There are 12 billion direct descendants of the Qin Palace, and more than 200 billion affiliated personnel.

Such a huge force, who dares to accept it easily?

"In fact, if we only accept the direct descendants of the Qin Palace, I don't think there will be much problem." Lin Caihan said after a while, "The territory of that small world has reached [-] million square kilometers. I think even if it can accommodate tens of billions There are not many problems with monks, and after the small world's heavenly way is improved again, I think the small world's heavenly way will be further expanded."

"What I'm worried about is that Qin Gong won't be able to adjust his position." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Yan Huangzong's monks plus affiliated forces are only more than 80 billion, but the Qin Palace has more than 200 billion to join?

Do you think those guys will be honest

"Let's talk about the future." Lin Caihan thought about it and felt a little headache.

"By the way, what happened to the Kong family?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

"The 4000 million quota for the Kong family has been determined. During this period, most of them have arrived at Yanhuangzong. I have planned and rearranged them. At present, the disciples of the Kong family are fairly honest."

"Finding conflicts and solving them in time, if they really can't be solved, get rid of what should be eliminated." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said.


The time that followed was uncommonly peaceful.

There were no major conflicts among the ethnic groups.

Perhaps all ethnic groups also know that storms are coming, so each ethnic group is constantly developing itself.

Yanhuangzong is no exception.

Among the major forces, Yanhuangzong's investment in the sect can be described as the first, and various resources are openly supplied.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Fast forward ten years.

Just when the major forces thought that this peaceful situation would continue, star beasts suddenly appeared in the universe.

That's right.

star beast.

The appearance of the star beast made all the tribes panic.

Generally speaking, the star beasts will only appear when the doomsday comes. The question is, isn't there still a thousand years before the destruction?

Yanhuangzong naturally also got the news.

"At present, it seems that the curse is very harmful to Heaven." Zhao Yang sighed lightly, "There is not much time left for us." Speaking of this, Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, " The higher-ups of the sect should stop suppressing it, and break through if it is time to break through."

In the past few years, dozens of sects have set foot in the sixth heaven of the imperial realm, but Xu Huier and others are still desperately suppressing their own cultivation.

Now that the group of star beasts has appeared, no one knows when Tianwaitian will be destroyed?

Therefore, the most urgent task is to set foot on the seventh heaven.

Just when the high-level sect started to break through the seventh heaven, Zhao Yang also set out to break through.

His potential has been greatly improved, but after such a long period of practice, he has already reached the edge of breakthrough.

"Let's break through." Zhao Yang said with bright eyes.

Zhao Yang's background is too strong.

Therefore, Zhao Yang's breakthrough time was longer than that of all the monks.

And when the high-level officials of Yanhuangzong began to break through one after another, the major forces began to strangle the invading star beasts. Fortunately, the star beasts that have appeared so far are still small roles compared to the major forces in Tianwaitian, but everyone knows that the star beasts Things like beasts become more powerful as they appear in the future, and more importantly, star beasts are endless, okay?

Comet was also invaded by star beasts, but they were killed by the forces on Comet before they jumped.

"The major dark forces are about to move, who would have thought that the end is here again."

"The world is so big, where is the pure land?"

"Maybe there are only emperor-level planets?"

"The emperor-level planet doesn't care about our life or death at all?"

"I think we only have the alliance at this point."

"I think it's better to follow the powerful group?"

At the same time that the forces of all parties were panicking, the high-level officials of Yanhuangzong broke through to the realm of kings one after another.

Mingyue, Tang Yiren, Xu Huier, Yuan Jiner, Blue Crucian Carp, Leng Qingqiu, Ruoxi, Ruoqing, Tiehan, Jianchen, Xiaomi, Xiaoluo, Xiaoxia, Xiaojin, Pojun, Tanlang.

The cohesion of the sixteen newly promoted kings and the entire Yanhuang Sect has been unprecedentedly improved.

You must know that even the imperial powers don't have so many kings, okay?

At this time, the Yanhuangzong could already be compared with the power of the Emperor Realm.

And about three months later, Lin Caihan also broke through to the realm of kings. After Lin Caihan broke through, Yanhuangzong had seventeen kings.

Lin Caihan immediately summoned the new Sanqing after breaking through.

For Lin Caihan, after a breakthrough in cultivation, he can build the magic weapon and battleship of the eighth heaven.

While there is still time, don't waste it.

Many monks felt that Zhao Yang's breakthrough only took two or three months. No one thought that Zhao Yang still hadn't made a breakthrough after half a year.

Qin Lu hurriedly came to Yanhuangzong that day.

"Caihan, you have to help us this time." Lin Caihan looked at Qin Lu in puzzlement and said, "What happened?"

"People from the Qin clan are here to arrest Qin Xuan and go back."


"The Qin family means that last time Qin Xuan contradicted Qin Fang, Qin Xuan needs to be arrested and punished by the clan rules."

"The Qin family is going too far."

"Qin Lie is confronting a strong man from the eighth heaven who came from the Qin family. The problem is that the Qin family is not the only one who came here this time." Qin Lu said worriedly.

"Is it appropriate for Yanhuangzong to intervene in this matter?" Lin Caihan said after pondering for a while.

"Qin Gong has been expelled from the family tree by the Qin family. Qin Gong has nothing to do with the Qin family." Qin Lu said in a deep voice, "If Qin Xuan is taken away by the Qin family, one life will be lost." Qin Qin Lu said tears fell down.

After pondering for a while, Lin Caihan called the third princess, "Third princess, follow Qin Lu to the Qin Palace."

The three princesses nodded.

And just when the three princesses were about to leave with Qin Lu, a figure blocked their way.

"Where are you going?"

"Husband, have you left the customs?" When the third princess saw Zhao Yang, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"I've met Sect Master Zhao." Qin Lu hurriedly saluted Zhao Yang.

"What happened?" Zhao Yang asked.

Qin Lu told Zhao Yang about the Qin family, "The Qin family is too deceitful, I will follow you to the Qin palace."

Qin Palace!

At this time, the gate of Qingong Mountain was about to storm.

It was Qin Lie's cousin, Qin Hao, who was confronting Qin Lie, but judging from the situation of the confrontation, Qin Lie was at a disadvantage.

"Qin Lie, even if you break through to the eighth heaven by chance, so what?" Qin Hao's aura firmly suppressed Qin Lie, "You are still not my opponent."

At this time, Qin Lie's eyes were already red, and the veins on his forehead were trembling like earthworms.

Qin Lie really wanted to fight back.

Unfortunately to no avail.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Qin Lie is currently at this stage.

Not far away, a middle-aged man in gray was watching this scene with a smile. He was Qin Hao's uncle and a strong man in Qin Hao's lineage.

Suddenly his eyelids twitched because a figure appeared in the distance.

That figure obviously didn't have a strong aura, but the middle-aged man in gray still felt inexplicably nervous.

"Who are you?" The gray-clothed middle-aged man looked at the figure and asked.

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