Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1276 Eight Great Talents

Yanhuangzong seems to be calm at present, but everyone knows that this is the calm before the storm.

Now Yanhuangzong's strength is increasing every day, but no one knows when it will end?

Fortunately, Yanhuangzong is strong enough at present, and some young people dare not offend it.

In this era of sudden changes, the talented disciples of all major forces went out to exchange or seek opportunities, but only the disciples of the Yanhuangzong stayed in this area and refused to communicate with the outside world.

"What's the situation with Yanhuangzong? I went to Yanhuangzong several times, but I was kicked out."

"Yanhuangzong is extremely xenophobic, not to mention you, even if you are of the same human race, Yanhuangzong does not communicate with the outside world."

"What is Zhao Yang thinking? Refusing to communicate with the outside world, what good is it for Yan Huangzong?"

"Who says it's not? Many masters have emerged in the world today."

"That's right, Yanhuangzong will stand still and be complacent. In the long run, Yanhuangzong will lag behind the major forces."

"Now there are nine great masters appearing between today and earth, and these nine great masters have reached the realm of emperors. I heard that they are going to give lectures on the lunar planet."

"This is a rare blessing."

When the monks from Tianwaitian were discussing this grand event, they didn't know that Zhao Yang was teaching the disciples of Yanhuangzong to practice.

Zhao Yang came to Lin Caihan's room after finishing his sermon that day.

In the room, Lin Caihan was chatting with Mingyue and the others.

"What are you talking about?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile after sitting beside Lin Caihan.

"We are talking about the Nine Talents." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"The Nine Great Talents?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"The Nine Great Talents of the younger generation." Lin Caihan said softly, "Xuan's son Si Li, Qin Fang, the young patriarch of the Qin Clan, Rift, the young patriarch of the Lietian Clan, Moss, the young patriarch of the Bloodthirsty Bat Clan, and the wise man of Baixiao Villa." Tianji, Lu Song, the young owner of Famous Sword Villa, Xu Jiaojiao from Taiyin Pavilion, Jinfei from Wanmo Cave, and Wushuang, the ancient sword master."

"Why without me?"

"Zhitianji from Baixiao Villa once came to Yanhuangzong to ask for a certificate, but I refused."

"I've heard of the power of Baixiao Villa, but I didn't expect them to be born again." Zhao Yang also checked some historical materials over the years.

"Famous Sword Villa, Taiyin Pavilion, and Wanmo Cave are also large sects in ancient times. In terms of strength, they are not much weaker than Qin clan and other ancient forces." Lin Caihan explained, "For example, this time the nine great talents gave a lecture on Taiyin Star. Dao, and the Taiyin star is the life planet of the Taiyin Pavilion, and according to information, it is known that the Taiyin star is also an emperor star."

"It seems that these forces can't hold back anymore." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"The main reason is that there are more and more opportunities between heaven and earth." Mingyue said softly, "so these forces can't help being born."

Zhao Yang was noncommittal.

The resources that Yan Huangzong obtained now are equivalent to the accumulation of more than ten emperor-level planets.

Furthermore, Yanhuangzong's skills and inheritance are not comparable to those of the imperial planets.

First, Zhao Yang has destroyed so many forces, and the exercises he obtained have long been no less than that of the Emperor Realm Planet; In the link of the law, it has surpassed any force in this world.

In addition, Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan, Mingyue, Tang Yiren, Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Blue Crucian Carp, Leng Qingqiu, Ruoxi, Aoqing, Zhu Ya, Tiehan, Ruoqing and other thirteen will be able to reach the peak of the Emperor Realm in the future. Furthermore, if counting the existence of the three princesses who have reached the peak of the imperial realm, Yanhuangzong has fourteen princesses who can reach this level.

May I ask which other force has so many peak emperors?

Not to mention that Zhao Yang's future limit is not the peak of the emperor's realm, but the realm of the gods above the peak of the emperor's realm.

"I just don't know if Jian Wushuang is the one I know?" Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and asked, "Is there any information about Jian Wushuang?"

As soon as Lin Caihan waved her hand, Jian Wushuang's detailed information appeared in the air, including Jian Wushuang's aura and appearance, etc.

"It's really him." Zhao Yang said in surprise.

Speaking of which, Zhao Yang also saved Jian Wushuang back then.

But who would have thought that Jian Wushuang would grow to this point step by step.

"An old friend?" Lin Caihan asked curiously.

"It's not an old friend." Zhao Yang shook his head after thinking about it, "I have nothing to do during this time, I'll go out for a walk." Having said that, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and Mingyue and said, "Which of you two will accompany me?" go out?"

"I don't have time." Lin Caihan shook her head, "Recently, the promotion of legion personnel is involved, and the task is very heavy."

"I don't have time either." Mingyue said with a smile, "The senior leaders of the sect have been busy with this matter recently."

"Forget it, I'll go out for a walk by myself."

"I'll give you a new battleship." Lin Caihan suddenly thought of something.

"New battleship?"

"This battleship belongs to the eighth heaven of the imperial realm. I think it can be called invincible in this realm." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

"Can't you build the peak emperor realm now?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"The Emperor Realm Peak can indeed be built, but the problem is that the Emperor Realm Peak I am building now is not strong." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Then there is no need to waste such precious resources."

If you want to build a battleship at the peak of the imperial realm, you need top-notch resources.

Lin Caihan wants to build top-notch warships, not ordinary warships.

Lin Caihan summoned the battleship.

This battleship is small in size, but its combat effectiveness is quite powerful.

"I have arranged two main cannons for this battleship, which can severely injure or kill two powerhouses in the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm at the same time."

"There are [-] secondary guns. At its peak, it can fire [-] shells per second."

"The central space of this battleship is [-] square meters, and the living area is about [-] square meters. In addition, I have opened up a special space. In addition to various shells, there are also some relatively fragile warships in the space. materials and so on."

Following Lin Caihan's eloquence, Zhao Yang had a certain understanding of this warship.

"That's right." Zhao Yang nodded slightly, "After I add two formations to this battleship, this battleship can temporarily be used as a battleship at the peak of the Emperor Realm."

"The warships I built in Yanhuangzong are all blessed with high-level formations."


"Warships can also be understood as troop carriers. The difference is that warships are aggressive." Lin Caihan said softly, "In this way, once a battle occurs, you can quickly gather or flee."

"Not bad." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Your three avatars haven't been idle all these years, and have been helping those warships build high-level formations?"

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