Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1241 Bloodthirsty Bat

"Give me some resources, and I won't bother you anymore, how about it?" Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Underworld Emperor rolled Zhao Yang's eyes and said, "Do you think I might trust you?"

Zhao Yang waved his hand and thirteen formations appeared in front of him, "Tomorrow, the avatar and I will rush in with these thirteen formations. I wonder if you can stop them?"

Underworld Emperor's face changed slightly.

It must be unstoppable.

"I can't stop, but I can run." Emperor Hades said after a while.

"If you could run, you would have run away long ago. I think this cave should be very important to you. I don't know if I'm right?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Besides, you don't have a physical body, and you want to restore your strength to Peak, I think it's impossible, right?"

Underworld Emperor's expression didn't change in any way, but there was a storm in his heart.

"And believe it or not, as long as you run away, I will blow up this cave in minutes." After Zhao Yang's voice fell, Emperor Ming said with a serious face, "How many resources do you want?"

"I want 1 high-level resources, 100 imperial-level resources, 300 million quasi-imperial-level resources, and 300 million holy-level resources." Zhao Yang made some calculations in his mind. Then he said, "In addition, I want [-] million drops of Emperor Liquid, [-] million drops of Zhundi Liquid, and [-] billion drops of Holy Liquid."

"I can give you these resources, but you can't bother me anymore." Emperor Hades said in a deep voice after a while.

Zhao Yang's face changed slightly.

He found that he still underestimated the resources of the planet Emperor Realm.

What Zhao Yang didn't know was that the resources of the Emperor Realm forces were terrifying, and the Underworld Emperor had looted all the resources of this planet.

How could it fail to come up with these resources?

The three princesses clucked their tongues while listening, how many imperial powers are these resources enough to cultivate?

"I believe that your strength can be further improved, and if you improve further, it will be difficult for me to defeat you." Zhao Yang said lightly, "But I will not leave this planet in a short time."

"Whatever." Emperor Ming said nonchalantly.

After the two sides reached an agreement, Zhao Yang put away those resources and left here on a battleship.

"Really leave?" The third princess said softly.

"Unless my cultivation reaches a further breakthrough, there is no way I can defeat Emperor Underworld." Zhao Yang looked at the three princesses and said, "Let's talk about the future."

"Don't you send Sanqing to monitor it?"

"I left a statue of Taiqing in place." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Surveillance must be monitored."

In the following time, Zhao Yang and the three princesses traveled around this living planet on a battleship.

After seven days passed like this, Emperor Hades appeared in the cave.

It made a strong move and shattered Zhao Yang's formation in the cave, and seeing this scene, Taiqing immediately left here.

Taiqing returned to the battleship and reported to Zhao Yang what had happened before.

"It seems that this guy's strength has improved again." Zhao Yang murmured.

"what should we do?"

"I hope that guy won't drive us away too quickly?" Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

The heaven of the small world is still drawing the origin of this planet of life, but according to the current progress, Zhao Yang is very worried that he will not be able to ascend to the eighth heaven.

Zhao Yang's guess was correct.

Half a month later, Underworld Emperor tracked down Zhao Yang's warship.

"You can leave." Underworld Emperor said in a deep voice.

"Can I stay here for a while longer?"

"Your little world has been pumping out the origin of this planet, do you think I don't know?" Hades snorted coldly, "I don't want to do anything, get out."

Zhao Yang pondered for a moment, but still drove the battleship and left here.

Looking at the warships that were getting farther and farther away, Zhao Yang felt a little uncomfortable.

"I really want to kill it." Zhao Yang murmured.

But Zhao Yang also knew not to be impulsive.

The warship pierced the sky and headed towards Yanhuangzong.

As a result, Qi Ling, who drove halfway to the battleship, suddenly reminded Zhao Yang that a strong energy fluctuation was found ahead.

Zhao Yang and the three princesses came to the bow of the ship, and they saw a crack in the void, which was emitting an evil aura at this time.

"I'm afraid there is something coming here?" The third princess said in a deep voice.

"Just look at it." Zhao Yang said and ordered the battleship to start the battle state.

As time went by, the breath became stronger and stronger, and a bat flew out after about three hours.

The bat's body reached a height of three meters, and its huge fleshy wings were strong and powerful. Its eyes were full of murderous intent, "Finally it's broken."

And after it flew out a bat, the bat's eyes were full of excitement, "I can't help sucking blood now."

"Haha, when Xuanfeng sealed our bloodthirsty bat family, it thought that the land of the scorching sun could slowly consume us to death, but it didn't know that there was a cold moon well deep in the land of the scorching sun, and our bloodthirsty bat family relied on the cold moon to The well survived."

"Without Xuan's check and balance today, who can stop our footsteps?"

"Haha, the entire Tianwaitian is ours now."

When these bloodthirsty bats laughed, the battleship came out of its stealth state, and they all froze when they saw the pitch-black black battleship.


The battleship blasted out shells one after another, knocking those bloodthirsty bat bombers off their feet.

After the dust cleared, only one bloodthirsty bat came out alive. Zhao Yang came to this bloodthirsty bat, and his big hand landed on his head.

Zhao Yang is forcibly extracting its memory.

After a while, Zhao Yang's face became serious.

"what happened?"

"The bloodthirsty bat clan ravaged the world back then, and it was Xuan who led many clans to defeat this clan." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "However, Xuan has to pay a huge price if he wants to completely ruin this clan. After finding the Land of Lieyang, that is, after this portal, Xuan’s idea is to slowly consume this family by the Land of Lieyang, but unfortunately there is a cold moon well in the depths of the Land of Lieyang. Moon Spring has allowed the bloodthirsty bat family to survive." After a pause, Zhao Yang continued, "Three quarters of the bloodthirsty bats have fallen over the years, but the remaining quarter is still a terrifying number."

"Is there any strong person in the bloodthirsty bat family?"

"There were five bloodthirsty bats at the peak of the Emperor Realm back then, and two were killed by Xuanjian, and one was created and died in the land of the scorching sun."

"You mean that there are still two peak emperors in the land of Lieyang?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Then what do we do now?"

"The two peak emperors are still sleeping, theoretically no one can do anything to this line." Zhao Yang sighed leisurely.

"What should I do?"

"You go back to Yanhuangzong first, I want to snipe here."

"Didn't you say that there are two bloodthirsty bats at the peak of the Emperor Realm?"

"Now the bloodthirsty bats can only come out of the quasi-emperor realm, and it will take a while for the peak emperor realm to come out."

"Then you pay attention to safety."

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