Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1266 The Art of Twins

Yan Huangzong!

When Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, he found a large number of soldiers patrolling solemnly.

Zhao Yang immediately sensed that the atmosphere was not right.

"What happened?"

"Ah! Sovereign." The patrolling soldiers hurriedly saluted after seeing Zhao Yang, "I want to report to Sovereign, just now Elder Tang Yiren came back covered in blood, and then Deputy Sovereign Lin ordered us to step up our patrol."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face suddenly became gloomy.

"You continue to patrol here."

Then Zhao Yang tore apart the space and appeared in Tang Yiren's study.

Tang Yiren's aura in the study was a little weak, and Tiehan was using the Qi of Alchemy to help her heal.

"Husband." Seeing Zhao Yang descending, Tang Yiren supported his body and wanted to stand up.

Zhao Yang hastily stopped him.

"Tie Han, how are you?" Zhao Yang looked at Tie Han.

"Master's original source is mostly lost." Tie Han said in a deep voice.

Tiehan struggled with what to call Tang Yiren for a while. After all, after being a senior sister for so many years, how could she become a teacher's wife?

But later Lin Caihan told Tiehan that if he called Senior Sister again, it would affect Zhao Yang's reputation.

After hearing this, Tie Han decisively changed his address.

"Most of the source is lost." Zhao Yang hurried forward.

He checked and his face became serious, "Yi Ren, what's the matter with your origin?"

"I met a young man who was very powerful. After I was severely injured by him, he actually devoured my origin." Tang Yiren said and cried, "If Xiaozi hadn't saved me desperately, I wouldn't have returned coming."

"Where's Xiao Zi?"

"Xiao Zi was killed by him."

"Do you know where it is?"


"Take me there." Zhao Yang said, hugging Tang Yiren by the waist, and jumped into the battleship of the Seventh Heaven, "Turn on the full speed mode."

Following Tang Yiren's guidance, Zhao Yang arrived at the accident site.

There was nothing here but a dry skeleton.

Looking at the corpse, Tang Yiren burst into tears, "Xiao Zi."

Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts spread all around, and soon Zhao Yang found clues.

"Put away Xiao Zi's bones, and we will take revenge." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Have you found any traces of the other party?"


Zhao Yang's divine sense is too strong, even if the opponent erased his own traces, he was still found by Zhao Yang.

Tang Yiren quickly put away Xiao Zi's bones.

When the warship was moving forward, Tangyi's tears kept flowing.

Zhao Yang comforted softly.

About half an hour later, the battleship landed on Yanghuang Star.

Zhao Yang went straight to the Yang Clan without hiding anything.

When Chun Yangzi of the Yang Clan learned that a king-class battleship was coming, he immediately tore apart the space and came to the side of the battleship.

"What do you want to do?"

"The person who came to scratch my wife." Zhao Yang's voice reached Chunyangzi's ears.

"Zhao Yang?" Chun Yangzi immediately recognized Zhao Yang's voice.

"It's me." Zhao Yang walked to the bow of the ship as he said.

"Everyone in the Yang family knows your wife, who would hurt your wife?" Chun Yangzi said angrily.

Zhao Yang didn't answer, but grabbed a towering mountain with his big hand.


The mountain was shattered in an instant, and a disgraced figure appeared.

A look of surprise and anger appeared on his face, "Who will disturb my cultivation?"

"You devoured my wife's origin, right?" Zhao Yang looked at the figure and said indifferently.

The guy's face suddenly changed, "Who are you?"

"The dead don't need to know who I am." Zhao Yang shouted loudly at this point, "Get out of here."

The majestic divine sense turned into a cage and imprisoned that figure.

The figure let out a long howl, and the powerful aura rolled over, which made Chun Yangzi look shocked.

Because Chunyangzi found that this guy's cultivation level was not inferior to his own.

But no matter how that guy struggled, he was still forcibly detained in front of Zhao Yang.

"I warned you at that time that my husband will not forgive you." Tang Yiren walked out of the battleship at this time, and she looked at the man with killing intent in his eyes.

The man recognized Tang Yiren at this time.

"I didn't expect that I had erased the traces, but I was still caught." The man changed his voice when he said this, "But even if you catch me? I practice the art of twins, unless your colleague Kill both of us brothers, or I will be resurrected."

"The technique of twins?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"The art of twins is a skill at the peak of the emperor's realm. If you want to practice this skill, you need a pair of twins with the potential to reach the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm." Tang Yiren said in amazement, "I thought no one would succeed in practicing this skill. Kung fu, I never thought that you two brothers would actually master it."

"I don't care if you are twins or not. If you hurt my wife, I will make you pay with blood." Zhao Yang said, slapping his head to pieces.

"I've heard of the art of twins before, you shouldn't kill him." Chunyangzi said at this time, "Now that you kill him, you have completely grudged against the brothers. Yanhuangzong can't stop."

"Yanhuangzong has never been afraid of threats at this point." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "These twins will not be able to play for a long time."

After saying this, Zhao Yang took Tang Yiren and left here.

It didn't take long for Jin Wuchang to come to Chun Yangzi's side.

"Old Ancestor, I can't see through Zhao Yang more and more." Jin Wuchang said softly.

"His combat power has reached the peak of the Emperor Realm." Chun Yangzi said with burning eyes.

"Peak of Emperor Realm? How is it possible?" Jin Wuchang exclaimed.

"I also think it's impossible, but this is the truth." Chunyangzi paused at this point, "And now I have to step into this realm."

"Master..." Jin Wuchang looked at Chunyangzi in surprise and said.

"I would like to thank Xuan for the path of challenge left behind. I got some opportunities there, and now I can break through at any time." Chun Yangzi said here looking at Jin Wuchang, "Don't disturb me for the next time, Zong The matter of the door is entirely up to you."

"Obey, Master." Jin Wuchang said hastily.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang killed the boy, he led Tang Yiren towards Yanhuangzong.

"Husband, what if that guy comes to take revenge?"

"Eighth Heaven of Emperor Realm is also qualified to threaten Yanhuangzong?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Does he take himself too seriously?"

"But it is hidden in the dark, and it can cause damage to Yanhuangzong at any time." Tang Yiren said worriedly.

"It might be a headache for other sects, but it doesn't exist for me." Zhao Yang looked at Tang Yiren and said.


"My formation has improved to a higher level now, and my tracking technique is not unparalleled in the world, but it can also be ranked among the best in the world." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I have recorded its breath just now, Its soul, its traces, its many messages."

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