Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1151 Yin-Yang Formation


How could Zhao Yang not hear the threat in the fifth elder's words?

Does Zhao Yang just care?

Kong Yao tugged at Zhao Yang's sleeve, and she signaled Zhao Yang not to confront the Fifth Elder.

"This is your freedom." What Kong Yao didn't expect was that Zhao Yang would say this.

"You..." Fifth Elder looked at Zhao Yang angrily.

Zhao Yang opened the classics at this time and continued to read.

The fifth elder snorted coldly, turned and left.

And when he left the Kung Fu Hall, the fifth elder looked at Yu Xiaowei beside him and said, "You put down your words in my name, Zhao Yang contradicted me in public today, if anyone accepts him as a student, he will not give me face .”

Yu Xiaowei bit her lip and said, "If this is the case, Zhao Yang will be ruined."

"He needs to pay the price for his arrogance." Fifth Elder said coldly.

Gongfa Temple.

"The fifth elder has an extreme personality, you really offended her this time." Kong Yao sighed softly.

"It doesn't matter." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"Do you know that if the Fifth Elder puts down his words, no elder will accept you as a student in the future?" Kong Yao said worriedly.


Looking at Zhao Yang as if nothing happened, what else could Kong Yao say?

It didn't take long for Kong Yao to discover that many monks came to the third floor of the Gongfa Hall to see Zhao Yang.

"Is this guy Zhao Yang who offended the Fifth Elder?"

"What is this guy thinking? He actually refused the invitation of the Fifth Elder?"

"Now that the fifth eldest husband is open to talk, who else will accept him as a student in the future?"

"Several elders have put down their words and will never accept him as a student."

"This guy won't be able to get along in Zhendao Pavilion, and he won't be able to get along in Qin Palace in the future."

When Kong Yao heard the discussion of those disciples, he became more worried.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

After a week passed like this, Zhu Xiaohan came here today.

"Kong Yao, I heard that your friend offended the Fifth Elder?" Zhu Xiaohan said with a smile.

"Zhu Xiaohan, do you want to die?" Kong Yao wanted to slap Zhu Xiaohan.

"Maybe you didn't know that your friend was banned by the Fifth Elder?" Zhu Xiaohan was so happy seeing Kong Yao's anger.

"Banned? Just her?" Zhao Yang stood up at this moment, "Do you think she is worthy?"

"What did you say?" Zhu Xiaohan asked deliberately when he saw Zhao Yang scolding the Fifth Elder.

"Kong Yao, take me to the examination room."

"To the examination room?" Kong Yao was stunned.

"I want to conduct the formation test on the third level of the Emperor's Realm." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"What? You want to challenge by stepping up?" Kong Yao exclaimed.

You must know that only the king is qualified to challenge beyond the ranks!

"I've been reading the classics here for a week, what do you think it's for?" Zhao Yang asked with a slight smile.

"Are you sure you can challenge now?"

"no problem."

"Then let's go there now." Kong Yao said excitedly.

Kong Yao also wanted to witness a miracle.

At this time, Zhu Xiaohan didn't care about the cynicism anymore, because if Zhao Yang succeeded in the challenge, the fifth elder's ban would be a joke.

examination room!

Zhao Yang came to the place where he registered for the exam and handed over his identity token.

"What's the matter?" asked the deacon at the door.


"Your realm is the second heaven of the emperor realm?"


"You want to step up the challenge?"

"is it not OK?"

"It's okay, it's just...?"

"Then register for me." Zhao Yang interrupted him.

The deacon had no choice but to register Zhao Yang's identity information.

And when Zhao Yang walked into the examination room, the deacon passed the news on, and soon everyone in the Dao Pavilion knew about Zhao Yang's challenge.

"Is this kid so crazy?"

"Challenge by leaps and bounds? How many years has there been such a thing in our Zhendao Pavilion?"

"There's nothing wrong with stepping up the challenge, the important thing is whether you can pass it or not?"

"Go and see, don't you know?"

Soon several elders from Zhendao Pavilion arrived at the examination room.

At this time, it was the Ninth Elder of Zhendao Pavilion who was in charge of the assessment.

"Why are you here?" Ninth Elder was a young and prudent man. When he saw the Eighth Elder, Seventh Elder, Sixth Elder, Fifth Elder, Fourth Elder, Third Elder, and Second Elder, he asked in astonishment.

"The kid you want to assess is going to fight across the ranks." The third elder, half-grey at the temples, pointed at Zhao Yang with a smile.

"Whether you can succeed or not is still the same thing?" Ninth Elder said disapprovingly.

"Please come up with a question." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Elder Ninth selected a set of unopened examination questions, "The assessment of the third test is the same as the previous two tests. You need to complete this paper within an hour. By the way, you can only pass if you score more than [-] points in the test. "

Zhao Yang nodded.

After he took the paper, he started to write in a hurry.

The elders present were all stunned.

If they didn't know that the Ninth Elder would not be able to cheat for personal gain, they even felt that Zhao Yang knew the answer in advance.

After about 10 minutes, Zhao Yang stood up and said, "I'm done."

There was a look of astonishment on the face of the Ninth Elder, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

The Ninth Elder took Zhao Yang's examination paper and compared the answers one by one.

"There seems to be nothing wrong."

"Are you all right?"

"Full score."

"I heard that he also got full marks in the first and second written tests."

"This guy's understanding of the lane is just as good as it gets."

"After the exam, whether he passed the exam or not, I will accept him as a student."

"I've already seen him, okay?"

The fifth elder's face darkened, and he found that several elders present showed great interest in Zhao Yang.

This is not what she wants to see.

After a while, the Ninth Elder confirmed that Zhao Yang's examination paper was full marks.

He looked at Zhao Yang's face full of shock, "Zhao Yang, I will draw a formation right away." As he spoke, the Ninth Elder drew a formation.

When the Ninth Elder detained the formation in the formation plate, the faces of many elders changed.

"It turned out to be a yin-yang formation."

"The difficulty of the Yin-Yang formation is very high."

"The Yin-Yang formation can be ranked among the top three in the assessment."

The Ninth Elder did not expect to draw such a difficult formation.

"Elders, do you want to change to another formation?" Elder Ninth hesitated for a while and said, "This formation is a bit harsh for the examiners."

"Whatever you get is what you get?" Fifth Elder said abruptly before many elders said anything, "This is the rule of the examination room and cannot be changed casually."

"That's what I said, but..." the second elder said after thinking about it.

"Second Elder, you are fair in dealing with things." Fifth Elder said in a strange way.

"No need, that's all." Zhao Yang said at this time, "What are the rules for the assessment?"

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