People are lucky.

But often you don't want to bear the loss, but you end up with a bigger loss.

After the four top powerhouses reached an agreement, they joined forces to break the restriction of Taoist Ran Deng, and under their joint efforts, the restriction of Taoist Ran Deng was finally broken, and then hundreds of thousands of monks from the outside world followed them into the ancient temple .

The ancient temple is a small world of its own, and there are various resources in it.

And it was a gluttonous feast for everyone.

Just when everyone was eating a lot, they suddenly discovered something.

Yan Huangzong did not come.

One must know that even the monks of the Qin Palace came to share a piece of the pie.

Why didn't Yan Huangzong come?

Everyone can't understand.

"Could it be that the Yan Huangzong wanted to snatch the Sword Clan and the Kun Clan from time to time?"

"To rob is to rob, but there is no need to give up this, right?"

"That's right, I don't understand Yanhuangzong's routine?"

Of course these monks didn't understand that Zhao Yang had obtained top resources.

But when he reached this point, he was embarrassed to send the sect's disciples here again.

Lin Caihan came to Zhao Yang just when Zhao Yang was setting up the formation to protect the mountain.

"According to our calculations, the Dao Qi given to you by Taoist Ran Deng can support thousands of emperors of all levels to practice for more than a hundred years." Lin Caihan replied, "Of course, if it is the peak of the emperor, it will be consumed faster. "

"The spirit of the Dao, you look at the arrangement." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "Don't worry about wasting, but don't let the cultivation base of the middle level exceed that of the high level."

"What do you mean?" Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

Shouldn't the higher-ups be given priority to use such a precious Dao Qi?

"How much can the aura of the Dao increase the speed of the monk's practice?"

"About three times. Of course, the higher your cultivation base, the more you can absorb." Lin Caihan said softly.

"Among the formations passed down to me by Senior Pagoda, there is a formation called the Big Dipper Sky Array, which can increase the speed of the emperor's practice." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But the strength of the formation needs to reach the fifth level. "

Lin Caihan's eyes lit up when she heard this, "How much can I improve?"

"Three times." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "And if it runs to the extreme, it can be increased to five times. Of course, the consumption of resources will be more than ten times."

"What does it take to operate the Big Dipper Sky Array?"

"Diye." Zhao Yang introduced, "Every operation requires a large amount of Diye."

"It doesn't matter what Diye said." Lin Caihan said softly.

Yanhuangzong currently has tens of millions of emperor liquid, and there are too many emperors in Yanhuangzong, they can also condense emperor liquid themselves.

Diye used to be a scarce resource, but not anymore.

"Have you collected enough materials for the Big Dipper Sky Formation?" Lin Caihan asked immediately.

"Enough." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Is the Big Dipper Sky Array useful for aiming at Emperor Zhuan?"

"The Big Dipper Qingming Formation is aimed at the quasi-emperors. In fact, I can arrange them when I reach the fourth level, but Yanhuangzong doesn't need too many quasi-emperors, so I didn't specially arrange them." Zhao Yang explained, "The Big Dipper The Great Formation of Qingming can also increase the speed of Emperor Zhun's cultivation by three times, and if it works to the extreme, it can be increased by five times."

"The resource consumed is Zhundiye, right?"


"If this is the case, I think it can make the formation work to the extreme."

"This needs to be considered comprehensively by the sect."

"By the way, how many monks can the two formations you mentioned take care of at the same time?"

"The Big Dipper Sky Formation can take care of thousands of monks at the same time, while the Big Dipper Qingming Formation can take care of tens of thousands of monks at the same time."

Hearing this, Lin Caihan's eyes lit up.

It can be said that with these two formations, Yanhuangzong will embark on the road of rapid development.

"It is less than 200 years away from the destruction of heaven and earth. I was worried that the disciples of Yanhuangzong would not be able to grow up. But with these two formations, I think all worries will be gone."

"I will start building these two formations after the mountain protection formation is established." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Aren't you going to settle accounts with the Sword Clan and the Kun Clan?"

"They will take the initiative to come to the door." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Yang's guess was correct.

Half a month later, the patriarch of the Sword Clan and other masters came to Yanhuangzong in a low-key manner.

"We want to talk."

"Let's talk." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Our Sword Clan shouldn't have taken advantage of the fire to rob us back then, but it was also because you blackmailed us." The head of the Sword Clan thought about his words, "However, we did this unethically after all. This is our Sword Clan's compensation to Yan Huangzong " Said the patriarch of the Sword Clan and handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

Zhao Yang's divine sense scanned and found that the resources in the Qiankun bag were the same as what Zhao Yang asked for before.

"Times have changed. You Sword Clan have gotten a lot of good things over the years, not to mention that you have made a lot of money from Daoist Randeng this time." Zhao Yang said lightly, "So these are not enough."

"How much more do you need?" Hearing that Zhao Yang was willing to talk, the head of the Sword Clan showed joy.

What it is most worried about is that Zhao Yang doesn't want to talk about it.

"Double it." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Too much." The patriarch of the Sword Clan replied bitterly, "It is true that we have obtained some resources over the years, but if we give you double the resources, our Sword Clan will not be able to develop at all."

"Forget it, on the basis of these resources, give us another 500 million drops of Diye, will this work?"

"Okay, okay, okay." The sword clan patriarch said hurriedly.

The total value of these resources is at least tens of millions.

Now Zhao Yang asked for another 500 million drops of Diye, which seemed very conscientious to them.

Soon an elder of the Sword Clan left, and not long after that elder turned back, he handed Zhao Yang a universe bag.

Zhao Yang scanned his spiritual sense and said, "The grievances between our two clans will be wiped out."

The patriarch of the Sword Clan said happily, "Then I'll go back and return."

"We will find a suitable time to release this matter."

"I understand." The Sword Clan patriarch said hurriedly.

Now that the Sword Clan and the Yanhuang Sect have reached a settlement, does the Sword Clan need the Guan Kun Clan and other three major groups?

Even if you are visited by Yanhuangzong, it has nothing to do with us, okay?

"Just let them go like this?" Lin Caihan said a little angrily after the Sword Clan patriarch and his party left.

"First, we agreed to Xuan; second, we paid a small price; third, we got a lot of compensation." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Of course, the more important thing is that they hurt me. It's not you, otherwise the Heavenly King Lao Tzu will come, and the Sword Clan will not even think about surviving."

Yanhuangzong lost three hole cards.

But those three hole cards are no longer important to Zhao Yang.

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