Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 116 Zhao Yang Arrives

The middle-aged man pondered for a moment before retracting his gaze.

Liu Xiaoxiao's whole body was drenched with sweat. She lay on the ground extremely weakly, looking at the middle-aged man with horror in her eyes.

"Just now you were only ignited with a little soul power, but if your soul is ignited in large quantities, the pain will be a hundred times and a thousand times that just now." Guichai sighed softly, "Girl, don't screw it up, just appoint me!" .”

"I don't." What Guicha didn't expect was that Liu Xiaoxiao refused.

"Do you think it will be useful if you don't accept your fate?" The ghost guard said helplessly, "Your Majesty has plenty of ways to punish you."

"I don't believe that the underworld is unreasonable." Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed with determination.

"Reasonable? My words are reasonable in the underworld." The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

"How reasonable are your words?" At this moment, a cold voice rang out in the hall.

And after hearing this voice, Liu Xiaoxiao's eyes showed an incredible look.

This voice...?

Turning around to look, if it's not Zhao Yang, who is it?

Just how is it possible?

Why did Zhao Yang appear here?

Could it be that Zhao Yang is dead?

Not right!

If Zhao Yang died, why didn't he have shackles on his body?

The eyes of the middle-aged man fell on Zhao Yang, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Even if you are a cultivator, you can't tolerate your presumptuousness in the underworld?"

"I'm being presumptuous today." Zhao Yang said as a golden talisman appeared above his head.

The moment this talisman appeared, a terrifying coercion spread in all directions.

The middle-aged man only felt that the talisman contained the power to destroy the world.

"You... Which branch of the Taoist sect are you from?" The middle-aged man showed a look of anxiety on his face.

"Chunyangzong." When Zhao Yang said the words "Chunyangzong", the talisman on his head suddenly shone like the sun.

The middle-aged man screamed and fell from the high platform.

"" The middle-aged man's heart was full of turmoil.

The patriarch of his lineage had long warned that there was one lineage of the Taoist sect that was the most mysterious and terrifying, and that was the Pure Yang Sect.

He didn't expect that he would provoke the disciples of Chunyang Sect?

"The disciples of the Chunyang Sect are here, and Lord Yan is welcome." At this moment, a majestic voice rang out in the hall.

And when this voice sounded, the pure yang energy in the hall quietly dissipated a lot.

"Yan Jun, the judge in your underworld doesn't obey the rules, do you want to give me an explanation?" Zhao Yang looked into the air and said solemnly.

Master Chunyangzi said that Yan Jun's strength is unfathomable, but now it seems to be true.

"Li Qi, these years you have filled your own pockets and created a miasma in the underworld. Now you will lose your position as a judge and go to the eighteenth floor of hell immediately. You will be reincarnated after 3000 years." Yan Jun said lightly.

"3000 years?" The middle-aged man was startled.

The punishment of the [-]th floor of hell is not to mention horrific.

And I want to stay there for 3000 years?

"I beg Yan Jun to be merciful." Li Qi's whole body was shaking like dregs.

The next moment, the ground under Li Qi's body burst, and Li Qi's body fell down involuntarily.

Liu Xiaoxiao faintly heard an incomparably tragic scream from below.

Her face turned pale.

Is the following the so-called eighteen layers of hell?

"I don't know if you are satisfied with my punishment?" Yan Jun looked at Zhao Yang and said indifferently.

"Satisfied." Zhao Yang said calmly.

If other Taoist disciples face Yan Jun, they will be frightened.

But Zhao Yang would not.

Because his lineage is strong and fearless of any forces.

"In addition, I will give your friend a spell." Yan Jun said, an ancient book appeared in front of Liu Xiaoxiao.

"The art of cultivating ghosts and immortals." Looking at the words above, Liu Xiaoxiao was stunned.

"Ghosts?" Zhao Yang frowned and said, "Yan Jun, what do you mean?"

"Your friend's physical body has been destroyed. If she doesn't practice the technique of ghosts and immortals, then she can only be reincarnated." Yan Jun said lightly.

"How could her body be destroyed?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

How long has it been since?

"If you don't believe me, you can go back and have a look." Yan Jun said with a smile.

"Xiao Xiao, let's go back quickly." Zhao Yang said hurriedly.

Jiangnan First Hospital!

Not long after Zhao Yang left, a middle-aged man accompanied by several relatives found Liu Chonggao and his wife.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Wu Han's father, Wu Fu." The middle-aged man said softly.

"Wu Han? The driver who caused the accident?" Cai Yuee suddenly realized.

"I am deeply saddened by what happened to Ling Ai." Wu Fu looked at Cai Yuee and said, "But since things have already happened, we should always look forward, right?"

"What do you mean?" Liu Chonggao calmed down and asked.

"This is a check for 500 million. You can take it to the bank to exchange it." Wu Fu said as he took out a brand new check.

"Five million for beggars?" Liu Chonggao said coldly.

"I have investigated your family. You are not a well-off family. This 500 million is a huge sum of money for your family." Wu Fu said calmly, "As long as you issue a letter of understanding, the 500 million check will be yours. of."

"Impossible." Cai Yuee said without thinking.

"It doesn't matter if you don't issue a letter of understanding, my son will just stay in the cell for a few more years." Wu Fu paused at this point, "As for the compensation, it will not exceed 50, do you believe it or not?"

Hearing this, Liu Chonggao finally came to his senses.

Ganqing Liu Xiaoxiao didn't commit suicide, but was hit by Wu Fu's son.

"5000 million." Liu Chonggao pondered for a moment and stared at Wu Fudao, "If you agree, I will issue a letter of understanding."

"Impossible, 500 million is my limit." Wu Fu shook his head.

"Then there is nothing to talk about." Liu Chonggao spread his hands and said.

"Then let's not talk about it." Wu Fu said, turned and left.

Watching Wu Fu go further and further away, Liu Chonggao clenched his fists involuntarily.

He is gambling.

Is he betting that Wu Fu can't give up his son?

But when Wu Fu's figure was about to disappear, he still had no intention of stopping.

Liu Chonggao became anxious immediately.

"Wait." Liu Chonggao shouted.

Wu Fu stopped immediately.

At this moment, his forehead was covered with a fine layer of sweat.

He is also betting.

He is betting that Liu Gao will not be able to give up the temptation of 500 million yuan.

"What's the matter?" Wu Fu asked intentionally.

"800 million, as long as you give me 800 million, I will issue a letter of understanding." Liu Chonggao stared at Wu Fu and said.

Wu Fu was silent for a while before saying, "Yes, but I have a request."

"any request?"

"Cremate Liu Xiaoxiao now." Wu Fu said in a deep voice.

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