The words of the blue-shirted youth were really insulting.

"Kong Yao, can you hit someone here?" Zhao Yang looked at Kong Yao beside him and asked.

"Fighting is prohibited in the Qin Palace." Kong Yao said hastily.

Zhao Yang's eyes flickered, "The reason why you provoke me is because you think Kong Yao is getting close to me?" At this point, Zhao Yang put his arms around Kong Yao's slender waist, "What can you do to me? ?”

Kong Yao's delicate body trembled, and his face turned slightly red.

But there was no resistance.

"You... let go of Kong Yao." The blue-shirted youth said with a gloomy expression.

"If you say let it go, let it go?" Zhao Yang sniffed Kong Yao's hair lightly at this point, "Do you know what her hair smells like?"

"I'm going to kill you." The blue shirt youth roared and rushed towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang immediately pushed Kong Yao away.


The blue shirt youth punched Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang fell towards the distance like a falling kite, and the moment he fell to the ground, Zhao Yang forced out a mouthful of blood.

His face became extremely pale.

"You are so brave, you dare to do something in Qin Palace?" Zhao Yang pointed to the blue-shirted youth and said, "Don't you take Palace Master Qin seriously?" Following Zhao Yang's voice, he patrolled nearby A group of soldiers hurried over.

The leading soldier took a look at Zhao Yang's appearance, and then his eyes fell on the young man in blue shirt and his group.

"Who moved the hand?" A soldier asked with a sullen face.

Everyone retreated one after another, only the blue-shirted youth stayed where he was.

"This kid humiliated me, so I did it as a last resort." The blue-shirted youth said hastily.

The identity of the blue shirt youth is noble, but where is it?

Qin Gong ah!

Qin Gong will not give him face.

"So you did it?" the soldier said with a cold look.

"As I said, there is a reason for the incident." The blue-shirted youth said hastily.

"Shooting is strictly prohibited in the Qin palace. If everyone is like you, the Qin palace will not be a mess." The soldier snapped, "Are you going to catch him without a fight or wait for us to make a move?"

There was a look of struggle in the eyes of the blue shirt youth.

He is confident that these soldiers are not his opponents. The question is, does he dare to attack these soldiers?

"I'll catch it without a fight." After a while, the blue-shirted youth said bitterly.

Two soldiers stepped forward and put shackles on him.

After the shackles were added, the blue-shirted youth looked at Zhao Yang with cold eyes and said, "This matter is not over."

"Will Qin Gong protect the safety of the scholars?" Zhao Yang stood up with Kong Yao's support at this time, he asked a little weakly.


"The assailant is still threatening me in your face after attacking me just now. I want to know how Qin Gong should deal with this situation?" Zhao Yang looked at the soldier and said.

"Usually one to three years of confinement would be imposed in the Qin Palace. Since this man shows no signs of repentance and speaks outrageous words, the Qin Palace will imprison him for five years."

"Is it just five years of confinement?" Zhao Yang said with some dissatisfaction, "Shouldn't such an assailant be refused forever to come to Qin Palace?"

The face of the blue-shirted youth suddenly turned green.


Do you want to kill them all?

"I will explain this matter to the head of the Law Enforcement Hall. I don't know whether the head will give the sentence like this." The soldier thought for a while and said.

The blue-shirted youth gritted his teeth and looked at Zhao Yang, but this time he learned to be smart and didn't say anything.

After that group of soldiers escorted the blue-shirted youth away, Zhao Yang was no longer weak, nor was his face pale anymore, "What's the origin of that guy?"

"Su Family Su Chenglong."

"Where's the Su family?"

"The strength of the Su family is similar to that of the Kong family." Kong Yao said softly, "Su Chenglong has been pursuing me all these years, and I didn't expect to cause trouble for you."

"Being irritated casually, such a guy is hard to become a master." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "Let's go to Zhendao Pavilion."

"Okay." Kong Yao nodded.

After the two left, the remaining young people were stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"He seems to be faking it."

"Isn't this guy too shameless?"

"Shameless? Su Chenglong's angry blow, not everyone can block it?"

"This guy's strength is far above Su Chenglong. If you don't want to cause trouble, you'd better not discuss him casually."

Dao Pavilion!

When Kong Yao brought Zhao Yang to Zhendao Pavilion, he found that several young men and women were testing their talents in arrays.

I saw a fat baby girl standing on top of an octagonal array.

He closed his eyes.

Gradually one corner of the star lit up, followed by the second, third, fourth...

When the fifth one lit up, the monks present showed shock on their faces.

"All five stars are lit up."

"Her formation talent will be able to refine the formation of the fifth heaven of the emperor's realm in the future."

"Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm, I'm so envious."

After reaching the Emperor Realm, no matter whether it is alchemy, formation or tool, it is no longer determined by your cultivation base.

There are a lot of third-level emperors who can only refine the first-level pills of the emperor's realm?

This situation abounds.

Of course, there is no one in the first level of the emperor's realm who can refine the elixir of the third level of the emperor's realm?

Your cultivation has played a certain role, but it is no longer a decisive role.

"Are you willing to be my student?" A middle-aged man asked with burning eyes after the fat baby girl stepped off the octagonal array.

"Wang Yifan, do you think it's suitable for you to teach girls?" Just after the middle-aged man's voice fell, a middle-aged woman in a loose robe came over, "Student, if you let me be your teacher, I will definitely give you my all!" Give it to you."

"The strength of these two formations is not as good as mine." A bearded uncle came out of the hall, "If you follow me, I will teach you the most advanced formation technique."

"Look at his slovenly appearance, are you sure you want to learn from such sloppy?" The middle-aged woman snorted coldly.

The chubby girl looked at the uncle and shivered uncontrollably, "Well... I should learn from this teacher?" She also felt that it would be better to learn from a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman touched her head in satisfaction, "In the future, you will definitely not regret your choice today."

Seeing that the girl chose her teacher, the other two men looked at each other, and they both saw annoyance in each other's eyes.

"I didn't expect this girl to alarm the elders of Zhendao Pavilion." Kong Yao muttered at this time.

"What's the level of the elders in Zhendao Pavilion?" Zhao Yang asked curiously.

"The first middle-aged man to appear is the Sixth Elder, the second middle-aged woman to appear is the Fifth Elder, and the third bearded one is the Fourth Elder. Their array cultivation bases are all in the fifth heaven."

"It's just the fifth heaven." Zhao Yang frowned.

To be honest, Zhao Yang really doesn't like Wuchongtian.

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