Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1269 Enlightenment Tree Appears

After Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, the entire Yanhuangzong high-level officials took action.

In addition to reorganizing the army, the Yanhuang Sect also needs to distribute various resources of the sect, and to maintain the stability of the sect, the distribution of resources must be reasonable.

This needs Zhao Yang and other senior officials of Yanhuangzong to worry about it.

It took Lin Caihan and other high-level executives a year to finalize the quota of 440 legions, and after the finalization, the sect had to make arrangements for how to train and cultivate these legions.

And it will be three years later when everything is on the right track.

Zhao Yang was not idle either.

In addition to sitting in Yanhuangzong, he is also responsible for cultivating Yanhuangzong's disciples.

With his help, Yan Huangzong's disciples have made great progress.

"Husband, there have been a lot of good fortune in the outside world these years, don't you want to go out?" Tang Yiren came to Zhao Yang this day and said with a smile.

"No need." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "I don't care about those good fortune."

Does Zhao Yang need to care?

How strong is the good fortune under the Tianwaitian system?

"Husband, a few days ago I used the Dao Jinlian to defeat a strong man at the peak of the Emperor Realm." Tang Yiren continued.

Zhao Yang's eyes flashed, "Is Li finally unable to bear it?"

"Yes, but my husband, there have been three strong men at the peak of the emperor's realm in the world." Tang Yiren nodded and said, "The first one is a blood vine, and it is said that this guy kills without blinking an eye; the second one is a One-armed swordsman, one-handed swordsmanship, unrivaled in the world, his ethnic group is unknown; the third one is the ten-tailed celestial fox, which is the one who followed Li."

"Ten-tailed Sky Fox?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

If Zhao Yang remembers correctly, Nie Yuan's mother seems to be a nine-tailed celestial fox.


"It's not surprising that there are three masters at the peak of the Emperor Realm. In the future, there will be more and more masters of this level." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Husband, will this pose a threat to Yanhuangzong?" Tang Yiren asked softly.

"No, haven't the three princesses of our Yanhuang Sect reached the peak of the Emperor Realm?"

"But they also want to set foot on the peak of Emperor Realm." Tang Yiren said shyly.

"You have one of the places at the peak of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang looked at Tang Yiren and said.

"I have one of the quotas?" Tang Yiren was stunned, "Can you still decide if you are at the peak of the Emperor Realm?"

"When I obtained the original power of darkness, I also got an original lotus flower. The original lotus has nine lotus seeds, and any one of them can make the eighth heaven become a second-level existence." Zhao Yang said here Tang Yi Ren's eyes lit up immediately.

"However, the original lotus flower cannot be disassembled yet, otherwise I will not be able to display the strength of the fourth level." Zhao Yang continued, "But after my cultivation base reaches the peak of the emperor's realm, the lotus flower will not be there anymore." What's the use."

"So, in the future, I will also be able to become a strong person at the second level?" Tang Yiren's eyes were shining brightly.

Zhao Yang nodded.

"Thank you, husband." Tang Yiren knew that Zhao Yang loved him.

You must know that there are not only nine senior officials in Yanhuangzong.

This is doomed that some of them will not be able to set foot on the peak of Emperor Realm.

Just when Zhao Yang was about to say something, a terrifying fluctuation suddenly came from the depths of the sky.

This fluctuation made Zhao Yang look shocked.

"what's the situation?"

Zhao Yang soared into the sky and appeared above Yanhuangzong, his eyes looked into the distance, but he couldn't see clearly.

"Husband, what happened." Lin Caihan asked softly.

"Just go and have a look." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

A huge tree stretching from sky to earth appeared in everyone's eyes.

That tree was flowing with an inexplicable meaning that shocked the world.

"Enlightenment Tree." A surprised voice sounded not far away.

Zhao Yang stared at the figure, his eyes showed doubts.


Zhao Yang has a familiar feeling?

When Zhao Yang used the majestic divine sense in the sea of ​​consciousness, the disguise of that figure faded immediately.

"Underworld Emperor, you are quite courageous." Zhao Yang looked at the figure and said.

The figure looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, " did you see that?"

"Your disguise can hide others, but it can't hide it from me." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Has the Sky Clan not bothered you all these years?"

"The Celestial Clan must be able to find me." Underworld Emperor snorted coldly.

"Actually, I'm curious about one thing. Whether it's the Qin clan or the Xietian clan, there are several peak emperors in the clan. Why are you the only one in your lineage?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

It stands to reason that the Ming clan can occupy an emperor-level planet, but if they don't have some strength, no one will believe it.

"Sacrifice." Underworld Emperor said after being silent for a while.

"Sacrifice for you?" Zhao Yang said dumbfounded.

"I reached the fourth level back then, but there is still a long way to go from the fifth level, which is why I sacrificed the entire planet." Underworld Emperor said with emotion, "Now that I think about it, I was a bit cruel at that time. He has become a lonely family."

"After the sacrifice, has your strength reached the fifth level?" Zhao Yang asked in astonishment.

"Yeah, otherwise, how can I overcome the tribulation?"

"What level have you recovered to now?"

"The third level." The Underworld Emperor looked at Zhao Yang vigilantly and said, "What's your plan, kid?"

"I don't want to make any plans, I'm just curious about your realm." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Underworld Emperor recovered to the third level, Zhao Yang didn't think there was anything wrong.

After all, Emperor Hades was not weak before.

But if he wants to recover to the fourth level, or even the fifth level, it won't be possible in a short while.

"Don't reveal my identity." Underworld Emperor stared at Zhao Yang and said.

"What good will it do me to expose your identity?" Zhao Yang smiled.

Emperor Underworld gritted his teeth, and then threw a universe bag to Zhao Yang, "Is it all right?"

Zhao Yang was startled.

His divine sense swept away and found that there were many resources in the universe bag.

But Zhao Yang casually threw the Qiankun bag to Emperor Ming.

Underworld Emperor's face darkened immediately, "Don't go too far, at worst, I don't want the opportunity of the Enlightenment Tree."

"You misunderstood." Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "I never thought of blackmailing you."

Emperor Ming was stunned.


"Is it necessary to lie to you about this kind of thing?" Zhao Yang said lightly, "Before I asked for your resources, it was because the sect was poor and there was no way, but now there is no need for it."

"You're interesting, kid." Underworld Emperor took a deep look at Zhao Yang and said.

It didn't take long for more and more monks to come here, but the Enlightenment Tree was still wantonly exuding its own Taoism.

"Senior Enlightenment Tree, what do you want to do?" Moss, the young patriarch of the bloodthirsty bat, asked softly after a while.

It doesn't understand the behavior of the Enlightenment Tree.

"I have studied the Dao of Heaven and Earth these years, and finally found that I still can't escape." The old voice of Wudaoshu resounded in the audience, "Now that the world is about to be destroyed, I will contribute to this common people."

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