Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1163 Joint Deduction

The most powerful person in this sect is the third heaven of the emperor realm, and there are three masters of the second heaven of the emperor realm and ten masters of the first heaven of the emperor realm.

Therefore, it is doomed that it is almost impossible for this sect to find Zhao Yang.

He easily sneaked into the treasury of this sect, and then used the sealing technique to seal the guards of the Emperor Realm First Layer, and then Zhao Yang summoned [-] robots from the small world.

These robots cleaned up the treasury of this faction in a short period of time.

The guards at the first level of the emperor's realm were heartbroken. The resources in the treasury were accumulated by them for thousands of years.

Now it's all cheaper than Zhao Yang.

What he didn't expect was that Zhao Yang searched his soul again after evacuating the treasury.

How can the knowledge of the quasi-emperor realm be compared with that of the emperor's realm?

"The puppet clan has ten fifth-level sects, thirty fourth-level sects, one hundred third-level sects, three hundred second-level sects, and one thousand first-level sects. It’s as high as [-].” Zhao Yang clicked his tongue after seeing this number.

One can imagine how many soldiers of the puppet clan there are on this living planet.

"There is no need to move the third-class sects, let's start with the fourth-class sects." Zhao Yang opened a map, he marked it in detail, and then summoned Sanqing, "Your task is these three sects, remember Wait, we only target the other party's treasury. After we succeed, we will meet here."

Sanqing's strength is equivalent to one-third of Zhao Yang's real body, and Zhao Yang is confident that even if he faces the fifth heaven of the Emperor Realm, he can still compete with one or two.

But facing the Emperor Realm Fourth Heaven will not have any difficulty.

After Sanqing left, Zhao Yang also headed towards a fourth-level sect.

There are only thirty sects at the fourth level.

Zhao Yang's plan is to snatch eight or ten families without anyone noticing.

Occupy the puppet sect!

Zhan Puppet Sect has the existence of the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm, and their mountain protection array has reached the second heaven of the emperor's realm, but this is easy for Zhao Yang.

After he entered Zhan Puppet Sect, he sneaked all the way to Zhan Puppet Sect's treasury.

Zhan Puppet Sect's treasury is also guarded by the formation of Emperor Realm Second Heaven, but this still can't help Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang entered quietly, he saw a middle-aged man who was quietly cultivating with his eyes closed.

As soon as Zhao Yang waved the formation on the plate, he detained him, and the middle-aged man was awakened instantly, but what greeted him was a pair of iron fists.

He hastily blocked it.

Unfortunately, it was still damaged.

"Traces of the formation." When he saw that the aftermath of the battle hadn't leaked out, his face turned livid.

Just now he was thinking about the high-level sect coming to rescue?

Now realize that there is no such opportunity.

"What are you going to do?" the figure looked at Zhao Yang anxiously and asked.

"Kill you." Zhao Yang shot again without extra words.

But this time the figure could no longer resist being killed.

Immediately, Zhao Yang sent [-] robots to search for resources in the treasury.

Zhao Yang noticed that the resources in the treasury here were similar to those of the Yuan family.

"The resources of this planet are similar to those of Venus Star." Zhao Yang murmured.

Zhao Yang left here quietly after sweeping away all the resources of Zhan Guizong.

Half an hour later, the three incarnations came to the meeting place one after another.

"It seems that everything is going well." A smile appeared on Zhao Yang's face.

Then Zhao Yang took out the map again, "Go to these three places separately, and then we will meet here."

After Sanqing left, Zhao Yang also went to a sect.

The treasury of the second batch of four sects was won again, and then Zhao Yang chose the third batch of four sects.

But this time something went wrong.

When Shangqing sneaked into the treasury of a sect, he encountered the existence of the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm.

There was a fierce confrontation between the two sides.

Shangqing left in a hurry after severely injuring the other party.

"The news about our sneak attack on the treasuries of the major sects has been leaked." Zhao Yang murmured, "In this case, let's start with the third-class sects."

Zhao Yang believes that the major sects must be very nervous at this time.

Most of their powerhouses appeared around the treasury.

But so what?

Can they stop Zhao Yang and Sanqing?

First batch!

Second batch!

The third batch!

When Zhao Yang and others went to the fourth batch of Zongmen treasury, they found that the treasury was empty.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang's face turned green.

"These sects are a little too much." Zhao Yang said with anger on his face, "Then don't blame me for being careless."

Speaking of which, Zhao Yang's scorching aura swept through a third-class sect like a stormy sea.

"I'll give you three minutes to hand over the resources in the treasury, or I'll level your sect." Zhao Yang's voice rang out throughout the sect.

The heart of this sect's strong man in the third heaven of the emperor's realm sank.

It didn't expect that Zhao Yang would be angered by his drastic action.

Feeling the aura emanating from Zhao Yang's body, it was sure that it was not an opponent, and even with the power of the entire sect, it might not be Zhao Yang's opponent.

"I'll pay." He said and handed over the resources in the treasury.

Looking at the mountains of resources, Zhao Yang shook his head and said, "Not enough."

"This is really all the resources in our treasury." That person said hastily.


Scores of temples in the distance collapsed suddenly, and an unknown number of soldiers fell in an instant.

As a last resort, he had to hand over the resources in his own small world.

Zhao Yang glanced at it but shook his head and said, "Not enough."

"Hand over the resources in your small world too." The strong man who looked at the clan sighed softly.

Everyone felt very aggrieved, but they had to hand it over.

After the emperor present also handed over the resources in his own small world, Zhao Yang sent these worlds to his own small world with a wave of his hand.

"Actually, you are lucky. If anyone dares to hide resources in the future, I will kill someone." After saying this, Zhao Yang left.

This matter spread rapidly throughout the living planet.

"That guy is absolutely lawless."

"He must be brought to justice."

"He doesn't dare to move the fifth-level sect, but what about our small sect?"

"There's no way out."

Just when these small sects strongly urged the big sects to take action, the masters of the major sects also decided to join forces to kill Zhao Yang.

But here comes another problem.

Zhao Yang is like a killer hiding behind the scenes, no one knows where he is?

"Let's play together."

"That's right, I don't believe his position can't be deduced by gathering thirty masters of the fifth level of the emperor's realm to jointly deduce it."

"If there are not enough masters from the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm, then find the masters from the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm."

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