Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1283 Heading to Famous Sword Villa

"Who sits in Yanhuangzong?"

"Tangyi people."

Yanhuangzong is known as the Big Three.

Lin Caihan, Mingyue, Tang Yiren.

"The warships are out." Following Lin Caihan's voice, 330 golden warships appeared in midair.

"130 ships from the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm, and [-] ships from the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang was shocked after a glance.

"These warships also have two defensive formations and attack formations." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"I noticed that the formation of the warships of the prefecture-level legions is the second level, the formation of the warships of the mysterious-level legions is the first level, and the formation of the yellow-level legions is the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm. It's over." Zhao Yang said softly after sweeping a glance.

"Your avatar has limited energy after all." Lin Caihan explained, "Now there are [-] warships in the eighth heaven of Yanhuangzong, and the number of warships in the eighth heaven of Yanhuangzong will reach [-] in the future."

The senior officials of Yanhuangzong are now practicing martial arts, and at the same time they are also practicing Qi Dao, Formation Dao, and Pill Dao.

For example, the defense and attack formations of the eighth heaven of warships were created by Tiehan, Leng Qingqiu, Blue Crucian Carp, and Po Jun.

"We should go." Zhao Yang looked at the time and said lightly.

"No need." Lin Caihan shook her head.

"Famous Sword Villa is far away from here."

"The battleship at the peak of the emperor's realm will connect these warships together, and then these warships will follow the battleship at the peak of the emperor's realm."

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

Half a day later, the battleship started to move towards the direction of Mingjian Villa, and when it arrived at the life planet where Mingjian Villa was located, there were still two hours before the agreed time.

At this time, the huge fleet of Yanhuangzong shocked the whole Tianwaitian.

"330 battleships."

"130 battleships from the eighth heaven of the imperial realm, and [-] battleships from the seventh heaven of the imperial realm."

"This is simply against the sky."

"When did Yanhuangzong become so strong?"

"The armor of these soldiers is different."

"The armor of the thirty soldiers seems to be better, and the aura on them is getting stronger."

"I don't know how Mingjian Villa will deal with it at this time?"

The conflict between Zhao Yang and Lu Song was known to many experts in Tianwaitian.

It's just that no one thought that Zhao Yang was so strong?

At this time, the senior management of Mingjian Villa was very angry.

How dare Zhao Yang?

"Zhao Yang, what is the purpose of you leading so many troops to my Mingjian Villa?" Lu Chaoran walked a thousand meters away from Zhao Yang with a sullen face.

He looked at the Emperor Realm warship that Zhao Yang was driving, and his mind faltered for a while.

Originally, he thought that the battleship that Zhao Yang used before was no more than the third level, but now he realized that he was wrong.

"Before, Lu Song, the young owner of your famous sword villa, shot at me for no reason. After Lu Song was taught by me, you even said that I wanted to die." Zhao Yang's voice spread throughout the audience, "I will I want to know that everyone is the master of the same sect, who gave you the courage to speak to me like this?"

"Under those circumstances, it was understandable to say inappropriate words." Lu Chaoran was silent for a while and said in a deep voice.

"At that time, if I hadn't cultivated myself, or if Jian Wushuang didn't help me get ahead, would I have died at the hands of your son?" Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"But don't you have nothing to do now?" Lu Chaoran said angrily.

"Otherwise, do you think I'll be courteous before soldiers?" Zhao Yang sneered.

After a while, an old voice came from the depths of the forbidden area of ​​Mingjian Villa, "How are you doing?"

"Compensation." Zhao Yang looked into the depths of the forbidden area and said, "According to the content on the list, compensation."

"It's too much to list."

Zhao Yang gave an instruction to the battleship at the top of the Emperor Realm.

The main gun of the battleship at the pinnacle of the imperial realm was immediately filled with vast energy, and this energy fluctuation shocked the entire Famous Sword Villa.

Seeing that the energy cannon was about to erupt, the figure in the depths of the forbidden area said unwillingly, "Give it to him."

"Old Ancestor." Lu Chaoran couldn't help looking deep into the forbidden area.

"I said, give it to him." The person deep in the forbidden area said angrily.

Lu Chaoran had to ask Lu Song to prepare the materials on the list.

"Old Ancestor, why?" Lu Chaoran asked the Ancestor through sound transmission at this time.

"What if I told you I couldn't stop that shell."

"What?" Lu Chaoran's eyes revealed an incredulous expression.

"Taking a step back, even if I block it, I won't have much power to fight again." The ancestor deep in the forbidden area said in a deep voice, "Besides, you also said that Zhao Yang is a fourth-level existence, so I just want to know Once he makes a move, who in the entire Famous Sword Villa can stop it?"

"There are still three of us at the peak of the Emperor Realm in the Famous Sword Villa."

"There is also one at the peak of the Emperor Realm in Yanhuangzong." The ancestor deep in the forbidden area said lightly, "Also, can you guarantee that the battleship does not have the ability to strike second?"

Lu Chaoran fell silent.

Not long after, Lu Song came over with a Qiankun bag.

He threw the Qiankun bag to Zhao Yang.

His heart is bleeding.

These resources are equivalent to one-fifth of the resources of Famous Sword Villa.

It can be said that this time is enough to make Mingjian Villa hurt.

"Here you are." Zhao Yang checked and threw a list to Lu Song.

Glancing at the list, Lu Song said with a livid face, "What do you mean?"

"Originally, your Mingjian Villa honestly gave me the resources on the list, but the problem is that your Mingjian Villa formed an expeditionary force to invade us." Zhao Yang said coldly, "Why? Don't you Need to pay compensation? Besides, we mobilized so many troops, do you know how much manpower and material resources were spent?"

"Give it to him." The ancestor deep in the forbidden area said in a deep voice.

Lu Song turned and left without saying a word.

In fact, Zhao Yang's request for resources this time is far less than before, but it is equivalent to one-tenth of the resources of Mingjian Villa.


That's right.

Zhao Yang is blackmailing.

Why did the Yanhuangzong have such a strong strength?To put it bluntly, it depends on the stacking of resources.

After all, Yanhuangzong's population is limited, and if they want to achieve higher achievements, they need to consume more resources.

But this is also good, that is loyalty.

Absolute loyalty.

After the Yanhuangzong army withdrew, Lu Chaoran and Lu Song went to the restricted area of ​​the ancestral court.

"Old Ancestor, is this the end of the matter?"

"The Sword Clan will wake up soon." The ancestor deep in the forbidden area said leisurely.

Sword family!

The innate group of the world's first opening is extremely powerful.

"How strong is the Sword Clan?" Lu Song asked curiously.

"The strength of the Sword Clan will be more than ten times that of our Famous Sword Villa." When the ancestor deep in the forbidden area said these words, there was a chill in his eyes.

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