Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1153 Zhao Yang's Information

Qin Gong was stunned from top to bottom.

"How long did it take Zhao Yang to kill the opponent?"

"One move." The head of the intelligence hall said in a deep voice.

The pupils of the Deputy Mistress of the Qin Palace shrank.

What is she joking about?

Killed an existence of the third heaven of the emperor realm with one move?

"That day when the patriarch of the Scorpion Clan led the elites to attack the Kong family, Zhao Yang alone killed one from the third level of the emperor's realm, five from the second level of the emperor's realm, and seven from the first level of the emperor's realm." The head of the intelligence hall said softly. Said.

Everyone present was shocked when they heard this number.

You must know that Zhao Yang is only from the second level of the Emperor Realm, even if he is from the first level of the Emperor Realm, he can't just kill him, right?But this emperor who killed so many emperors at the venue?

"Zhao Yang is very likely to be the king." This is the consensus of everyone.

After a while, Qin Lu, the deputy lord of the Qin Palace, looked at the head of the information hall and said, "Where is Zhao Yang now?"

"The Dharma Palace of the Dandao Pavilion."

Hearing that the high-level people present here had a feeling of bewilderment.


Dan Dao Pavilion?

"Isn't he a formation master? What is he doing in Dandao Pavilion?" Qin Lu looked at the leader of the intelligence hall in puzzlement and asked.

"I don't know about that either." The head of the intelligence hall shook his head.

Qin Lu thought for a while and said, "Continue to monitor, remember, don't be discovered."

"As ordered."

At the same time that the higher-ups of the Qin Palace got Zhao Yang's information, Li Hongyun, the master of Zhendao Pavilion, also knew about Zhao Yang's work in the Dandao Pavilion.

"What does this kid think?" Li Hongyun looked at the sixth elder with a look of astonishment.

The Sixth Elder Wang Yifan smiled wryly, "I want to know this question too."

"Is it possible that this guy felt that we looked down on him before, so he went to practice alchemy." The fourth elder thought for a while and expressed his opinion.

"I think it is necessary to meet him." Li Hongyun pondered for a while and stood up.

As a result, Li Hongyun was told that Zhao Yang had gone to the examination room after arriving at the first floor of the Gongfa Hall.

"Examination room?" Li Hongyun was shocked.

"Does this guy have alchemy talent?" The fourth elder exclaimed.

Several people rushed to the examination room, Kong Yao was standing outside the examination room.

"Kong Yao, where's Zhao Yang?" the Fourth Elder hurriedly asked.

"I've seen the teacher, I've seen this senior." Kong Yao said after bowing to everyone, "Zhao Yang is taking the exam."

"Is he really taking the exam?" Several elders present looked at each other and saw shock in each other's eyes.

Li Hongyun thought for a while and pushed open the door.

As a result, he found that Zhao Yang was refining alchemy.

"Pavilion Master Li." The invigilator was a deacon of Dandao Pavilion. He stood up and saluted immediately after seeing Li Hongyun.

"I'm here to take a look." Li Hongyun said softly.

Then his eyes fell on Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang is refining the medicinal materials.

His movements are very skilled, not like a beginner at all.

And after the quenching is completed, it is the link of warming.

"What elixir did he refine?"

"Broken Emperor Pill."

"How difficult is this elixir?"


Just like that, another half an hour passed. Zhao Yang patted the alchemy furnace, and nine elixir shot up into the sky.

Seeing that he was about to tear apart the space and leave, but was locked by Zhao Yang's divine sense.

They struggled desperately, but to no avail.

"What are the patterns on these elixir?" Kong Yao asked curiously, pointing to the patterns on them.

"This... this is the top grade emperor pill." The deacon said excitedly.

"Extreme Emperor Pill?" Li Hongyun and others were shocked.

Even if they don't know much about alchemy, they still know how precious top-grade alchemy is?

"It's been many years since the Alchemy Pavilion has produced top grade pills." The deacon said while looking at a guard beside him, "Hurry up and report this matter to the senior management of the Alchemy Pavilion."

The guard bowed and left.

Soon the owner of the Alchemy Pavilion, Mo Yunfeng, and several elders rushed here.

They immediately saw the nine top grade pills suspended in mid-air.

"It's really the best pill."

"I have always felt that Di Dan does not have the level of the best."

"Heavenly genius."

During the heated discussion among the senior officials of the Alchemy Pavilion, Mo Yunfeng looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said, "How did you refine the best pill?"

"I've been reading in the Kung Fu Hall for the past few days." Zhao Yang said softly.

"So you're self-taught?"


"Would you like to be my student?" Li Hongyun interrupted Mo Yunfeng just as he said this, "Wait a minute."

"Li Hongyun, what are you doing here?" Mo Yunfeng looked at Li Hongyun puzzled.

"do you know who he is?"


"Zhao Yang, an array genius with the appearance of a king."

"What?" Mo Yunfeng was shocked.

He originally thought that Zhao Yang was a genius who just came out of the sky?

"Zhao Yang, are you willing to be my student?" Li Hongyun looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said.

Zhao Yang shook his head.


Zhao Yang was silent.

"Li Hongyun, don't waste your efforts in vain, who made your Zhendao Pavilion look down on people?" Mo Yunfeng said with a laugh.

Li Hongyun opened his mouth to say something, but finally fell silent.

"Zhao Yang, are you willing to be my student?" Mo Yunfeng looked at Zhao Yang with confidence and said.

"Sorry." To Mo Yunfeng's embarrassment, Zhao Yang refused again.


Mo Yunfeng was stunned.

"Can you tell me a reason?"

Zhao Yang was silent.

"It's okay, I'll wait for you to change your mind." Mo Yunfeng immediately said softly, "You have figured it out, you can come to me anytime."

After Mo Yunfeng, Li Hongyun and others left, Zhao Yang and Kong Yao also left the examination room.

"Why did you refuse?" Kong Yao asked puzzled.

"First, I am the suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect, but I worship the master of the Zhendao Pavilion and the Alchemy Pavilion of the Qin Palace as my teacher. This is a blow to the reputation of the Yanhuang Sect; second, I know the sect of the Qin Palace well. The ground is not deep, so I don't want to rashly get too involved with this sect; thirdly, there are a lot of experience and notes in the practice halls of both Zhendao Pavilion and Alchemy Pavilion. Don't care about them; fourth, their array level and alchemy level are the same."

Kong Yao still felt normal when she heard the front, but after hearing the fourth point, she looked at Zhao Yang and her expression changed.

What did Zhao Yang say?

He said that's the level of the masters of Zhendao Pavilion and Alchemy Pavilion?

How crazy must Zhao Yang be to say such a thing?

But when she thought about Zhao Yang's qualifications, she couldn't say anything?

"By the way, can you sell us some of the Podi Pills you refined?" Kong Yao asked softly.

"The materials that your Kong family is going to refine, I will help your Kong family refine them." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Really?" Kong Yao asked in surprise.


"How do you charge for refining?"

"How did Tianwaitian collect it?"

"Generally speaking, the other party will give us a elixir after the medicinal materials we are going to refine. In addition, we need to pay a certain amount of Diye."

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