There was a gleam of coldness in Qin Lu's eyes.

"Is the information reliable?" Qin Lu asked in a deep voice.

Qin Lu was a little anxious.

Because Qin Lie just retreated!

"The Shanjia clan is starting to assemble an army, and they will go to Yanhuangzong in about half a day." Qin Xuan noticed the figure beside Qin Lu when he said this. When he saw that it was Zhao Yang, his face showed shock. "You... How could you still be alive?" At this point Qin Xuan realized that he had said something wrong, "I didn't mean that, I just felt..."

"Since the Shanjia tribe is going to attack my Yanhuangzong, then my Yanhuangzong can't sit still." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"The Shanjia tribe has a king-level existence." Qin Xuan said hastily.

"Our Yanhuang Sect also has them." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Qin Xuan's pupils shrank, "You Yanhuangzong actually have this level of existence?"

"I'm going back to Yanhuangzong first." Zhao Yang said and stood up.

"Do you need Qin Gong's help?"

"No need." Zhao Yang refused, "Yanhuangzong can handle this matter independently."

After returning to Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang immediately summoned the senior officials of Yanhuangzong.

"Shanjia tribe is going to attack Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang's words shocked Yanhuangzong.

"The Shanjia tribe thinks something happened to the suzerain?" Jian Chen said angrily.

"That's right, the Shanjia clan must not be spared this time." Ruoxi said angrily.

"The Shanjia Clan doesn't know the true strength of Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, "So the Shanjia Clan will not send too many soldiers."

"What does the suzerain mean...?" The third princess seemed to have thought of something?

"I want to kill all the elite of the Shanjia clan." Zhao Yang said coldly.

"This will anger the Shanjia tribe." Bi Luo said in a deep voice.

"The conflict between the two parties has been irreconcilable since the Shanjia tribe wanted to covet the Yanhuangzong." Zhao Yang's eyes fell on Mingyue when he said this, "Mingyue, you stay at the gate of the mountain, by the way, Caihan, You give Mingyue the gossip mirror."

Lin Caihan handed the gossip mirror to Mingyue.

"Caihan, you must lead more than half of the elite in the clan to kill that elite in the shortest possible time." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said.

Lin Caihan nodded and said, "In this case, I will issue a combat order."

After Lin Caihan issued a series of combat orders, Yan Huangzong's war machine began to move.

Soon gathered 300 million soldiers.

"300 million soldiers is enough." Lin Caihan did not continue to recruit soldiers.

Because it is not necessary.

"Once the Shanjia tribe who came to attack is attacked, the ancestral court of the Shanjia tribe will definitely rush to help as soon as possible." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "Thus, your task, third princess, is to kill one or two sixth heavens. After the masters, fight against the patriarch of the Shanjia clan who came to help."

"Obey." The third princess said solemnly.

"Xiao Zi, Xiao Qing, you two have obtained the latest guardian seal, so your task is to provoke the strong of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm." Lin Caihan looked at her two maids and said.

"Xu Hui'er, Yuan Jin'er, Leng Qingqiu and the other [-] of you whose task is to challenge the powerhouses of the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"Zhang Liaofan, Sun Wushu, Hao Kaige and other [-] of you are tasked with provoking the powerhouses of the fourth heaven of the Emperor Realm."

"As for the third level of the emperor's realm, the second level of the emperor's realm, and the first level of the emperor's realm, you deal with it according to your own cultivation. Remember, you must kill the opponent in the shortest time."

As Lin Caihan came one by one, everyone understood their mission, and then the army galloped towards the border area.

Let's talk about the Shanjia tribe!

This time the Shanjia tribe mobilized 500 million soldiers, led by the deputy chief of the Shanjia tribe.

Under the leadership of the deputy patriarch, 500 million soldiers rushed towards the territory of Yanhuangzong.

As a result, just after stepping into the territory of Yanhuangzong, a pair of pure white hands broke through the air.

Those big hands covered the sky above, and the power they exuded made everyone terrified.

"Not good." The deputy head of the Shanjia tribe's face changed drastically.

Even though he led the emperors in the clan to attack immediately, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were still killed by the aftermath.

"A king-level existence." The deputy head of the Shanjia clan said with a gloomy face.


At this moment, Lin Caihan appeared in midair, her face showing an icy coldness, "Shanjia clan, what do you intend to do when you set foot on the territory of our Yanhuang Sect?"

"Lin Caihan? The deputy patriarch of the Yanhuang Sect?" The deputy head of the Shanashanjia clan looked surprised when he saw Lin Caihan.

He didn't expect Lin Caihan to appear here carelessly.

Therefore, his spiritual thoughts turned into thousands of threads and wound towards Lin Caihan.

It's just that when his divine sense was about to touch Lin Caihan, the guardian seal on the center of Lin Caihan's eyebrows appeared, and then the guardian seal turned into petals and imprisoned his whole body.

"How is it possible?" His face changed drastically.

He shot like crazy.

But to no avail.

"What method did Lin Caihan use?"

"Could it be that Lin Caihan is the king?"

"Otherwise, how could Lin Caihan imprison the deputy patriarch?"

"It's over now."

At the same time that the emperors of the Shanjia tribe showed panic, dozens of emperors including Xiaozi and Xiaoqing rushed towards them.

Those emperors quickly shot.

As a result, all the emperors who shot were imprisoned in place by the guardian seal.

"You can't shoot them."

"They seem to have guardian seals on them?"

"But if we don't attack them, will we be beaten passively?"

At this time, some emperors of the Shanjia tribe saw the signs.

But what if you see it?

Most of the emperors of the Shanjia clan were imprisoned in place, and the remaining emperors could not control the situation.

At this moment, Zhao Yang's battleship appeared.

The main and secondary guns fire simultaneously.

The shells all over the sky bombarded the Shanjia army.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of soldiers being blown to pieces, the eyes of the emperor of the Shanjia clan turned red.

"You Yanhuang Sect are too deceitful."

"I want you Yanhuangzong to pay with blood."


"Kill all the soldiers of Yanhuangzong."

While the emperors of the Shanjia tribe were jealous, a large number of masters of the Yanhuangzong appeared.

Before the two sides collided with each other, most of the emperors of the Shanjia tribe were sealed, and the remaining emperors were also mercilessly slaughtered by the emperors of Yanhuangzong.

At the same time, Yanhuangzong's 300 million troops appeared.

Under the leadership of some emperors, they are like wolves among sheep.

It's a massacre!

When there is no emperor guarding the Shanjia clan, the defeat of the Shanjia clan is inevitable.

The ancestral home of the Shanjia people!

When the Shanjia army was on the way to the Yanhuangzong, the patriarch of the Shanjia tribe followed him with a ray of divine sense, but when he saw the Shanjia army was attacked and killed by the three princesses, he realized that something was wrong.

It comes right away.

But when they arrived, they found that there were less than one-third of the soldiers of the Shanjia tribe.

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