Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1244 Follow Mu Yi

"You cheated it of so many resources?" Lin Caihan exclaimed.

Can she not be surprised?

"So you don't need to save too much." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I mean those resources will be spent in 500 years."

"Spend it all in 500 years?" Lin Caihan was stunned, "How many monks does Yan Huangzong have?"

"Resources will be converted into combat power." Zhao Yang smiled slightly, "When the star beasts and bloodthirsty bats come in the future, we monks of Yanhuangzong will be able to reduce deaths."

"Okay, do as you said." Lin Caihan nodded.

In the following time, Zhao Yang summoned the Six Sanqings. These six Sanqings instructed the sect's disciples to practice, and they were also responsible for alchemy and formation formation.

Lin Caihan also summoned her own Sanqing.

In addition to cultivating Qi Dao disciples of the sect, these three deities and three clears also shoulder the important task of forging high-level magic weapons.

While the Yanhuang Sect was continuously improving the strength of the sect, a piece of news was quietly passed among the major forces.

A treasure has emerged from the depths of the universe.

As time goes by, more and more monks know the news that the treasure will be born.

And after these monks kept searching, they finally found the seal of the bloodthirsty bat.

"Is this a place of treasure?"

"Why do I feel that evil people are sealed here?"

"Or don't go in rashly?"

Soon some strong men from the ethnic groups came here, and after careful screening, they recognized the sealed land.

"The seal of bloodthirsty bats."

"My God, why is that ethnic group still there?"

"Back then, bloodthirsty bats caused a heinous murder. Now, if bloodthirsty bats were born again, who would be able to stop them?"

After panicking, the patriarchs of the various forces approached Mu Yi who was wandering around.

"Bloodthirsty bats are related to the survival of Tianwaitian, so I ask Mr. Muyi to uphold justice." The patriarch of the Meteor Clan said in a deep voice.

Mu Yi stared at the sealed place for a while before saying, "The seal won't be completely broken in a short time. I mean, let's wait and see how the situation develops."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Half a month later, the seal set by Zhao Yang was broken, and several bloodthirsty bats from the sixth level of the Emperor Realm were taken down by the waiting patriarch of the Meteor Clan and others as soon as they came out.

It's a pity that these guys are not weak anymore. They wanted to extract the memory but failed to do so. Fortunately, they soon met a Emperor Realm First Layer, and from the memory of the other party, everyone learned about the condition of the bloodthirsty bat.

"The existence of two peak emperors? My God, who can compete?"

"What should we do now?"

"The only consolation is that those two are still sleeping."

"The seal now only allows bloodthirsty bats from the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm to appear, which means we still have time to organize an effective resistance."

"We need an organizer."

"Yes, I think it must be Mr. Muyi."

Mu Yi became a little lighthearted under the flattery of everyone, "In this way, the major royal families will first send one Emperor Realm Seventh Heaven, two Emperor Realm Sixth Heavens, and six Emperor Realm Fifth Heavens to sit here. The major royal families will first send One of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm, and three of the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm sit here."

After a pause, Mu Yi continued, "Let's go back to the sect now and ask the sect to send an elite team."

"Thank you, Mr. Muyi."

"We are here waiting for the arrival of Mr. Muyi."

"Master Muyi is really a good man."

"Master Muyi, I follow you, it is indeed true."

After Mu Yi left, the major royal families and royal families took action one after another.

They jointly issued a statement, asking all parties to cooperate with each other for the safety of the entire Tianwaitian.

Soon Qin Lu from Qin Palace came to Yanhuangzong.

"Many ethnic groups are looking at Yanhuangzong now." Qin Lu said softly.

"In this case, I'll go and confirm the candidate." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

After discussing with Lin Caihan, Zhao Yang decided on a list.

Taichang from the seventh heaven of the imperial realm, Pojun and Jianchen from the sixth heaven of the imperial realm, Taixun, Long Tianxing, Wu Yan, Zhang Desolation, Xu Duomu, and Nalanran from the fifth heaven of the imperial realm.

"This is a battle armor for you." Lin Caihan said and gave each of them a battle armor. Of course, this battle armor matches their cultivation base.

"Here are arrays and pills for you." Zhao Yang also gave them some resources.

After everyone took over, Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Remember, if the situation is not right, you should withdraw as soon as possible."

Working hard for all ethnic groups?

What are you kidding?

Why do all ethnic groups please Mu Yi?Do you really think you like Mu Yi?

Didn't he take a fancy to the Lietian Clan behind Mu Yi?

It has to be said that Mu Yi kept his promise very well. After the major royal families and royal families dispatched strong men, Mu Yi led an elite group to the sealed place.

This time, Mu Yi brought three gods from the eighth heavenly realm, ten gods from the seventh heavenly realm, thirty gods from the sixth heavenly realm, one hundred gods from the fifth heavenly realm, and three hundred gods from the fourth heavenly realm , a thousand emperors and three heavens.

When these emperors appeared, the hearts of all the royal families were swayed.

They know that the Imperial Clan is powerful.

But they didn't expect the imperial clan to be so powerful?

"I think everyone is aware of the danger of bloodthirsty bats, and please cooperate with us in the future." Mu Yi looked around the audience and said.

Everyone saw that Mu Yi had brought so many strong men and said yes to each of them.

Mu Yi looked a little complacent.

In the following time, some bloodthirsty bats came out every day, but gradually fewer and fewer bloodthirsty bats came out.

Apparently, the bloodthirsty bat family also realized that someone outside was attacking them.

In this way, a year or so passed and a king came out from the sealed place. The task of this king was to see what was going on outside and then go back.

It's just that it was sniped and killed by the eighth heavenly expert of the Celestial Clan when it first came out.

Next, no bloodthirsty bats appeared in the sealed land.

But everyone's hearts sank.

"I suggest setting up a killing array here." The patriarch of the Meteor Clan said in a deep voice.

Mu Yi thought for a while and said, "Our Celestial Clan has formation masters in the imperial realm, but we need a lot of rare materials to set up formations. This requires everyone to get together?"

Everyone expressed no opinion.

The major forces are dirty with each other, but they also know what the impact will be after the bloodthirsty bat comes out?

After Mu Yi invited the Heaven-cracking Imperial Formation Master, he began to make arrangements.

After hearing the news, Qin Lu of the Qin Palace realized that the storm was coming, so she pondered for a while before going to Yanhuangzong to ask Zhao Yang.

She saw that Zhao Yang was explaining Taoism and supernatural powers to the disciples of Yanhuangzong.

"Sect Master Zhao, I wonder if you have broken through to the seventh heaven?" Qin Lu asked softly.

"No, what's the matter?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"In a few months, bloodthirsty bats will mobilize the existence of the eighth heaven, and the current mountain guard formation of our Qin Palace is still from the seventh heaven. I think that if your cultivation level breaks through to the seventh heaven Afterwards, when the time comes, your formation cultivation will naturally break through to the eighth heaven."

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