Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1288 Increased by 5 Times

The patrolling soldiers of the Yanhuang Sect hurriedly reported to Lin Caihan after seeing Xu Jiaojiao.

The young suzerain of Taiyin Pavilion.

Yanhuangzong also had to treat it with caution.

"Are you under pressure?" Lin Caihan quietly came to Xu Jiaojiao's side.

Xu Jiaojiao trembled all over.

"You..." Xu Jiaojiao considered herself a woman of the younger generation, and her only opponent was Concubine Jin.

But after Lin Caihan appeared beside her, she realized that Lin Caihan was stronger than her.

"What level has your potential reached?" Xu Jiaojiao asked in a deep voice.

"You didn't come to Yanhuangzong to ask this question, did you?" Lin Caihan smiled slightly.

"The sect has persecuted me." Xu Jiaojiao said bitterly.

"Do you know why Li chose Concubine Jin?" Lin Caihan asked a question.


"Li is about to form his own power, and the Ten Thousand Devils Nest is a springboard for him." Lin Caihan said softly, "Of course you can also understand it as a strong alliance."

"You mean...?" Xu Jiaojiao seemed to understand something.

"Yanhuangzong doesn't need to marry with the Taiyin Pavilion, let alone form an alliance with the Taiyin Pavilion." Lin Caihan said solemnly, "If you marry Zhao Yang, your status will be very embarrassing."


"Can you part with Taiyin Pavilion? It's hard, isn't it?" Lin Caihan met Xu Jiaojiao's puzzled eyes and said, "If this is the case, the many secrets of Yanhuangzong will not be opened to you. where?"

"Why doesn't Yanhuangzong need Taiyin Pavilion as an ally?"

"Yanhuangzong doesn't want to form an alliance with any force, but just wants to be safe."

"The current situation is getting worse and worse, and all the major forces are forming alliances so that they can survive the waves in the future."

"Look, this is the difference." Lin Caihan laughed.

"I just can't understand your behavior." Xu Jiaojiao shook her head.

Of course Xu Jiaojiao couldn't understand.

Yanhuangzong was already very powerful, but with Zhao Yang bringing back so many resources from the origin of the five elements, Yanhuangzong's strength will usher in a wave of skyrocketing.

Unprecedented surge.

Yanhuangzong's strength will increase by more than ten times on the previous basis.

At this time, Yanhuangzong no longer needed to form an alliance with any force.

They are the most tyrannical and domineering existence.

But they need to be given some time.

"If you can make a choice, Zhao Yang will go to the Taiyin Pavilion in person, and the specification of the dowry will exceed Li." Lin Caihan said softly, "If you can't make a choice, then I'm sorry."

"I'll think about it." Xu Jiaojiao replied after a while.


Not long after Xu Jiaojiao returned to the Taiyin Pavilion, the owner of the Taiyin Pavilion approached Xu Jiaojiao.

"How's it going?"

"Lin Caihan said that as long as I make a choice here, the dowry standard they will give will exceed Li."

"Will surpass Li?" The eyes of the pavilion master of the Taiyin Pavilion lit up immediately, "Wait, what do you mean by choosing?"

"Yanhuangzong will not form an alliance with Taiyin Pavilion."

"You two are married, is it an alliance in disguise?" Speaking of this, the owner of the Taiyin Pavilion suddenly realized something, "Yan Huangzong means to let you marry?"

Marrying in the past will also draw a clear line with the Taiyin Pavilion.

Of course, it cannot be said that the line has been drawn absolutely, but Yanhuangzong will be the main one in the future.

"Yan Huang Zong takes himself too seriously." The owner of the Taiyin Pavilion snorted coldly.

Xu Jiaojiao was silent.

To be honest, Xu Jiaojiao couldn't understand Zhao Yang's thoughts.

Why would he say no to an alliance that would be beneficial to both parties?

"Zhao Yang doesn't need to think about it." The pavilion master of the Taiyin Pavilion continued, "I will help you find a better one."

But this time Xu Jiaojiao did not refute.

Yan Huangzong!

"I have already shown Xu Jiaojiao the attitude of Yanhuangzong, and I have also shown her my strength. If Xu Jiaojiao still can't understand, then there is no need to continue." Zhao Yang's study Among them, Lin Caihan said softly.

"I didn't have much idea of ​​marrying Xu Jiaojiao, it's a good thing Xu Jiaojiao refused." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Zhao Yang really didn't have much feeling for Xu Jiaojiao.

The main reason is that there are too many troubles involved.

"By the way, you brought so many five-element origin fruits this time, what to do with these fruits?" Lin Caihan changed the subject.

"Xiaomi, Pojun, Biluo, Tanlang, Pojun, Xiaoxia, Xiaojin, and Taichang, all of them have raised their potential to the second level." Zhao Yang said after some consideration in his mind, "Long Tianxing , Xu Donglai, Lin Hanmei, Gao Bowen, Zhang Huangliang, Xu Duomu, Nalanran, Tian Gaoliang, Zhong Shenxiu, Jiang Xiuyu, etc. Forty people. In addition, Taixun, Taikang, Taian from the Taisui lineage, and Wuliangshan lineage Wuliang and Wuyan have a total of 45 people, all of them are given the leaves of the five elements origin fruit."

If only Zhao Yang would not hastily increase their potential before.

However, as the senior officials of Yanhuangzong set foot on the third level one after another, after the second level, Zhao Yang started to improve the strength of the middle level of Yanhuangzong.

If the top management doesn't have the strength to overwhelm the middle management, then problems will arise in the sect.

Although the middle management is very loyal to this sect, after gaining strength, they want to ask for more rights.

It's instinct.

"The realm of the peak of the imperial realm is difficult to improve." Lin Caihan said softly, "I think it will be difficult to step into this realm in less than three or fifty years."

"The peak of the Emperor Realm means that the Emperor Realm has been completed. If you want to set foot on it, how easy is it?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "It's okay, we are not in a hurry, just take your time."

When the major forces of Tianwaitian interacted frequently, Yanhuangzong still kept a low profile in the past.

And with the passage of time, one master after another has stepped onto the world stage.

Yanhuangzong seems to have been forgotten by the major forces.

ten years!

20 years!

30 years!

Over the years, the strength of the major forces has improved a lot.

Take a simple example.

Even if the star beasts at this time have already appeared at the peak of the quasi-emperor, but these star beasts did not cause many casualties, it can be seen how far the major forces have grown.

"In the past 30 years, Yanhuangzong has added [-] statues from the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm." When Lin Caihan said this number, the senior officials of Yanhuangzong were shocked.

Lin Caihan is talking about new additions.

You must know that the cultivation bases of high-level people including Zhao Yang are still in the eighth heaven of the Emperor Realm.

"The strength of Yanhuangzong has grown explosively in the past 30 years." Tang Yiren said with emotion.

"In the past 30 years, the overall strength of Yanhuangzong has increased by five times." Lin Caihan said softly, "According to my prediction, it would have increased by three times."

"All of this is due to the source liquid of the Five Elements obtained by the Sovereign." Mingyue explained the reason.

"Sect Master, are you still retreating?" Xu Huier asked at this time.

"Breakthrough to the peak of Emperor Realm in retreat." Lin Caihan nodded.

Xu Huier's eyes lit up immediately, "Is the sect master breaking through?"

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