

The three princesses and the head of the Kong family were more aggressive this time than before.

And the patriarch of the scorpion clan no longer had the power to resist.

It is losing ground.

After dozens of moves, he was killed by the three princesses.

The third princess, the patriarch of the Scorpion Clan, was relieved to see it turn into pieces.

The head of the Kong family looked at the third princess and his expression changed. He was shocked by the strength of the third princess. He had a faint feeling that the skills that the third princess practiced were definitely the existence of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm. Otherwise, it would be impossible for her to have such a strong fighting power?

At the same time, the head of the Kong family was also worried about the strength of Zhao Yang's background?

If he was not mistaken just now, what Zhao Yang used was the battleship of the Fifth Heaven of the Emperor Realm.

There are no battleships of this level on King Planet?

But according to what Zhao Yang said, he came from his homeland. The question is, does his homeland have warships of this level?

Zhao Yang cheated him?

Is it so necessary?

The perplexed head of the Kong family came to Zhao Yang and said, "Young Master Zhao, there are not many emperors in the Scorpion Clan now, but the Scorpion Clan has a large number of properties. Do you think we can help these properties?"

Zhao Yang refused, "I'm not interested in these industries."

"If I remember correctly, Mr. Zhao said that you came from your hometown?"

"Yes." Zhao Yang looked at the head of the Kong family in puzzlement and said.

"Then you must have brought many human races from your homeland, right?" the head of the Kong family asked.


"They definitely need a habitat, and the habitat of the Scorpion Clan is very suitable." The words of the head of the Kong family made Zhao Yang's eyes light up.

"How big is the habitat of the Scorpion Clan?" Zhao Yang asked hurriedly.

"The scorpion clan controls a radius of one million kilometers, and there is no problem with the breath of billions of monks." The head of the Kong family said.

"Millions of kilometers?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"Only king-level forces here are qualified to control tens of millions of territory." The head of the Kong family explained, "So as long as you don't have the existence of the seventh heaven of the emperor's realm, then the territory must not break this boundary."

"We just directly seized the territory of the Scorpion Clan. Will other forces intervene?"

"You have Ms. Chanjuan in charge here, other forces won't be so short-sighted." The head of the Kong family said softly, "In short, I think this is a very good opportunity."

"Then we have to get help from Lao Kong's family in the early stage." Zhao Yang thought for a while and replied.

Zhao Yang never thought of finding a habitat so quickly.

But since the head of the Kong family had mentioned it, Zhao Yang felt that it was a good choice to be here.

"This is what it should be." Speaking of which, the head of the Kong family looked at Kong Yao and said, "Kong Yao, you brought [-] soldiers from the Kong family to assist Mr. Zhao in controlling the Scorpion Clan in the early stage."

"Okay, patriarch." Kong Yao said with a smile.

Then Kong Yao selected [-] soldiers.

Zhao Yang summoned 100 million soldiers from the Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, 100 million soldiers from the Pure Yang Sect, [-] soldiers from the Heavenly Court, [-] soldiers from the Taisui lineage, and [-] soldiers from the Sky Palace from the small world.

It also includes dozens of emperors.

Seeing so many soldiers summoned by Zhao Yang, the Kong family showed shock on their faces.

They found that the aura of these soldiers was even stronger than that of their Kong Family soldiers.

You have to know how many years the Kong family has been established, and there is also the guidance of the sixth heaven of the emperor's realm. Zhao Yang is just an aborigine from his homeland, how could he have such a strong lineup.

The head of the Kong family was originally worried that Zhao Yang would not be able to control the scene, but when he saw that Zhao Yang had summoned such elite soldiers, he was relieved.

At this time, there are only a few powerful emperors of the Scorpion Clan, and the cultivation base of these few is not very high, so the Heavenly Court quickly snatched the territory of the Scorpion Clan.

The ancestral home of the Scorpion Clan.

At this time, he was being transformed by the soldiers of the Heavenly Court.

Lin Caihan said softly, "The territory of the Scorpion Clan is far smaller than ours, but I noticed that this territory is very prosperous, and various high-level resources abound, even some imperial resources."

"Yes, the laws of heaven here are more perfect than ours, and our upper limit will be further broken here." Fairy Mingyue said slowly.

"230 million soldiers have been stationed in various cities, but to completely control a territory of one million kilometers, I think at least 800 million are needed." Xu Huier began to say after a moment of pondering.

"800 million is not a problem." Zhao Yang looked at Xu Huier and said, "We will summon another 600 million soldiers from the small world later, and we must firmly control the ancestral family of the Scorpion Clan."

"There is still one very important matter." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone looked at Lin Caihan.

"The four branches of Yanhuang Chamber of Commerce, Chunyangzong, Tianting and Cangqiong are very independent from each other." Lin Caihan glanced at the audience and said, "And if we still maintain the previous state after we come here If so, there will be problems sooner or later.”

"You mean...?" Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan.

"The four major forces need to be integrated into one family." Lin Caihan said slowly, "Of course, each of the four forces has its own advantages."

Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In this way, you can come up with a plan."

Integrating the four major forces is no joke.

There are too many aspects involved in this.

Taichang pondered for a while and then said, "Heavenly Emperor, what about our Taisui lineage?"

Too often found that Lin Caihan did not put the Tai Sui lineage in the integrated team.

"The Taisui lineage is the protector of the heavenly beasts, and your lineage has great independence." Lin Caihan said at this time.

Having a lot of independence means that you can control it yourself, and of course Xianting will not invest too many resources in you.

How often can't understand Lin Caihan's subtext.

"Our Tai Sui lineage has been loyal to the Heavenly Court all these years." Tai Chang hurriedly said.

"The Heavenly Court did not forget your merits and virtues back then, and we will not forget your merits and virtues now." Lin Caihan said with a slight smile, "There were four guardian immortal beasts in the Heavenly Courts back then, but now there is only one of you, so your status is unique. .”

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

It is impossible for Lin Caihan not to consider this point, in fact, Tianting also did the same back then.

The Tai Sui group can give high status, but they cannot give the same resources to the disciples of the heavenly court.

Taichang heard this and looked at Zhao Yang as if asking for help.

"Too often, Heavenly Court will not treat your Tai Sui lineage badly." Zhao Yang said solemnly.

Tai often heard this and knew that Zhao Yang would not agree to grant the official status of the Taisui lineage.

Ruoxi hesitated for a moment and looked at Zhao Yang.

Ruoxi wanted to plead with Zhao Yang for Tai Sui's lineage, but was stopped by Bi Luo's eyes.

"The Tai Sui lineage must never obtain the same status as the other ministries of the Heavenly Court." Bi Luo said through voice transmission.

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