Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1246 I'm going to break my promise

"Why haven't some guys come yet?"

"Don't they know that if we can't stop this time, we will face the massacre of bloodthirsty bats in the future?"

"If the emperor of which ethnic group doesn't come, then don't blame me for coming to liquidate it?" Mu Yi was also anxious at this time, he glanced at the audience, and sternly reprimanded.

The clan master who didn't come hastily notified the patriarch.

It was only after the patriarchs received the message that they had no choice but to come.

"The 25 emperors, plus the four emperors of our Heavenly Clan, we have 29 emperors on our side, and our side has the advantage in numbers." Mu Yi said loudly, "As long as our side can defeat them , even if they wake up at the peak of the imperial realm, our side is not without the power to fight."

Mu Yi's words inspired many monks present.

It's just that when the kings of the two sides collided together, the king who didn't make a move discovered the gap.

The emperor of the bloodthirsty bat family is too strong, almost beating the emperor of the sky outside the sky.

Even if the emperors of Tianwaitian fought against each other, it didn't seem to take much advantage.

At this time, the three princesses and Qin Lie teamed up to deal with a bloodthirsty bat. Qin Lie's heart faltered after a dozen moves with the bloodthirsty bat. You must know that Qin Lie has almost been in retreat since breaking through to the eighth heaven.

He thinks that his Taoism has improved a lot, and what's more, he is also practicing at the peak of the emperor's realm.

But when he really collided with this person, he discovered his own shortcomings.

The opponent has traveled much farther than himself in the eighth heaven, and the opponent's background is much stronger than Qin Lie.

But Qin Lie was shocked to find that the three princesses did not fall into a disadvantage in the head-on confrontation with the bloodthirsty bat.

What Qin Lie didn't know was that the technique that the third princess is practicing now is the Supreme Qingming, but she has also absorbed the essence of Zhao Yang's Nine Suns Mysterious Technique and Huangquan Zhenjue.

Normally speaking, no one would do this, because you don't have much time to practice a single skill. The problem is that the third princess has Zhao Yang as a cheat.

One dream and one display of Huangliang, one day is equivalent to 12 years.

Just ask if you are afraid?

Therefore, even if the three princesses were not too diligent in the eighth heaven, they did not fall into a disadvantage in the head-to-head confrontation with this bloodthirsty bat.

Originally, Qin Lie wanted to attack.

After seeing this scene, he felt that he should play support.


In less than a quarter of an hour, the head of the cicada clan was bitten off by the king of bloodthirsty bats.

"The patriarch of the cicada clan has fallen."

"The Cicada Clan is over."

"It's only a quarter of an hour. Is the gap between the two parties so big?"

But at this time, no emperor escaped?

"Kill me." The patriarch of the Meteor Clan shouted loudly, raising the scepter in his hand high, and the bloodthirsty bat locked by the scepter froze on the spot.


The bloodthirsty bat exploded in the next moment.

And the face of the patriarch of the Meteor Clan quickly turned pale, he turned into a streamer and quickly withdrew from the battlefield, "I did my best."

In order to kill that powerful bloodthirsty bat, he used almost a forbidden technique.

At this time, the energy in his body has been exhausted, and he has no strength to fight anymore.

It's just that the emperor in the field is not as powerful as the patriarch of the Meteor Clan after all, and as time goes by, three more emperors fell here.

"The bloodthirsty bat is too strong."

"We are not their opponents."

"I don't want to die here."

As the patriarch of the Qing clan fled here, more and more emperors left here.

In just a few breaths, there were only eight emperors left in the arena.

The problem is that those guys didn't say hello to the third princess and the others before they left. As a result, the third princess and the others were trapped by the remaining seventeen emperors.

Mu Yi's face turned green when he saw this.

"let's go."

As he spoke, Mu Yi took out a kendo talisman from his bosom.

When the kendo talisman broke through the air, it released the coercion of the peak level of the emperor's realm, and then that coercion overwhelmingly rushed towards the seventeen emperors.

The four emperors of the Celestial Clan fled the battlefield immediately, and the third princess and Qin Lie were stopped before they could escape for long.

The third princess took out a formation scroll that Zhao Yang gave her, and the moment the formation scroll was torn, the vast power of the formation flooded out. The problem was that at this time, there were eight imperial realm powerhouses targeting the three princesses.

How could Zhao Yang's scroll be able to stop this group of wolves and tigers?

The third princess had no choice but to take out a tear sheet, but just as she was about to escape, she found two more emperors surrounding her.

After thinking for a while, the third princess pushed Qin Lie out, while the third princess retreated towards the rear.


The three princesses were bombarded in the body by the force of several emperors.

Seeing that the third princess was so bloody, she immediately became anxious, "Senior Qin Lie, go to the Yanhuang Sect to ask the suzerain to come."

Qin Lie showed hesitation.

"What are you waiting for? The suzerain has a solution." Taichang roared towards Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't dare to delay, and quickly rushed towards Yanhuangzong.

The reason why he didn't leave before was also because the third princess saved him, but he escaped at this time, which seemed a bit unrighteous.

"You guys run away too." Mu Yi glanced at the Emperor Realm masters present and said.

Then Mu Yi fled in a hurry.

The rest of the kings also rushed away.

At this moment, the only ones left in the arena were Qin Lu from Qin Gong and other strong men, and Tai Chang from Yanhuangzong was waiting for strong men.

And those emperors didn't attack Qin Lu and the others. In their hearts, they only need to kill the three princesses and a few other emperors today, that's enough.

You must know that besides the three princesses, there are three emperors.

The three emperors felt very aggrieved at this moment, they didn't expect those guys to be so dishonest?


How about saying hello before you run?

When Qin Lie rushed to the top of Yanhuangzong, the formation started automatically, "Sect Master Zhao, it's urgent."

Zhao Yang who was enlightening suddenly opened his eyes.

"What happened?"

"The third princess is surrounded by many emperors, and she is in danger right now."


Qin Lie was shocked to find that Zhao Yang's figure was gone, and then he saw a flash of light.

"How is it possible?" Qin Lie exclaimed.

There is no reason why Zhao Yang is so fast?

At this time, the situation of the three princesses was already in jeopardy. Because Lin Caihan showed his domineering strength at the beginning, there were six emperors besieging Lin Caihan at this time.

The six emperors.

Even those at the peak of the Emperor Realm can compete against one or two, okay?


The third princess was pierced through the ribs by a sword, and then was picked up high, blood spilled down the sword.

The third princess snorted, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth.

She felt a moment of weakness, and she realized that there was poison on the war sword.

"I may have to break my promise." The third princess murmured.

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