Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1190 They Can't

"Third Princess, you are not the only one struggling with Yanhuangzong, so don't put all the burden on yourself." Zhao Yang said softly.

The third princess looked at Zhao Yang and nodded slightly.

After the three princesses left, Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "Are there enough materials for the formation?"

"If it was before, it must not be enough, but my formation has been sublimated, and I use more of the power of heaven and earth." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Next, I will try my best to set up a guardian formation in the ancestral court."

The manpower and material resources consumed by arranging a set of mountain protection formations are unimaginable.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang is not alone in the arrangement.

He summoned Sanqing.

Sanqing's current combat power is already close to this threshold, and there is only a thin line between him and the seventh heaven.

In the following time, Zhao Yang and Sanqing were practicing while arranging formations.

The fifth heaven also has strengths and weaknesses.

Zhao Yang needs to improve his cultivation to a certain level, so that Sanqing will have the combat power of the bottom seventh heaven.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

After Zhao Yang and Sanqing teamed up, they finally built a large formation to protect the mountains covering the entire ancestral courtyard.

And with this mountain protection formation, Yanhuangzong could truly gain a firm foothold on Huiwangxing.


Because there is no faction on the entire Huiwang planet that has a king-level mountain guard formation.

"I have given Caihan and Mingyue the key to the mountain protection formation." Zhao Yang summoned the decision-makers of Yanhuangzong into the main hall that day.

That is to say, it is impossible for Mingyue and Lin Caihan to leave Yanhuangzong at the same time, there must be one stationed there.

"The high-level officials of Yanhuangzong will not go out unless they can go out." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, "After Qin Lie from the Qin Palace breaks through, the crisis of the human race will be solved."

"Is the suzerain going to Qin Palace next?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "Qin Gong is the leader of the human race, there must be no problems. I am going to help Qin Gong build a formation."

After Yan Huangzong built the mountain protection formation, even if it was the eighth heaven's attack, it would not be easy to break it.

This will ensure everyone's safety.

And Lin Caihan has the talisman sword that severely damaged the eighth heaven in his hand, so Yan Huangzong can be described as absolutely safe.

Qin Palace!

Zhao Yang came to Qin Palace through the teleportation array.

The person guarding the teleportation formation was an elder from the Daoist Hall of the Qin Palace, who couldn't help being shocked when he saw Zhao Yang.

"You... haven't you fallen?"

Few in the entire Qin Palace knew that Zhao Yang hadn't fallen.

"Third Elder, I wonder if Sect Master Qin Lie has left the seclusion?" Zhao Yang asked softly.


"How long will it take?"

"I don't know about that either." The third elder shook his head and said.

"I'll go see the deputy suzerain Qin Lu first."

"I'll take you."


On the way the third elder led Zhao Yang, the third elder found that Zhao Yang was hiding his figure, but even with the third elder's cultivation level, he couldn't find any clues about Zhao Yang.

"Sect Master Zhao, what level has your cultivation reached?"

"Six Heavens." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Zhao Yang originally wanted to talk about the fifth heaven, but it was too shocking to say so.

"Sixth Heaven? No wonder I can't get the slightest breath from you." The third elder said in surprise.

But then the third elder thought of something, "Sect Master Zhao, are you a potential emperor?"


"That is to say, you already have the fighting power of a king at this time?" The third elder was very excited when he asked this sentence.

If Zhao Yang also had the fighting power of a king, then the human race would have three kings at this time.


There is nothing to hide about this, and Zhao Yang doesn't want to hide it anymore.

In fact, Zhao Yang also felt the pressure, otherwise he would not break through one after another.

And after successive breakthroughs, Zhao Yang has the combat power of a king, so he doesn't have to be timid in doing things in the future.

He was very happy to hear that Zhao Yang admitted to the Third Elder.

"Good, good, good." The third elder said three good words in succession.

After arriving at Qin Lu's study, Qin Lu looked at the third elder in doubt and said, "Aren't you stationed in the teleportation formation?"

"Deputy Sect Master Qin." Zhao Yang came out from the shadows at this moment.

Qin Lu's pupils shrank.

You must know that Qin Lu's cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth heaven, and Qin Lu's practice is also a king-level kung fu.

But just now she didn't find any clues about Zhao Yang. In other words, if Zhao Yang attacked her secretly, she wouldn't even be able to survive.

"It seems that you have made a breakthrough." Qin Lu immediately realized something.

"Yes, a breakthrough." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Congratulations." Qin Lu said sincerely.

After the breakthrough, Zhao Yang's combat power reached the king state.

"This time I come to the Qin Palace with a ruthless invitation." Zhao Yang said straight to the point.

"You said."

"Three months ago, Sangong took the initiative to use the gossip mirror to severely injure the patriarch of the Yinghuo clan. I think the patriarch of the Yinghuo clan will probably attack us once he recovers." Zhao Yang said succinctly, "It stands to reason that the patriarch of the Yinghuo clan should attack us. Yanhuangzong will attack, but Qin Gong and Yanhuangzong are of the same lineage after all, I am worried that Yinghuo clan will attack you instead, so I want to help Qin Gong build a king-level mountain protection formation."

"A king-level mountain protection array?" Qin Lu's face revealed surprise.

Once Qin Gong's ancestral court has a king-level mountain guard formation, then Qin Gong doesn't have to worry too much about the sudden attack of the eighth heaven.

During this period of time, Qin Lu's spirit has been tense, and she is also worried about the sudden attack of the Yinghuo clan.

In fact, Qin Lie has not shown his face, and some people have begun to suspect that there is something wrong with Qin Lie.

"Deputy suzerain, the king-level mountain protection formation, even the existence of the eighth heaven, don't try to break it in a short time." The third elder trembled when he said these words.

"Sect Master Zhao, what resources and manpower are needed, you can just ask, and Qin Gong will fully support you." Qin Lu said solemnly.

"Building a king-level formation requires some formation materials, but the consumption of formation materials will not be too much." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I need the cooperation of the Qin Palace, and I don't want to be hindered."

"I will follow up on this matter personally, and there will be absolutely no mistakes." Qin Lu said seriously.

Then Qin Lu called Qin Xuan and the Pavilion Master of Zhendao Pavilion here.

"Qin Xuan, your current task is to accompany Sect Master Zhao 24 hours a day. If Sect Master Zhao needs anything, you must cooperate absolutely, you know?" Qin Lu looked at Qin Xuan and said in a calm voice.

"Follow orders." How did Qin Xuan not know that this mountain guard array was related to the safety of the sect?

"Pavilion Master Li, you must fully cooperate with the Dao Pavilion, you know?" Qin Lu's eyes fell on Li Hongyun at this moment and said.

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