Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1292 Who is more arrogant



After reaching the realm of Zhao Yang, let alone the young patriarch of the Sword Clan, even the ancestors of the Sword Clan, don't want Zhao Yang to take a step back.

As time went by, more and more monks came here.

And those monks looked at Zhao Yang from time to time.

They were whispering.

At this moment, Qin Xuan came to Zhao Yang, "Sect Master Zhao."

"Sit." Zhao Yang signaled Qin Xuan to sit beside him.

Qin Xuan said in a low voice after taking his seat, "Jianchuan will probably target you this time."

"I know."

"In addition to Jianchuan, there is Taiyin Pavilion."

"Taiyin Pavilion?"

"Well, Taiyin Pavilion felt that you were slapping Taiyin Pavilion in the face when you rejected Jianchuan back then."

"It's okay." Zhao Yang said softly, "Don't worry about it."

Qin Xuan didn't say anything when he saw Zhao Yang's calm look.

"Who told you to sit here?" Song Lianyi came over and scolded Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan quickly stood up, "I...I'm here...."

Qin Xuan knew Song Lianyi's potential was at the peak of Emperor Realm, how could Qin Xuan compare with it?

"You should sit in this seat? Get out of here."

"I'm leaving now." Zhao Yang stopped Qin Xuan at this point. He looked at Song Lianyi and said slowly, "What did you say?"

"Isn't this where he should sit?" Song Lianyi froze when Zhao Yang stared at the ground.

"Who in the room doesn't know that Qin Xuan is my friend. You told Qin Xuan to leave in full view. I want to know if you did it on purpose, or was it ordered by your Taiyin Pavilion?" Zhao Yang's voice exploded in the audience like a thunderbolt. .

Song Lianyi's sea of ​​consciousness exploded directly, and she spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot, staggering back.


Accompanied by several elders, the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Taiyin Pavilion walked towards Zhao Yang.

"Pavilion Master Zhao, why do you severely injure the disciples of our Taiyin Pavilion in public?" the Deputy Pavilion Master of the Taiyin Pavilion said with a sullen face.

"Before questioning me, you might as well ask your Taiyin Pavilion disciples what dirty things they did?" Zhao Yang shouted loudly at this point, "Get out of here, you guys."

Zhao Yang's divine sense turned into an invisible shackle and locked it on the deputy master of the Taiyin Pavilion and several elders.

Before they even had time to react, they were forcibly pulled and fell to the ground.


They splashed dust all over the sky.

The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Zhao Yang would be so domineering?

Say it and start it.

He didn't pay attention to the Taiyin Pavilion at all.

"Sect Master Zhao, I treat you as a distinguished guest in the Taiyin Pavilion, but you hurt my Taiyin Pavilion disciples, isn't that a little too much?" The owner of the Taiyin Pavilion appeared.

Standing beside her was the Young Pavilion Master Xu Jiaojiao.

But at this moment, Xu Jiaojiao looked at Zhao Yang no longer with affectionate eyes, replaced by biting coldness.

"Your Taiyin Pavilion treats me as a distinguished guest? So you put me in the second row? You Taiyin Pavilion treats me as a distinguished guest, but you allow your disciples to scold my friend and tell him to go away?" Zhao Yang said with a sneer, "If this is The way you treat guests in the Taiyin Pavilion, then I would like to use two words to describe it... Disgusting."

"Zhao Yang, I know you're upset, so you came here to find fault, right?" Xu Jiaojiao snorted coldly.

"Xu Jiaojiao, do you take yourself too seriously? At the beginning you ran to Yanhuangzong every three to five days. Do you think that I took a look at you at that time?" Zhao Yang's words made all the monks in the audience tremble. He was dumbfounded.

Because Zhao Yang put Xu Jiaojiao's face on the ground and stepped on it.

"Zhao Yang..." Xu Jiaojiao looked at Zhao Yang resentfully.

"Xu Jiaojiao, there has never been a relationship between us. If you insist on saying that it has started, it is your wishful thinking." Zhao Yang said bluntly, "I came here today to bless you, and even I also prepared a gift, but after I came to the Taiyin Pavilion, I discovered that your Taiyin Pavilion has repeatedly made things difficult and humiliated me."

"Taiyin Pavilion humiliated you, so what?" Just as Zhao Yang was aggressive, a young man in a sword robe came out from the shadows.

His horns are towering, like a banished immortal.

When he walked towards Zhao Yang, endless sword intent surged towards Zhao Yang.

The monks around Zhao Yang left immediately.

"It seems that you are Xu Jiaojiao's concubine Jianchuan?" Zhao Yang said calmly with his hands behind his back.


This word irritated Xu Jiaojiao, and also irritated Jianchuan.

"Zhao Yang, Xu Jiaojiao is my fiancee." When Jian Chuan said this, his sword intent soared more than ten times in an instant.

The sword intent turned into a long river of sword intent, rushing towards Zhao Yang.

"Jianchuan, let me show you what is the real way of swordsmanship?" Zhao Yang pointed at Jianchuan with two fingers together.

Finger sword!

This sword destroys everything;

This sword is indomitable;

This sword is stunning.

In Jian Chuan's eyes, this sword is like an antelope's horns, and there is no trace to be found.

And when he saw through the sword, the river of sword intent dissipated, and he was pierced by the sword and fell thousands of meters backward.

His whole body was stained red with blood.

He looked at Zhao Yang in the distance with some dismay, "You... what kind of sword art is this?"

"Finger sword."

Zhao Yang looked at Jian Chuan, his face was full of disappointment, "I heard that you are the young patriarch of the Sword Clan, I thought you would have two brushes, but in the end, you couldn't even catch my random blow. "

"You..." Jian Chuan roared in a low voice.

Is Zhao Yang looking down on him?


Zhao Yang appeared in front of Jianchuan, and stepped on Jianchuan's heart.

Jian Chuan struggled desperately, but to no avail.

Zhao Yang looked at Xu Jiaojiao from a distance, "Xu Jiaojiao, is this the fiancé you chose?"

Xu Jiaojiao couldn't be more angry now.

Zhao Yang trampled on the man she valued.

What is Zhao Yang doing?

Laugh at your own eyes?

"Zhao Yang, the Sword Clan will not let you go." Xu Jiaojiao said with red eyes.

"Jianchuan wants to make me look good when he speaks in public. Now it's not a question of whether the sword clan will let me go, but whether I will let the sword clan go." Zhao Yang kicked Jianchuan at this point. face.

Jian Chuan was kicked hundreds of meters away, half of his face was swollen, and the corner of his mouth was even torn.

"Jianchuan, lead the way. If you Sword Clan don't give me an explanation today, then there is no need for the Sword Clan to exist." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

The monks present were all terrified.


Zhao Yang took the initiative to kill the Sword Clan?

Isn't he worried that the sword clan will kill him?

Seeing Zhao Yang, Jian Chuan's expression changed.

The Sword Clan was arrogant and domineering back then, but he didn't expect Zhao Yang to be more arrogant and domineering than the Sword Clan?

"Yes, I'm looking forward to your next performance." Jian Chuan got up and said coldly.

In Jian Chuan's heart, Zhao Yang has been sentenced to death.

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