There must be a guardian seal.

But not much.

Otherwise, there will be chaos inside.

"One thousand should be enough." Lin Caihan looked at Zhao Yang and said, "It's just that it will take some time."

"The level of the guardian seal is too high, and the time domain cannot be used." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "But the current guardian seal is actually enough, I don't believe those guys can hold back."

"In addition to increasing the number of guardian seals, I will also arrange formations for the sect." Zhao Yang said solemnly.

Yanhuangzong's ancestral court did not have formations.

Of course there were before.

But it was broken by the army led by Zhao Yang.

These things are imminent.

"The guardian seal starts with the personal maids around you." Zhao Yang continued.

Lin Caihan and other women are the core of the sect.

There must be no surprises.


In the following time, Zhao Yang summoned the Sanqing avatar, and cooperated with him to build a mountain protection formation in the ancestral courtyard.

But after the construction, Zhao Yang stopped.


Zhao Yang found that even if he got the treasury of the Scorpion Clan, he still couldn't do enough to build a formation of the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

"No wonder the scorpion clan's mountain protection formation is from the fourth heaven of the emperor's realm." Zhao Yang finally understood.

Dare to love the scorpion family has no resources.

"Emptying the treasury of the Scorpion Clan can't be done." After being silent for a while, Zhao Yang decided to study the formation carefully.

Zhao Yang's idea is to use the power of heaven and earth or spells as much as possible.

As for the array material, it can be saved if it can be saved.

Thinking like this, Zhao Yang opened the time domain and entered it.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Zhao Yang stayed in the time domain for seven days.

Of course, Zhao Yang has not been idle for the past seven days. He will spare some time every day to cast the guardian seal for Lin Caihan, Mingyue, Xu Huier and other female personal maids.

For seven days, the personal maids of Lin Caihan and others all got the guardian seal.

It was at this time that Zhao Yang finally integrated a brand new formation.

This kind of formation requires only a small amount of formation materials, but in terms of power, it is not inferior at all.

Next, Zhao Yang and the three avatars devoted themselves to the formation of the mountain protection formation.

Of course, he would find time every day to cast the guardian seal for the sect's disciples.

Soon a month passed.

On this day, Xu Huier led a team of thousands of soldiers to patrol the northeast of the frontier.

As he was walking, the space suddenly left, and a pair of big withered hands grabbed Xu Huier.

Xu Huier sensed it immediately, but judging from the fluctuations of those big hands, Xu Huier realized that the other party was the existence of the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

Xu Huier did not resist.

Let those big hands fall towards him.

But at the moment when those big hands were about to fall on her body, a pink energy shield appeared on Xu Huier's body.

The pink energy shield firmly guarded Xu Huier inside.

"What's the situation?" The one who shot secretly was shocked.

The next moment, the plum blossom imprint that manifested between Xu Huier's eyebrows turned into petals, imprisoning an old man hidden in the dark.

"Third Uncle, how are you?" At this moment, an anxious voice rang out in mid-air.

Xu Hui'er's eyes burst into bright brilliance, and immediately locked onto the speaking figure.

It was a middle-aged man, but his aura was stronger than Xu Huier's.

"You guys are quite courageous." Xiaoxia rushed towards the middle-aged man after saying this.

Xiaoxia is Xu Huier's personal maid, and her cultivation has also reached the Great Emperor Realm.

"Dare someone from the second level of the Emperor Realm to take the initiative to charge me?" The middle-aged man slapped Xiaoxia at this point.

But what he didn't expect was that Xiaoxia didn't have any intention to stop her, and then he saw the petals all over the sky turned into a cage, trapping himself firmly in it.

"You lure me on purpose." The middle-aged man came to his senses.

After a few breaths, the third princess rushed here.

She saw the two imprisoned figures, with a serious murderous intent blooming on their faces.

"Don't kill, we still have to track down countless news." Xu Hui'er said quickly.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang, Lin Caihan and other high-level sects to rush here.

Looking at the middle-aged man, Zhao Yang felt a familiar feeling in his mind.

"What's your relationship with Su Chenglong?"

"Su Chenglong is my son." The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

"Before, I was still wondering who was targeting my Yanhuangzong? It turned out to be your Su family." Zhao Yang suddenly realized.

Zhao Yang had a conflict with Su Chenglong when he went to the Qin Palace before, and Su Chenglong was imprisoned by the Qin Palace for ten years, and he has not been released yet.

"Infinite." Zhao Yang looked at the middle-aged man and said.

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and said nothing.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "Assemble an army of 800 million immediately, and head to Su's house later."

"Do you dare?" The middle-aged man panicked.

"The Scorpion Clan has been pushed by us, do you think I will be afraid of your Su family?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"Between the same clan, the Qin Palace will not allow it." The middle-aged man said hastily.

"This is a dispute that your Su family started first. In addition, I still have some friendship with Deputy Palace Master Qin. I think Qin Gong will turn a blind eye." Zhao Yang glanced at Lin Caihan when he said this.

Lin Caihan turned and left.

"Don't, don't, don't." The middle-aged man said in a panic, "Is Wuliang doing well in Su's house?"

"Third princess, you go to the Kong family, and then go to the Su family with Mr. Kong to be an important person." Zhao Yang looked at the third princess after a while and said.

"Obey." The third princess said respectfully.

After arriving at the Kong family, the third princess told the story of the cause and effect to the head of the Kong family. The head of the Kong family was furious and immediately said that they would go to the Su family together.

Su family!

When the three princesses and the head of the Kong family arrived, the heart of the head of the Su family sank.

He realized that the third elder of the Su family and Su Tianhao had probably failed.

"I don't want to talk nonsense, let me go." The third princess said coldly.

"I don't understand what you mean." The head of the Su family said in confusion.

"Don't understand?" The third princess turned around and left, "I will send the bodies of the third elder of the Su family and Su Tianhao over later."

"How dare you?" The head of the Su family glared.

"Do you think I don't dare?" The power of the third princess exploded instantly when she said this, and the huge fluctuations shocked everyone in the Su family.

Even the head of the Su Clan, who was already the sixth heaven of the Emperor Realm, was trembling with fear.

He immediately realized that he was definitely no match for the third princess.

"Here." The head of the Su clan waved his hand and detained Wuliang from his small world.

Seeing Wuliang's blood-stained appearance, the third princess showed a killing intent on her face, "This matter is not over."

"My Su family has released people, what else do you want?" The head of the Su family said angrily.

"You guys started this matter, it's not something you can end it anytime you want." The third princess said with cold eyes, "Look, Yanhuangzong's revenge will exceed your imagination."

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