"God?" Zhao Yang's face changed slightly.

I didn't expect it to be a real god.

"Is she strong?"

"so so."


"Generally speaking, killing you is just playing." Baota said with a smile, "To be honest, I didn't expect gods to appear in this world."

"That... Senior, can you give me some soothing liquid." Zhao Yang said shyly.

"Forget it, since this is a special situation for you, I will give it to you." Baota said and handed Zhao Yang a jade bottle.

Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts swept away and found some soothing liquid in the jade bottle, "Senior, will the soothing liquid work for me?"

"Shenshen Liquid can repair the soul, and of course it can also strengthen your soul." Baota looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and said, "You don't think you want to take it?"

"Senior, there are nine drops in this bottle of Anshen Liquid, that woman shouldn't be able to ask for that much?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"You...how did I forget this one." Baota was a little anxious.

"Senior, won't my consciousness explode after taking the Anshen Liquid?" Zhao Yang took the Anshen Liquid into the small world when he said this.

Baota glanced at Zhao Yang, "Forget it, how can I get back what I gave you? You can take the Anshen Liquid, but I don't recommend it."


"At that time, your soul power will soar hundreds of times, and your physical body will not be able to control it."

"What is the solution?"

"It's inconvenient for me to tell you this." Baota said and threw a teleportation talisman to Zhao Yang, "I'll take you back."

After the sound of the pagoda fell, Zhao Yang reappeared in the main hall, after a little thought, Zhao Yang came to the space crack.

"Senior, I brought the soothing liquid."

"Really?" The woman in the bronze coffin asked in surprise.

Zhao Yang withdrew the formation, then opened the coffin lid, "Here you are."

Zhao Yang threw the jade bottle over.

"I can't move now, you feed me." What surprised Zhao Yang was that the woman said such words.

"That... Senior, I can feed you, but don't kill me." Zhao Yang said cautiously.

"I can't even move, how can I kill you?" the woman said angrily.

Only then did Zhao Yang come to the side of the coffin, and then picked up the jade bottle and dripped a drop of soothing liquid. When the soothing liquid entered the girl's body, the girl's body exuded a divine radiance.

"I didn't expect it to be Anshen Liquid." The woman said in surprise.

"It's good for seniors."

"Where did you get it?"

"The spirit of the seven-color pagoda gave it to me."

"Seven Colors Exquisite Pagoda?"

"Senior, do you know?"

"How could the Seven Colors Exquisite Pagoda give you such a thing?"

"We have a better relationship."

The girl stared at Zhao Yang and said, "How far have you passed?"

"The sixth level."

"No wonder it favors you so much?" The girl's face showed a sudden realization.

"Senior, how long will it take you to recover after taking the soothing liquid?"


"Senior, if you don't take the soothing liquid, how long will it take you to recover?"

"Then I don't know. It may be a thousand years, or it may be ten thousand years."

Zhao Yang's face turned green immediately, "Senior, you tricked me."

"what happened?"

"In a few hundred years, the sky will be gone."

Hearing this, the woman giggled, "Let's go, don't you understand?"

"Forget it, senior, can you do me a favor?"


"The pagoda gave me two drops of soothing liquid this time. After I take those drops, my soul power will skyrocket. Do you have any solution?"

"You have two drops?" The woman's eyes lit up when she said this, "give me that drop."

Zhao Yang was a little confused.

"Senior, are you going too far?"

"If you don't give it to me, I will go out in a hundred years and kill you first." When the girl said these words, there was a strong murderous intent in her eyes.

Zhao Yang shuddered at the sight of the girl.

"Senior, you have one drop, why worry about the second drop?"

"My recovery time is faster if I have the second drop."

Zhao Yang had no choice but to give the girl a second drop of soothing liquid.

The sacred aura on the girl's body was stronger and stronger than before.

"Senior, if I tell you, I still have a third drop?" Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and said.

"I don't need the third drop." The girl was stunned, and then smiled, "If you take the tranquilizing liquid with your current cultivation, your soul power will skyrocket a hundred times, but your physical body can't control it."

"Yeah, so the junior wants to know if the senior has a solution?"

"The stronger the soul, the stronger the divine sense. In fact, the divine sense can also become a killer move, but you don't know it."

"Also ask the seniors to teach me."

"You wait here for three months. After three months, I will pass on a formula to you."

"Thank you senior."

Then the girl closed her eyes.

Three months later, the girl opened her eyes, and a ray of divine sense entered Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness, "This is a means to control the divine sense, you can feel it here, and ask me if you don't understand."

After the girl said this, her face turned pale.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

"It took me three months to recover this ray of divine sense, but it's a pity that it was completely consumed at this time."

"Thank you senior."

"I just don't want to owe you too much."

"Senior, rest first."

Then Zhao Yang felt the technique taught to him by the girl here.

After researching, Zhao Yang found that this method was more difficult to learn than he imagined.


Just when Zhao Yang was comprehending the operation method of the divine mind here, a palace suddenly appeared in the depths of the sky.

This hall is full of the breath of time, which shocked countless monks from the sky.


I don't know how many monks went there for a while.

When they arrived at the gate of the palace, they realized that the palace turned out to be a palace of exercises.

"The Palace of Kung Fu."

"Which force's exercise hall is this?"

"It is said that Xuan once built a palace of exercises, but I don't know if it is this one?"


As time goes by, more and more monks come here.

Including Lin Caihan and Xu Huier of Yanhuangzong and other sect masters.

After about half a day passed, a cold voice came from the palace of exercises, "The exercises in the palace of exercises are divided into exercises of the holy realm, exercises of the quasi-emperor realm, and exercises of the emperor's realm. Please choose the one that suits you according to your own cultivation. own skills."

"The Temple of Kungfu contains many powerful secret techniques and supernatural powers from ancient times."

"However, in order to prevent everyone from practicing too much, and to take care of the monks present, each of you can only choose three books."

After the other party's voice fell, Qin Fang, the young patriarch of the Qin clan, asked, "What if two people read the same book?"

"You can't take the books, you can rub them." The other party said here, "After you choose the exercises, you can go to the square in front of the hall. The square in front of the hall can accommodate millions of people at the same time. The square in front of the hall is shrouded in Taoism." , allowing you to comprehend faster."

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