Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1281 Inheritance of the Sword Ancestor

Only then did the owner of the Taiyin Pavilion realize that he had overlooked this point.

"The more important thing is that Zhao Yang is too young. Give him another ten years, a hundred years. How far do you think he can reach?" Xu Jiaojiao continued, "Do you think it will be difficult for him to reach the fifth level?"

is it hard?

The owner of the Taiyin Pavilion suddenly felt that it was not difficult at all.

With Zhao Yang's astonishing talent, it would be difficult to reach such a level, who would believe it?

"Brother Zhao, I didn't expect you to be so powerful?" Jian Wushuang said excitedly when he came to Zhao Yang.

"So if the cursed lineage troubles you in the future, remember to notify me." Zhao Yang patted Jian Wushuang on the shoulder.

"Okay." Jian Wushuang smiled and nodded.

Then Jian Wushuang pulled Zhao Yang aside.

"I think Famous Sword Villa will probably not compromise."

"Then let's go to war." Zhao Yang said lightly.


That is impossible.

"Are you sure?"

"Somewhat sure." Zhao Yang couldn't say he was absolutely sure, right?

"Well, you go somewhere with me." Jian Wushuang said after pondering for a while.


"You'll know if you come with me." Jian Wushuang pulled Zhao Yang away.

Xu Jiaojiao shouted from behind, "Where are you going?"

"Go and come." Jian Wushuang put down these words and led Zhao Yang away from the Taiyin Pavilion.

The Master of the Taiyin Pavilion looked at Xu Jiaojiao's eyes and suddenly realized something.

"Do you like Zhao Yang?"

"If I get Zhao Yang's pure yang power, I can't say that my cultivation can go any further."

"But Lu Song is also a good choice."

"Compared to Lu Song and Zhao Yang, the difference is not a star."

"The problem now is that I have agreed to the marriage of Mingjian Villa."

Xu Jiaojiao's expression changed drastically.

Then he looked gloomyly at the Taiyin Pavilion Master and said, "You don't need to discuss this kind of thing with me?"

"We think Lu Song is a good match."

"That's just what you think." Xu Jiaojiao was very disappointed with the sect.

"The marriage between Taiyin Pavilion and Famous Sword Villa is definitely a strong alliance."

"That depends on what choice Famous Sword Villa makes? If Famous Sword Villa chooses to go head-to-head with Yanhuangzong, then Famous Sword Villa may not exist anymore."

"The background of Famous Sword Villa is more terrifying than you think."

"Yanhuangzong is not weak either."

Within an hour, Jian Wushuang brought Zhao Yang to a frontier.

When Jian Wushuang took out a key, a door appeared.

"Here is the relic of Sword Ancestor."

"What did you bring me here for?"

"I did get the inheritance of the sword ancestor, but I didn't get all the inheritance." Jian Wushuang said with some embarrassment, "Because my aptitude is not fully recognized by the sword ancestor, I think you may be able to get all the inheritance. "

"Is it inappropriate?"

"I didn't get a complete inheritance back then, and I can't get a complete inheritance now. If that's the case, I might as well give it to you."

"I'm not from the lineage of sword cultivators."

"In addition to the inheritance, there are also some methods left by the sword ancestor. I think these methods may be able to help you."

When Jian Wushuang mentioned this, Zhao Yang was too embarrassed to refuse.

The ruins of the sword ancestor are magnificent.

From a distance, Zhao Yang saw a domineering figure soaring into the sky.

He is carrying a battle sword on his back, and his brows are majestic and heroic.

"This is the sword ancestor." Jian Wushuang pointed at the figure and said.

"Jian Zu's body?" Zhao Yang was startled.

Jian Wushuang nodded.

Zhao Yang's expression changed involuntarily.

He performed a junior's etiquette towards Sword Ancestor.

"If you want to get my inheritance, you need to let me see your potential." At this moment, a cold voice rang out from the ruins.

"Senior, please come up with a question." Zhao Yang looked at Jianzu's figure and said.

"If you can catch my first sword, I will pass on [-]% of my unique knowledge to you, and I will give you a kendo talisman that can compete with the first level of the emperor's peak."

"If you can catch my second sword, I will pass on [-]% of your unique skills, and I will give you a sword talisman that can compete with the second level of the peak of the emperor's realm."

"If you can catch my third sword, I will pass on [-]% of your unique knowledge to you, and I will give you a swordsmanship talisman that can compete with the third level of the emperor's peak."

"If you can catch my fourth sword, I will pass on [-]% of your unique knowledge, and I will give you a sword talisman that can compete with the fourth level of the peak of the emperor's realm."

"If you can catch my fifth sword, I will pass on all your unique skills, and I will give you a sword talisman that can compete with the fifth level of the emperor's peak."

Zhao Yang couldn't help but look at Jian Wushuang as Jian Zu narrated, "Which sword did you take next?"

"The third sword." Jian Wushuang replied.

"Almost all the Nine Talents are at this level." Jian Wushuang said again.

Zhao Yang nodded.

Then he looked at Sword Ancestor and said, "Senior, please take out your sword."

"I will use different degrees of sword intent according to your cultivation level." After the words fell, the sword ancestor's divine sense swept towards Zhao Yang's body.

It was at this time that Zhao Yang withdrew his disguise.

Emperor Realm Eighth Heaven.

After feeling Zhao Yang's cultivation, Jian Zu slashed his first sword towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang didn't even move.

His body protection energy automatically blocked the sword.

Jianzu was a little angry.

In his opinion, Zhao Yang is ignoring him a bit.

So Jian Zu didn't even ask, and cut out the second sword.

The second sword still failed to break Zhao Yang's body protection light, but left some traces on the body protection light.

"The third sword." Jianzu said and sacrificed the third sword.

Jian Wushuang shrank his pupils fiercely when he saw the fleeting sword intent.

In order to block the third sword at the beginning, Jian Wushuang used many means, and this was barely enough to block it.

But what made him dumbfounded was that Zhao Yang still didn't make a move. Although his body-protecting light trembled violently, it still blocked Jianzu's third sword.

"How is it possible?" Jian Zu was a little suspicious of life now.

You know, this is the third sword.

Even if the potential is at the third level, you have to be in a hurry, okay?

But why didn't it affect Zhao Yang?

"The fourth sword." Jianzu shouted loudly.

The fourth sword is more than several times stronger than the third sword.

Neither the speed nor the power of this sword can be captured by Jian Wushuang.

But it was clearly captured by Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang realized that it was difficult for him to simply rely on the light of body protection to stop him.

As a result, a sword light appeared on his fingertips.

The sword light broke through the air and collided with that sword light.

Looking at the easily annihilated sword light, Jian Zu looked at Zhao Yang with a different look, "You are stronger than I imagined."

"I really want to try the fifth sword of Senior Sword Ancestor." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Jianzu didn't remind Zhao Yang.

In his opinion it is not necessary.

When the sword was cut out, Jian Wushuang's soul trembled.

What kind of sword is this?

like the galaxy pouring down;

like a flying fairy;

Amazed the world.

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