Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1278 Sword Warriors

"I never care about the evaluation of the unexpected world." Zhao Yang said lightly, "This time, both of you, master and apprentice, are bothering me. Do you think Taixu Sword Sect still needs to exist?"

"I was reckless in this matter." The Suzerain of Taixu Sword Sect said hastily, "Whether it is beating or punishment, you decide."

The suzerain of the Taixu Sword Sect has given up.

Is it okay if you don't admit it?

Zhao Yang really led the Yanhuangzong army to go, what should we do?

"Since you have said everything, then send over the resources on this list." Zhao Yang said and handed a list to the Suzerain of Taixu Sword Sect.

After he glanced at it, he found that the materials on the list could hurt Taixu Jianzong.

"I need to prepare." The Suzerain of Taixu Sword Sect said in a deep voice.

"Go." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "When will the resources be sent over, and when will I let your disciple go."

In fact, Zhao Yang was not worried at all that the suzerain of the Taixu Sword Sect would not deny it, unless the ancestral court of the Taixu Sword Sect didn't want it anymore.

"I'll go back and prepare now." The Suzerain of Taixu Sword Sect said hastily.

After he left, Zhao Yang looked at the man lazily and said, "Which clan are you?"


"Lynx? Isn't your family quite cruel?"

Lynx hung her head and dared not say anything.

"So you are the Suzerain of Yanhuang Sect, Zhao Yang." The beautiful eyes of the girl in Tsing Yi lit up.

The girl in Tsing Yi had naturally heard of Zhao Yang's name.

"Do you think that you can not pay the ransom?" Zhao Yang glanced at the girl in Tsing Yi and said.

"Ransom?" The girl looked at Zhao Yang in astonishment.

"The lynx came to find trouble, but you didn't stop it." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Don't you want to pay the ransom?"

"She's a girl."

"The girl doesn't want to pay the ransom?"

The girl in Tsing Yi stomped her feet and said angrily, "How much is the ransom?"

Zhao Yang thought for a while and gave the girl in Tsing Yi a list.

The girl in Tsing Yi took a look and was so angry that her nose was blown, "Isn't it good enough even if I take out all the resources in the small world?"

"You are the king of the Taiyin Pavilion anyway, and you can't even get this thing out. You make me doubt the strength of the Taiyin Pavilion."

"I'm not the master of a sect, I'm just a true disciple." The girl in Tsing Yi looked at Zhao Yang angrily and said.

"Look, it's not a joke." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "I'm just joking with you, how can I really want your things?"

"That's about the same." The girl in Tsing Yi turned her anger into a smile.

"You can turn your face faster than you can turn a book."

"Hee hee." The girl smiled and sat beside Zhao Yang, "Sect Master Zhao, let me tell you a little secret."

"What secret?"

"My senior sister has always been very interested in you."

"I do not know how?

"My senior sister went to Yanhuangzong three times back and forth, but it's a pity that I didn't see you."

Zhao Yang was startled when he heard this.

From this point of view, Lin Caihan deliberately made her disappear.

"What does your senior sister want me to do?"

"Our Taiyin Pavilion cultivates the power of Taiyin, but I heard that you practice the power of pure Yang. My senior sister would like to know how pure you are?" The girl in Tsing Yi looked at Zhao Yang narrowly and said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"You Taiyin Pavilion may let your senior sister marry me?"

"Originally, I didn't believe it, but after seeing your strength now, I think it might be possible." The girl in Tsing Yi said softly.

The existence of the third level.

It can be compared with the suzerain of the sect.

When the battleship landed on Taiyin Star, the suzerain of Taixu Sword Sect hurriedly arrived.

"Sovereign Zhao, this is compensation for you." The suzerain of Taixu Sword Sect threw Zhao Yang a universe bag.

Zhao Yang's divine sense swept over and threw it into the small world.

"You can go." Zhao Yang said lightly.

The young man hurriedly got up.

After they left, the remaining young men and women looked at Zhao Yang pleadingly.

"You can leave too, but remember, don't tell anyone what happened on the battleship, otherwise I don't mind killing you." Zhao Yang warned.

Those young people quickly swore that they would never leak it.

Only then did Zhao Yang put away the battleship, "Go see your senior sister."

The girl in Tsing Yi was stunned, "So direct?"


"That's fine." The girl in Tsing Yi said helplessly.

The strength of the Taiyin Pavilion is extremely powerful, because this living planet belongs to the Taiyin Pavilion.

When the girl in Tsing Yi brought Zhao Yang to a venue near the Taiyin Pavilion, a figure in the distance shouted to Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang."

Zhao Yang stopped and looked into the distance, "Jian Wushuang."

Jian Wushuang ran up to Zhao Yang excitedly, "It's really you."

How could Jian Wushuang forget that if it wasn't for Zhao Yang, Jian Wushuang would have been killed at that time.

"I didn't expect you to grow into the Nine Heavenly Talents."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have achieved what I am today." Jian Wushuang said excitedly, "It's rare to see each other today, so we must not get drunk."

When Jian Wushuang mentioned this, Zhao Yang couldn't refuse.

"Next time I have a chance, I will look for your senior sister." Zhao Yang said to the girl in Tsing Yi.

"Seeing the difference and thinking about it." The girl in Tsing Yi stomped her feet, a little angry.

"Don't care about her." Jian Wushuang said proudly with his arms around Zhao Yang's shoulders.

Jian Wushuang took Zhao Yang to his residence here.

He took out two jugs of spirits.

"This is a spirit I bought with a lot of money, come, have a taste."

Zhao Yang found that Jian Wushuang's personality had changed.

Become bold and publicized.

But this is also the character of the ancient sword cultivator.

Arrogant and unruly.

After drinking a few glasses of wine, Jian Wushuang talked about his experience.

He is reincarnated.

The memory in the depths of his soul was awakened after he was crippled that time, and this is how Jian Wushuang is now.

He said he was grateful to Zhao Yang.

If he died back then, he would have to reincarnate from the lower realms.

"Who were you in your last life?"

"I was an ancient sword cultivator in my last life, but I was cursed by the cursed lineage." Jian Wushuang said with cold eyes when he said this, "In fact, I have already transferred to the ninth life. If the tenth life is not When I meet you, I guess I have to come to the first life."

"Curse line." Zhao Yang didn't expect Jian Wushuang to be involved with the curse lineage.

"Yeah, but the water of the cursed lineage is deep and ruthless. I was hunted down by the cursed lineage a few days ago. Fortunately, I got the inheritance of the sword ancestor, so I got rid of the hunted down by the cursed lineage." Jian Wushuang said with emotion said.

"Sword ancestor?"

"Jianzu was also a well-known existence in the world back then, but it is a pity that Jianzu fell in that battle." Jian Wushuang said what he thought of here, "By the way, are you interested in Jianzu's unique skills? "

Zhao Yang was a little confused.

Why do you get involved in unique skills while chatting?

"Sword Zu's secret knowledge, you pass it on to me, isn't it good?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

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