Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1229 Potential Breakthrough

"Okay, master, this battleship is a battleship at the peak of the emperor's realm." The spirit of the battleship replied, "This battleship at the peak of the emperor's realm has one main gun and nine secondary guns."

"So little?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"The main cannon can fire one shell that severely damages the peak of the Emperor's Realm, three shells that severely damage the eighth heaven of the Emperor's Realm, or nine shells that severely damage the seventh heaven of the Emperor's Realm." The weapon spirit of the battleship replied.

"After firing one cannonball that severely damaged the peak of the Emperor's Realm, can you still fire three cannonballs that severely damaged the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm?"

"Yes, you can even fire nine shells that severely damage the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm at the same time." Qi Ling replied, "But none of these three types can be fired consecutively."

"How long does it take to cool in the middle?"

"Three hours."

"It's been a long time."

"Are there many people at the level of Tianwaitian?"

"That's true." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "By the way, let me introduce the secondary gun."

"The secondary artillery has three combat modes. The first mode is aimed at the masters of the sixth, fifth, and fourth heavens. It can fire [-] shells at the same time. In theory, no one can stop it. Of course, that kind of The exception is the wizards of the sky; the second mode is aimed at monks in the third, second, and first heavens, and can shoot [-] shells at the same time; the third mode is aimed at monks below the emperor's level, and can shoot Ninety thousand shells."

"What about the energy needed by the shell?" What did Zhao Yang suddenly think of?

"Each shell that severely damages the peak of the Emperor's Realm needs 100 million drops of Emperor Liquid, each shell that severely damages the Eighth Heaven of the Emperor's Realm requires 20 drops of Emperor Liquid, and each shell that severely damages the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor's Realm requires [-] drops of Emperor Liquid .”

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's face turned green.

One million drops of Imperial Liquid are needed for each shell that hits the peak of Emperor Realm?

Are you afraid you are joking?

You must know that even a king-level force may not have 100 million drops of imperial liquid!

"Master, you don't need to worry, this battleship is equipped with a lot of shells."

"how many?"

"The scale that can carry out three major wars."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

If this battleship has no shells, Zhao Yang has to take out all the resources he got before.


It's not enough to take them all out.

Because normally, a battleship needs to prepare shells for at least three battles, and three shells that can seriously damage the peak of the Emperor Realm require 300 million drops of Emperor Liquid.

As for the rest of the cannonballs, Zhao Yang has the final say, and it is estimated that Yanhuangzong's treasury will be emptied.

"This warship can't afford it at all." Zhao Yang said with a wry smile after some calculations in his mind.

Speaking of this, Zhao Yang looked at the pagoda and said, "Senior, do you have any extra resources in your hands? If you don't need them, give them to me."

"I will give you another batch of resources after you pass the seventh floor, but not now." Baota rejected Zhao Yang's request.

"Senior, send me back now." Zhao Yang responded.

The next moment Zhao Yang felt the space move, and then he was shocked to find that he appeared above Yanhuangzong.


A patrolling army immediately appeared around Zhao Yang.

When they saw Zhao Yang, they hurriedly saluted Zhao Yang, "I have seen the suzerain."

Zhao Yang nodded, and then fell down.

When Lin Caihan saw Zhao Yang, excitement appeared on his face.

Only Lin Caihan knew about Zhao Yang's trip to the pagoda.

Zhao Yang gave Lin Caihan a wink, and then Lin Caihan came to Zhao Yang's study.

"How long has it been since I left?"

"Six months."

"I have two things to tell you now." Zhao Yang said and brought Lin Caihan to his small world.

The next moment, Lin Caihan saw the purple warship at the peak of the imperial realm.

"Is this the battleship at the pinnacle of the Emperor Realm?"

"I will give you the next level of authority on this battleship." Zhao Yang said and gave Lin Caihan the authority on this battleship, "As for the configuration of this battleship, you can ask Qi Ling at that time."

"Second, I'm going to sleep for a while. As for how long, I don't know."

"What happened?"

"I've been tense for ten years, and I'm about to lose it." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I'm fine now, but I need to rest, and the time may be a bit long."

"Okay, I've explained everything I need to explain. Don't bother me unless there is something very urgent." Zhao Yang took Lin Caihan back to his study after finishing speaking, "You can come and go freely in my small world, okay , I should rest."

After speaking, Zhao Yang took out the bottle of Chushen Liquid, drank it all in one gulp, and fell asleep soundly.

Seeing that Zhao Yang fell asleep almost instantly, Lin Caihan showed pity on her face.

She stepped forward and hugged Zhao Yang to the soft bed not far away, and then Lin Caihan summoned two Sanqings of her own.

"You have one inside and one outside. Your task is to protect him from outside disturbances, you know?"

"Obey." The two Sanqing respectfully said.

Lin Caihan stayed in the room for a long time before leaving.

The sect still has a lot of things that Lin Caihan needs to deal with.

While Zhao Yang was in deep sleep, earth-shaking changes took place in his body.

Zhao Yang has always wanted to break through the current bottleneck, but after reaching his stage, it is almost as difficult as trying to break through.

But when Zhao Yang took the Chu Shen Ye, his origin miraculously increased.

While the origin is increasing, his cultivation base is not increasing.

Time passed by second by second.

I don't know how long it took for the quantitative change to finally lead to a qualitative change, and Zhao Yang's body bloomed with nine-colored divine brilliance.

"Nine colors? Lin Caihan's Sanqing exclaimed.

She knew that the acme of the world was colorful, but what happened to Zhao Yang?

She hurriedly notified Lin Caihan, and soon Lin Caihan and Mingyue rushed to the room.

Mingyue was stunned when she saw this scene, "Isn't the colorful color extreme?"

"My husband's potential has broken through." Lin Caihan said in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Mingyue asked puzzled.

"My husband's potential has reached the spiritual realm." Lin Caihan's face was full of excitement when she said this.

"Spiritual Realm?" Mingyue had an incredulous look on her face.

You must know that the Divine Spirit Realm has always been a legend for many monks.

"Yes, my husband went to break into the pagoda a few days ago, I think he broke through inside the pagoda." Lin Caihan guessed.

Of course, Lin Caihan didn't know more details.

"How long will it take for my husband to wake up?"

"I don't know." Lin Caihan shook her head.

Not long after, Xu Huier came in from the outside.

"A peerless genius appeared in Tianwaitian, and that genius defeated eighteen masters one after another." Xu Huier said softly.

"Does this have anything to do with us?" Mingyue asked puzzled.

"The other party claims to challenge the Tianjiao of the emperor-level forces that overthrow the entire Tianwaitian." Xu Huier looked at Mingyue and said, "Now there are two emperor-level forces on Huiwangxing."

"You mean the other party will attack Yanhuangzong?" Lin Caihan realized.

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