Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1259 Origin Lotus

Zhao Yang was shocked that Li's speed had reached the threshold of the peak of the Emperor Realm.

How can it be?

Could it be that he also has the fighting power of the peak of the emperor realm?

Zhao Yang followed Li quietly.


Li's target is also the main hall.

The hall was actually empty.

Zhao Yang was a little confused.

what's the situation?

"Why is there nothing in the ancestral home of the Dark Clan?"

"I found the ancestral court of the Dark Clan through various materials, but I didn't expect that there was nothing in the ancestral court of the Dark Clan." Li's face was a little ugly.

The two found nothing after turning around in the hall.

Immediately, Zhao Yang and the two separated.

The ancestral home is huge.

The two don't need to be together.

Zhao Yang went to the medicine garden, but the medicine garden had dried up long ago, and he went to the treasury, only to find that the gate of the treasury was gone.

"There is nothing in the ancestral court?" Zhao Yang couldn't accept this result.

And at this time, it was three feet away from the start of digging.

It does not believe in nothing.

Zhao Yang returned to the hall again.

Since the Dark Clan's mountain protection array still exists, it is impossible for the Dark Clan to have nothing.

Zhao Yang is looking for clues about this place.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

At this moment, a ray of light suddenly bloomed in the distance.

Zhao Yang rushed towards the place where the rays of light erupted, and saw Li standing on a golden lotus flower, and there was a lot of golden liquid beside the lotus flower.

"Golden lotus of the great way." Zhao Yang's face changed slightly.

This can definitely be called a treasure.

"Zhao Yang, I was the first to see this golden lotus." Li looked at Zhao Yang vigilantly and said.

Zhao Yang hesitated for a while but still did not follow Li Qiang.

Then Zhao Yang turned around and returned to the main hall. In the past three days, he had already found some traces, which was also the reason why he didn't compete with Li.

Zhao Yang finally found a crack when the light changed and intertwined.


Zhao Yang's figure instantly disappeared in place.

A ray of divine sense in the distance was paying attention to Zhao Yang's slight change in Li's face.

"Where did Zhao Yang go?" Li wanted to follow up and take a look.

But at this time, he was refining the Dao Jinlian, so he had no chance to come here.

So it can only watch.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

There is a small river in the space crack, and the liquid in the small river is black.

The energy emitted by the black liquid is very soft, giving Zhao Yang a very close feeling.

"The original power of darkness." At this time, Tiandao of the small world said.

"The original power of darkness?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"The power of the source is very rare, and it generally exists in the early days." Tiandao of the small world replied, "Any group of people can grow up in a short time as long as they get the power of the source. If my guess is correct, these sources of power The power should be kept by the dark race, waiting to rise again."

"Can we use the original power of darkness?" Zhao Yang asked hesitantly.

"Anyone can use it, this has no effect." Tiandao of the small world replied.

Hearing this, Zhao Yang waved his hand and detained the original power of darkness here in his small world.

And after all the original power of darkness dissipated, Zhao Yang was surprised to find that there was a black lotus inside.

"Original lotus."

"How does it compare to Dao Jinlian?"

"It's much higher than the golden lotus of the great way." Tiandao of the small world explained, "The lotus of the great way is only of the second level, while the lotus of the original source is of the fourth level."

"The fourth level?" Zhao Yang showed surprise on his face.

"The original lotus has two functions. First, after you refine the original lotus, you can jump to the fourth level of strength; second, the original lotus has nine lotus seeds, and each lotus seed can make the Emperor Realm eighth level The sky has set foot on the peak of the Emperor Realm."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"What level is the peak of the Emperor Realm?"

"The second level."

Zhao Yang was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"The foundation of the lineage of innate life is unexpectedly so strong." Zhao Yang murmured.

"Xuan only attacked the innate creatures when he reached the peak, and knowing that Xuan would ascend to the heavens, one can imagine how afraid Xuan is of such creatures."

"In addition, the lotus is also useful."

"This original lotus has eighteen petals." Zhao Yang said excitedly.

"The effect of petals is far inferior to that of lotus seeds. They can only create eighteen eighth heavens."

"The eighth heaven is not bad." Zhao Yang said with some regret.

Zhao Yang never expected that all the top officials of Yanhuangzong would reach the peak of Emperor Realm, but now having these nine lotus seeds is already very good.

This means that nine of Yan Huangzong will be able to become the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm in the future.

"By the way, how to use the original power?" Zhao Yang asked suddenly.

"The power of the original source can strengthen the monk's original source. Generally speaking, those who have no hope of the holy state can take one drop; those who have no hope of the quasi-emperor state can take ten drops; those who have no hope of the emperor's state can take a hundred drops." Tiandao of the small world explained, "Those who are in the second level of the Hopeless Emperor Realm, take three hundred drops; those who are in the third level of the Hopeless Emperor Realm, take one thousand drops; those who are in the fourth level of the Hopeless Emperor Realm, take three thousand drops, and so on. "

"So you can go all the way to the peak of the Emperor Realm?"

"Theoretically, the power of the source can only be raised to the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, and it cannot be done at a higher level." Tiandao of the small world replied, "I just counted, and the power of the source here is about 36 trillion. Well, these original forces can create a terrifying group."

With these original powers, Zhao Yang is really not worried whether Yanhuangzong will become stronger?

It's almost a sure thing.

"However, I think you should refine this original lotus now, otherwise Li may not let you go later." Tiandao of the small world reminded at this time.

Zhao Yang thought for a while and sat on the original lotus.

The refining of the original lotus is not so simple, not to mention that this original lotus is still of a high level.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that he didn't refine this lotus after refining it here for a year.

"Li's cultivation should not have reached the peak of the Emperor Realm, but his speed should have reached the peak of the Emperor Realm." Zhao Yang's spiritual thoughts have been paying attention to Li from the outside world, and Li is also working overtime to refine at this time.

It stands to reason that the level of Dao Jinlian is lower than that of Yuanyuan Jinlian, but Zhao Yang has refined one-third of it here, and it turns out that there is still no refining from this side.

This makes it difficult to explain the problem.

"It will take at least three years to fully refine it." Zhao Yang sighed softly.

But Zhao Yang felt it was worth it.

In this way, another three years passed, Zhao Yang finally took the original lotus lotus flower, and when Zhao Yang refined it on this side, Li also refined it on the other side, Li, who had refined the original source, came to the main hall immediately middle.

"Zhao Yang, how are you doing?"

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