yang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it didn't shrink."

But when Zhao Yang stepped on the sixth bridge, his expression became serious.

Because that beast is at the same level as Zhao Yang.


Zhao Yang collided with the fierce beast fiercely.

What surprised Zhao Yang was that he was forced back several meters.

Seeing that he failed to kill Zhao Yang, the ferocious beast looked irritable and angry.

It rushed towards Zhao Yang again.

Zhao Yang's eyes also revealed a serious look.


Do you think I'm afraid of you?

Zhao Yang swung the Nine Suns Divine Fist to kill the beast.

One punch.

Two punches.

Three punches.

The collision between the two sides became more and more violent.

Blood was splattering.

The two figures separated after fighting hundreds of moves on the narrow bridge.

Zhao Yang was panting heavily, even though the Nine Suns Mysterious Arts continued to flow, he felt exhausted at this moment.

It was really that ferocious beast that was so ferocious that the opponent was not afraid of death at all.

"Come again." Zhao Yang rushed towards the beast again after repairing it a bit.

There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the fierce beast, but its temperament was bloodthirsty, so it immediately ran towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang turned himself into the sun, bright and hot.

The power of hundreds of millions of pure yang punches made the beast's hair burn, but the steel needles on that beast's body were harder than cold iron, and Zhao Yang's body was pierced with dozens of bloody holes.

After the two sides fought hundreds of moves, the beast was finally beaten to the ground.

"Jump down." Zhao Yang pointed to the river.

The beast whimpered, then turned and left.

"Can it still be like this?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"According to the regulations, as long as you defeat the beast, you will complete the task." Baota said with a smile at this time.

"I thought I needed to throw the beast into the river." Zhao Yang said shyly.

"Here you are." What appeared in front of Zhao Yang was a volume of secret books.

"Senior, is this...?"

"There are many basic exercises in the whole world, and it is famous for the nine basic exercises. The exercise I gave you is one of the nine basic exercises, the original true solution." Baota said solemnly.

"The original truth?"

"Basic exercises are also foundational exercises. This exercise is very important. There are so many creatures in the sky, but not many can get the nine basic exercises." Baota introduced, "You can practice this exercise with confidence. Dharma, it will polish your foundation extremely solidly."

"Are there any strengths or weaknesses among the nine basic exercises?"


"Can I practice now?"

"Yes." Speaking of which, Baota paused, "But I don't recommend you use it."


"Because if you use the original true solution, it means that half of your foot is a man of God, and if you are still in the lower realm at this time, you may be punished by God in the future." Baota said in a deep voice, " Of course, if you use the previous exercises, there will be no problem."

"What will happen to the creatures in my little world when I go to heaven in the future?"

"They can't go to heaven with you, otherwise they will all fall in the middle of the journey."

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