Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1177 The Golden Rock Heart

In the eyes of the old man, Zhao Yang's persistence was ridiculous.

Even if you break through to the fourth heaven of emperor realm, or even the fifth heaven, so what?

Could it be possible to defeat the Eighth Heaven of Emperor Realm?

But gradually the expression of the old man became serious, because the flesh and blood of Zhao Yang's whole body had melted, and even his bones were penetrated, and when there were signs of collapse, Zhao Yang still maintained the previous posture.

"How is it possible?" He was moved.

Does it hurt?

It hurts!

But Zhao Yang felt that this pain was not enough to break him down.

You must know that he is a man with a heart of rock.

His wheel stays forever, and his soul is immortal.

"Heart of the Rock." After a while, the old man came to his senses.

You must know that only kings have the heart of rock, Zhao Yang is only the third heaven of the emperor realm, and he actually has the heart of rock?

It was beyond his expectation.

"But even if you have a heart of rock, once your wheel platform is lost, your soul will collapse." The old man said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

But it didn't take long for the old man to be stunned.

Because Zhao Yang is still insisting.

"Why is this guy's whole body glowing, no, this guy's rock heart is evolving." The old man's face showed an incredible expression.

The heart of the rock represents a state of mind and a state.

Zhao Yang is like this at the moment.

His rock heart began to evolve in the alchemy.

And when the golden light appeared on Zhao Yang's body, the old man's expression became more and more dignified.

He knew that Rock Heart had three states.

Silver Heart of Rock, Gold Heart of Rock, Purple Heart of Rock.

Generally speaking, those at the seventh level of the Emperor Realm have a silver rock heart, those at the eighth level of the Emperor Realm have a golden rock heart, and those at the peak of the Emperor Realm have a purple rock heart.

But what level is Zhao Yang?He actually has a golden rock heart.

And after possessing the golden heart of rock, the surrounding medicinal liquid crazily gathered towards Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang's broken bones became tough again, and at the same time his flesh and blood began to recover.

Zhao Yang returned to his original appearance in about half a quarter of an hour.

He opened his eyes, with a golden light in his eyes, "Thank you for the gift, senior."

The old man was startled, and then laughed loudly, "Zhao Yang, do you think I'm doing you a favor?"

"But at this time, I have received the good luck bestowed by the seniors." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.



First, Zhao Yang has a gossip mirror that can severely damage it; second, Zhao Yang has a talisman that can kill him; third, Zhao Yang has a teleportation talisman that can return to the pagoda.

No matter which hole card it is, it can guarantee his safety.

"The greater the fortune you get, the more benefits I will get in the future." The old man looked at Zhao Yang with fiery eyes and said, "Before I just wanted to reach the level of a master, but now it seems that I may be able to break through that step , become a detached existence.”

"Who have you seen become detached over the years?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"You have to try, don't you? Are you waiting to die outside the sky?"

"Wait to die?"

"When the life of the fairyland world came to an end, Xuan, who had become a god, sacrificed himself to forcibly prolong the life of the fairyland world, but there were still a lot of decaying breaths in the fairyland world. The existence of Peak has broken the Great World of Immortal Domain, which is the origin of all living planets." The old man said lightly, "And now Tianwaitian is about to come to the end of its life."

"What?" Zhao Yang was shocked.

He thought that the whole family would be safe if they fled to Tianwaitian.

"Tianwaitian's rules are actually not perfect, and that's why it came to the end." The old man looked at Zhao Yang and said, "I don't want to die, so I want to detach myself."

"When the life of Tianwaitian reaches the end, can't an existence of your level survive?"

"This is an era, and it is also a reincarnation. Even if we are in the emperor's realm, we can't escape it." The old man said leisurely.

Zhao Yang fell silent.

He didn't expect the fact to be so cruel.

"How long will it take for Tianwaitian to collapse?"

"According to the current speculation, the time is less than a thousand years."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

Less than a thousand years?

"But this kind of thing has nothing to do with you." The old man changed his voice, "Even if your rock heart breaks through again, it is destined to become a stepping stone on my road to success."

Saying this, the old man found that Zhao Yang was still absorbing the liquid medicine in the cauldron.

"Your body has been recast, why are you still absorbing the liquid medicine?" the old man looked at Zhao Yang in puzzlement and said.

"My cultivation seems to be breaking through." Zhao Yang said helplessly, "To be honest, I really don't want to break through."

Zhao Yang is not aimless.

He really didn't want to break through so soon.

His breakthrough is completely passive.

"Breakthrough? Breakthrough is good, so your value will be even greater." The old man looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said, "Do you want to continue to break through to the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm?"

"In that case, the value to you will definitely be greatly reduced." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"That's right, successive breakthroughs will affect your foundation." The old man suddenly thought of something when he said this, "I have to say, you are not bad, it's a pity."

"Senior, as the Underworld Emperor, your master doesn't know what kind of exercises he is practicing?" Zhao Yang asked softly.

"True formula of the underworld."

"Is it a cultivation technique at the peak level of the Emperor Realm?"


"Can you show me?"

The old man was stunned, "At this time, do you see the secret of Huang Quan, does it still make sense?"

"The exercises I practice are from the eighth heaven of the emperor's realm. I really want to see the exercises of the peak of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang sighed lightly, "In this way, I can also rest in peace."

After thinking for a while, the old man passed the secret formula of Huangquan to Zhao Yang, "I have to remind you, you don't have much time to study it."

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Before I die, I can see how exquisite the cultivation technique at the peak of the Emperor Realm is. I will die without regret."

After Zhao Yang browsed it briefly, he found that Huangquan Zhenjue was very subtle, but Zhao Yang also found that it was still inferior to Jiuyang Xuangong.

That is to say, Underworld Emperor cannot defeat Zhao Yang at the same level.

Gradually, Zhao Yang's body began to melt again, but only half of it melted. A wave of turbulent waves spread from his body.

But Zhao Yang's cultivation has broken through from the third level of the emperor's realm to the fourth level of the emperor's realm.

After reaching this level, Zhao Yang was at least twice as powerful as before, so the spiritual power in the altar cauldron was absorbed by Zhao Yang frantically, and within a few breaths, the flesh and blood that Zhao Yang lacked was restored.

"This kid really made a breakthrough?" the old man murmured.

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