Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1308 The Frog at the Bottom of the Well

There are three hundred yellow-level legions of Yanhuangzong.

Tie Han selected 110 soldiers from among them, and then brought these soldiers to the area where they were training.

Yan Huangzong specially allocated an area for the first general, these monks can move freely in this area, but they are absolutely not allowed to go to other areas.

Of course, it is impossible for them to go there.

Because they have set up a prohibition formation around them.

"Yanhuangzong's army is too powerful."

"That's right, even the most elite legion in Xianting is still several grades behind the legion that we are fighting with."

"First, their equipment is really good. The light battle armor made by Huang Tie, the long sword made by Huang Tie, and the two forbidden weapons that are higher than their own two small realms can be used as weapons at critical moments. Second, the level of their cultivation skills far exceeds their own, which makes their combat power surpass the same level. In fact, I have always been curious about how they learned it? Third, their battle array is exquisite, which can be described as world-class Wushuang, even if they face several times as many enemies, they will dare to kill them after forming a battle formation."

"I heard that there is a more powerful legion besides this kind of legion."

"That kind of legion should be the direct line legion of Yan Huangzong."

"To tell the truth, Yanhuangzong took care of us a lot, but Yanhuangzong hid us."

"Who told us to be the soldiers of Xianting before? If it were me, I would be wary of it."

"I want to join Yanhuangzong's Golden Legion."

"I also want to join, I want to integrate into Yanhuangzong."

What these monks didn't know was that the legion they had seen was actually a yellow rank legion, which was the last legion of Yan Huangzong.

Of course, the number and so on, the soldiers of Yanhuangzong have never disclosed it.

When these monks went to the residence of the first god general to express their wishes, the face of the first god general showed embarrassment.

"I believe you have seen the bravery and fearlessness of the Golden Legion, but do you know what is the most precious thing about the Golden Legion?"

Hearing the words, everyone showed surprise and suspicion.

"Loyalty." The first general said loudly, "The Golden Legion is extremely loyal to Yanhuangzong."

The crowd fell silent.

"The reason why Yanhuangzong did not recruit us, I think it is largely because we are not loyal enough." The first general looked around the audience and said, "We have gone out to fight in the past year. Compared with the Golden Legion, we have exposed too much. So many questions."

After a pause, the first general continued, "We need to complain less and be more loyal."

"Well said." At this moment Tie Han arrived here with tens of thousands of soldiers.

Seeing Tiehan, the first god general hurried forward to salute.

"I have seen the young master."

Tie Han smiled slightly, "The Zongmen has always been watching the performance of you soldiers, and now the Zongmen intends to reorganize, and specially ordered me to bring these soldiers."

The first general immediately understood that Yanhuangzong wanted to seize power.

"Jian Nu, these soldiers are all drawn from the Golden Legion by me. They will serve as the leaders of the ten legions at all levels. At the same time, they will also shoulder the important task of guiding the soldiers to practice." Jian Nu waved his hand in the air A mountain-like resource appeared in it.

The eyes of these soldiers stared at these resources.

"The suzerain said that in view of your previous performance, all the soldiers of the ten legions will unconditionally be promoted to a small level." Tie Han said, looking at the first general, "including you, the commander in chief."

"How can I be the commander-in-chief again?" the first general said hastily.

He didn't know if Tie Han was trying to test him, but he felt that he was not suitable to be the commander.

"The suzerain said, let me manage these ten legions with you." Tie Han said with a smile.

Tiehan knew very well that the number one general had spiritual beliefs for these tens of millions of soldiers, and if he suddenly took down the number one general, there would inevitably be a gap between these tens of millions of soldiers.

And when the time is right, the number one general will not be of much use, but Yanhuangzong will not do this kind of thing like crossing the river and tearing down the bridge.

In fact, Yanhuangzong sent so many soldiers suddenly, and these soldiers replaced the previous generals, which made some soldiers feel dissatisfied.

The first god will know the situation.

Therefore, he has not been idle, and has been forcibly suppressing.

But with the passage of time, the soldiers have changed a lot about the soldiers sent by the Yanhuang sect.

They found that these generals of Yanhuangzong were more powerful than the previous generals. In addition to teaching various exercises to their subordinates, they would also ask Tiehan for various skills for their subordinates. resource.

This has made their strength greatly improved in a short period of time.

In just one year, the overall strength of these ten legions tripled.

This seems incredible to them.

"The resources are completely open to us."

"The resources Yanhuangzong gave us can only be used by direct descendants in Xianting."

"I heard that the emperor-level powerhouses have also received corresponding resources, and their cultivation bases have also improved on the previous basis."

"Yanhuangzong is really a big deal."

The first god general and many emperors were shocked.

No one would have imagined that Yan Huangzong invested so much in them?

"The resources given to me by the sect allow me to step into the realm of the emperor." At this moment, the first general broke out a shocking news.

"Eighth Heaven?" The first general's deputy exclaimed.

"Your resources will be in place one after another, but it depends on your cooperation." The first god general gave everyone a warning look and said, "I believe everyone will be aware of Yan Huangzong's investment in us this year, but I know there are some guys who are obedient to others, and if I find out who it is, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Commander, I want to know how many years Yanhuangzong will continue to invest?" An emperor expressed his doubts.

"The initial investment is 30 years." The first god general replied.

"30 years?" Everyone was shocked.

They can't imagine how much resources will be consumed in 30 years for such a scale of investment?

"And the investment every year will be more than the previous year." The first general said again.

Shocked expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

"Yanhuangzong has also given you certain rights, what you have to do next is to cooperate unconditionally, and put away your petty thoughts." The first general looked around the audience and said, "Everyone, this is a gift bestowed on us by God. If we still fail to grasp the opportunity, we will lose all chance in this life."

"Commander, I want to know if we continue to invest for 30 years, will our strength surpass the Xianting Headquarters?" An emperor asked a question.

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